LuketheXjesse Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 1. Lower time spent on OCR daily.2. increase time spent playing guitar/bass daily. 3. Watch what I eat. 4. Manage my money better (because every time I see some album in Best Buy OMG WTF IS THIS QUEENSRŸCHE MUST BUY) 5. Get those Avenged Sevenfold tabs 7. Talk to that babe in economics class 8. Learn how to use FruityLoops or Reaper (or whatever else ) Today's Goal: Record a WIP for the Seiken Densetsu 3 project - or tommorow Some of you mentioned spending less time playing video games. To be fair this isn't a problem for me I just don't feel like 'em anymore. (Save for RE5 and SFIV) lol that wip hasn't even been started yet Anyway, OCR time is much lowered and I play guitar like 2-6 hours a day so that's going well. I certainly eat better. Managing, I guess. Avenged Sevenfold tabs I'm not bothering with, playing scales now. Not sure if I care about that babe anymore...and Reaper I'm really good at now, so all is well. Still too lazy to learn how to use FL though... Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 I want a hug too! /has a history of screaming things out hours and days after certain things happen. Literally. Not joking. You should've been there. You would've shit your pants. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 6. Practice keyboards and vocals for band This was actually followed by recording four songs in our rehearsal room. A friend of mine set up a couple of mics and recorded us, and yesterday night we edited/mixed/mastered the stereo track. So that was actually a bigger item than that and now it's done. Feels good. I'll probably post the stuff in the non-ReMix WIP forum later on. --Eino Quote
Dj Mokram Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 I think we all have a list of things we'd like to get done in the back of our minds. So let's post those lists and help each other get productive. We can edit our posts to keep them updated and hopefully they'll get smaller and smaller. That's a wonderful idea! But I'm afraid I would fill an entire page with my sole VGM related 'to do list'. Let alone my life objectives. Not that I'm that busy, but I have a tendency to split thing into thousands of tiny other things & so on... So I'm gonna step down quietly, and remember what the great sage CHIPP D used to say: 1- LET'S DO IT! Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Well l have just finished doing some painting other art stuff for a assignment thats due in three hours. Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted April 8, 2009 Author Posted April 8, 2009 So how's everyone doing here? Did we actually accomplish some of the things we set out to do, or are we using this thread to whine about how busy we are? I've done a few of them so far. I got my taxes done and I planted some strawberries. I almost finished half of one of the things on my list. I've made headway on modeling my building (google sketchup). l have just finished doing some painting other art stuff for a assignment thats due in three hours. Everyone's making progress. That is good. I think the Donkey Kong Country remix ought to be my next goal. That's a wonderful idea! But I'm afraid I would fill an entire page with my sole VGM related 'to do list'. Let alone my life objectives. Not that I'm that busy, but I have a tendency to split thing into thousands of tiny other things & so on... So I'm gonna step down quietly, and remember what the great sage CHIPP D used to say: Thanks for the proponents. I'm a sage now! Hahaha. Why don't you try posting a list as an exercise in combining small tasks into a few number of large ones? Quote
Dj Mokram Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 Why don't you try posting a list as an exercise in combining small tasks into a few number of large ones? Wakarimashita CHIPP Sensei! Mind you, I left the "in 6 month / this summer / before christmas / in 10 years from now" categories out for now. VGM-related 'to do' list: #This month (april 2009): - Brush up my skills by entering compos Done - Start learning about mastering Done - Learn about image editing & try making some banners Done - Make some progress on projects WIPs Done - Do some sketches for new Dynamite Headdy remixes! Done - Review some OC remixes & give WIP feedback Done #This week (april 6-12): - Donate to OCR Done - Start a new Dynamite Headdy remix Done - Continue fixing issues in my projects' WIPs Done - Enter OHC030 if possible wasn't possible Quote
Gario Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 Seriously...-Finish my GRE -Buy a new computer that isn't complete crap (Completed!) -Get together a proper portfolio for others to listen to -Get into a respectable grad program like USC Woo! That's one down, three to go! Now I might actually be able to invest in programs and hardware, so my list has changed a little... -Finish my GRE (Working on it now...) -Buy a new computer that isn't complete crap (Completed!) -Buy Sibelius 5 (or whatever the newest version is by the time I get it) -Upgrade to Reason 4 -Get some studio headphones -Get some studio speakers -Get together a proper portfolio for others to listen to -Get into a respectable grad program like USC Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted April 10, 2009 Posted April 10, 2009 This Month: Get the general rank in killzone 2 Install digital performer again Sleep more Be more productive with time Post more on ocremix Get together with friends more This should keep me busy for a while. Quote
