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- Finally reply to PMs on here. I'm sorry - especially to Schwaltzvald

- Cut down on drinking

- Not be sick anymore

- Quit smoking

- Take the dog out more

- Paint some more pictures and hang them up

- Make another OCR mix CD for jamming out too

- Delete unneccessary files on computer

- Repair my older brother's NES

- Repair my little sister's computer

- Get awesome tattoo on center of chest

- Quit cursing so much

That's a lot of stuff and I do not feel very motivated anymore.


1. Drive home from work

2. Re-build Puzzle game engine

3. Finish new online portfolio

4. Finish Code Design doc for new platformer engine

5. Find a new job before the layoffs come in May.


Today I did a very big thing that isn't on my list. I did some drum recording for my band. We're gonna make a short album. About 25 minutes. We had SO many freaking problems too man! The first one simply being that there was NO place to park and thus, didn't get into the studio until like 20 minutes late. Had just that one thing not happened we could have finished everything we had planned, but unfortunately the 5th and final song only got half done. So now we have to borrow ALL those freaking mics again just record that one song. Oh well. That's how it goes. But he did a great job playing those beats so I'm can't really say that I'm not stoked. ^_^_^


1. Find a way to make the hours at work pass quicker without actually doing anything to make them pass quicker

2. It's been mentioned already - Fill out the fricken fafsa AGAIN.

3. Apply for more scholarships.

4. sleep. A lot.

5. Fight my chronic addiction to Warcraft III.

6. Buy a decent mic and at least attempt to get something posted here.

7. Actually make some money (yeah, objective 6 is goin nowhere...).

8. Get a MacBook that doesn't come from my dreams...

9. Get a non-pathetic electric guitar.

10. Submit to next months FAC.

11. Force myself to stop posting in the God thread.

12. Gradually force myself to stop posting in PPR forever.

13. Make a new Sig.

14. Stop being frustrated about how my life has gone absolutely nowhere for the past 6 months.

15. Make some new friends. This is harder than it sounds...

1. Find a way to make the hours at work pass quicker without actually doing anything to make them pass quicker

2. It's been mentioned already - Fill out the fricken fafsa AGAIN.

3. Apply for more scholarships.

4. sleep. A lot.

5. Fight my chronic addiction to Warcraft III.

6. Buy a decent mic and at least attempt to get something posted here.

7. Actually make some money (yeah, objective 6 is goin nowhere...).

8. Get a MacBook that doesn't come from my dreams...

9. Get a non-pathetic electric guitar.

10. Submit to next months FAC.

11. Force myself to stop posting in the God thread.

12. Gradually force myself to stop posting in PPR forever.

13. Make a new Sig.

14. Stop being frustrated about how my life has gone absolutely nowhere for the past 6 months.

15. Make some new friends. This is harder than it sounds...

I've found the easiest way to stop doing something, whether it's visiting a website, playing a game, or something else is to shut yourself off from those things cold turkey.

Just saying, cause it seems you need to "stop" a lot of stuff, and most people I have observed are more successful at it when they just stop rather than trying to ease off of something, if they try to go the weening route so the speak, they're way more likely to never actually stop.

I've found the easiest way to stop doing something, whether it's visiting a website, playing a game, or something else is to shut yourself off from those things cold turkey.

Just saying, cause it seems you need to "stop" a lot of stuff, and most people I have observed are more successful at it when they just stop rather than trying to ease off of something, if they try to go the weening route so the speak, they're way more likely to never actually stop.

Hmmm, good point, especially concerning PPR. Other things on my list are less of a "get rid of" and more of "put em in their place" kinda deal, which carries much more relativity and a greater possibility of indecisiveness...

Thanks bro/sis (idk lulz)

1. Find a way to make the hours at work pass quicker without actually doing anything to make them pass quicker

2. It's been mentioned already - Fill out the fricken fafsa AGAIN.

3. Apply for more scholarships.

4. sleep. A lot.

5. Fight my chronic addiction to Warcraft III.

6. Buy a decent mic and at least attempt to get something posted here.

7. Actually make some money (yeah, objective 6 is goin nowhere...).

8. Get a MacBook that doesn't come from my dreams...

9. Get a non-pathetic electric guitar.

10. Submit to next months FAC.

11. Force myself to stop posting in the God thread.

12. Gradually force myself to stop posting in PPR forever.

13. Make a new Sig.

14. Stop being frustrated about how my life has gone absolutely nowhere for the past 6 months.

15. Make some new friends. This is harder than it sounds...

I feel your pain about the fafsa. I had to fill it out like 5 times too. But I find that the dread of thinking about doing it is greater than that of actually doing it. In fact, a lot of things are like that. Don't feel bad about 6 months man. Some people feel like their lives haven't gone anywhere for years yo. If you want it, then there's not better reason to get a new sig, but I personally love the current one. (AC fan)

If there's some kind of community center or a place that has something in the way of different kinds of clubs, you could probably make a whole new group of friends yo. There's a community center in my town and there are all kinds groups there. Drama, Foreign language, music, all kinds. WAIT A MINUTE! You're a college student! Is there not a plethora of clubs to choose from at your school? I went to itsy bitsy teenie weenie University of Hawaii at Hilo, and they had quite a few.

As for myself. UWAAA! I took like several steps backwards yesterday. My recording yesterday is not quite the quality I hoped for so I wanna redo it. I also recorded some vocals for like 3 different songs and I've realized that my rap voice is just not that cool. I love my lyrics though &_&. But I probably have to redo those too. ARRRGH! We'll see what the boss of thatsong thinks.

WAIT A MINUTE! You're a college student! Is there not a plethora of clubs to choose from at your school? I went to itsy bitsy teenie weenie University of Hawaii at Hilo, and they had quite a few.

Actually, it's a weird story... I was gonna end up enrolling last fall, but couldn't pay for it cuz some scholarships didn't work... So I've been working these last few semesters. I'm pretty sure I'll be going to USF this fall, so maybe things'll open up there.

As for myself. UWAAA! I took like several steps backwards yesterday. My recording yesterday is not quite the quality I hoped for so I wanna redo it. I also recorded some vocals for like 3 different songs and I've realized that my rap voice is just not that cool. I love my lyrics though &_&. But I probably have to redo those too. ARRRGH! We'll see what the boss of thatsong thinks.

Story of my recording life. Nothing ever fits my expectations, so nothing gets done :puppyeyes:


  1. Make a list for every single memorable video game quote ever.
  2. Do a barrel roll.
  3. Do a rick roll.
  4. Do a duck roll.
  5. Do a katamari roll.


  1. Do my homework.
  2. Work on ZCURPG to make up for the lack of updates (that'll never happen).
  3. Write an overdue episode of RZCU, be it a main storyline one or just some side stuff.
  4. Stop sucking while playing the clarinet (and start blowing?).
  5. Eat cake (eldest brother's birthday).
  6. Write a frigin' story (haven't done that in a while) about a bunch of stereotypical characters doing nontypical things. Let's call them idiots.
  7. Pull up a thread regarding what "it" is.

And now for my motivational efforts for you all.


Get a life. You'll find those in the Mushroom Kingdom.

1. Wrestle with lack of self esteem

2. Identify current projects as antidote to self-loathing

3. Post current projects to internet message board as cry for attention

4. Marinate in existential dread

5. Send demos to Shael Riley

6. Call Shael at 2am PST, angrily inquire about lack of response

7. Drink

8. Email poems written in college to last known address of ex-girlfriend

9. Puke in roommates' bathroom

10. Continue to drink

11. Wake up in own sick

12. Pick up application from Applebee's

I think someone needs a hug. :puppyeyes:



-Buy food.

-Not hate myself.

-Create a "how to" video in flash.

-Create a website for the Google sketch-up math applications class.

-Get town zoning laws, and ordinances.

-Unravel "Braid".

-Plan revenge.



Yeah, I've got the account there, and advertise and such, but it doesn't really go far. XD I've only gotten one person there to commission from me. Granted they give me most of my 'business', but otherwise commissions/prints/etc. there is a flop. :s

DA is a hard place to really get noticed, considering the numbers there.

A new one for my 'list'.


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