Battousai Posted April 10, 2009 Posted April 10, 2009 This Month:Get the general rank in killzone 2 Install digital performer again Sleep more Be more productive with time Post more on ocremix Get together with friends more This should keep me busy for a while. Is it just me, or is all your list in conflict with itself? I've been avoiding posting in this thread for fear that I might be productive. I must overcome that fear. - Finish payroll forms for substitute teaching - Search for second job, part-time or full-time - Read the books I bought from the bookstore two weeks back - in progress - - Start the weekly writing club I have talked about with my friends the past two months - Finalize birthday plans Small list, start small, work my way up. All manageable goals in the short-term. Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted April 10, 2009 Posted April 10, 2009 Is it just me, or is all your list in conflict with itself? . Really l had know ldea:shock: My bad. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 To Do - Lose 100 pounds - Get a girlfriend - Decide where I'm going to go to school next semester - Thinking about staying at UNMVC for one more semester and finishing up some core stuff before transfering - Decide whether I really want a Computer Science degree or not - Finish college - Get a job - Fix my Ibanez electric guitar - Fix my Wurlitzer electric piano - Finish filling out CD informations for cdbaby - Mail 5 CDs to cdbaby - Start work on next album - Stop wasting what little free time I have on pointless crap - Figure out how to move out of here without getting a shitty part time job (never again, Wal-mart, never again) - Figure out why I have writer's block all the damn time anymore - Finish more songs - Finish more remixes (and submit them) - Go back to keeping a daily journal - Make more time to practice keyboards, guitars, songwriting in general - Figure out a way to write down ideas I come up with while driving or in the shower - Clean my bathroom - Clean my bedroom - Go through my closet and throw out about 90% of the clothes and shit in there - Quit smoking - Smoked a cigarette today (4/19/09) - Drink more - Fix my bed - Learn Spanish better - Learn Japanese (yeah yeah) - Find a way to come up with more monies on the side without doing shitty part time work (never again, Wal-mart, never again) - Use said moneys to make Supra awesomer - Call Performance Auto Monday to get estimates on Supra stuff - Done. $1380 - Come up with $1380 to get car work done - Pull engine from Superbeetle - Pull engine from Baja - Put engine from Superbeetle in Baja - Sell Superbeetle + Baja engine for parts - Bitch at dad until he completes repairs on Trooper - Finish Donkey Kong Country 2 WIP - Finish Shining Force WIP - Finish Shantae WIP - Finish Live-A-Live WIP - Finish Terranigma WIP - Finish Ninja Gaiden WIP - Finish Cardmaster WIP - Write a song for SoL - Got some ideas down on paper - Record song for SoL - Finish SoL - Study on general production - Wish I could EQ/Master properly Done - Learn to EQ/Master using spectrographs and oscilloscopes and whatever - Wish there was a god so I could pray to him/her/it and miraculously have my ears healed - "Convert" to Buddhism - Write more songs for REX concept album - Got two new concepts down in mp3 form (thank you compos) - Finish REX concept album - Discover the secret to being a white rapper - Ask Sam about vocal lessons - Write like 200 missing writeups for ReMix:ThaSauce - Help Doug work on mobile ThaSauce and ThaSauce 3.0 - Learn PHP better - Learn CSS - Come up with some kind of long term programming project - Use spare time to program said project (srsly getting rusty) - Build my dad's photography website - Build myself a website - Fix my band's terrible website - Grow a pair of balls - Figure out how to promote my band's album - Coordinate with Benjaminjafar and Gregantuan regarding summer benefit concert - Coordinate with Benjaminjafar regarding some dude's wedding??? - Race Nick (and win) - Protest the lack of broadband in rural America (they're doing better in Africa, seriously what the hell) - Do some prelim demo recording of Greg's new songs - Progress: 3 songs recorded - Practice songs for benefit concert - Talk with Greg regarding the old Belen hotel and converting it into a studio - Organize and fill in this to-do list - Progress: some color coding? - Make plans for QuakeCon - Gonna fly out to Houston for a while it looks like, then drive to Dallas and maybe catch a ride home from there? - Buy midi controller that doesn't suck and will fit in my laptop bag - Apologize to Diego's wife for introducing him to PorNappa the Rappa which is apparently now his favorite song - Do chapter 10.1 of Calculus (Due 4/13/09) Fail - Do chapters 10.2 and 10.3 of Calculus (Due 4/20/09) - Do all of section 3 of Physics (Due 4/28/09) - Do Homework #4 for EPS (Due 4/13/09) Done - Study for EPS Test #4 Quote
SoulinEther Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 to do list: -Be able to do that (see above) -Be able to follow through on my equivalent of that (see above) -Study for biology midterm. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 To do list GET GOOD GUITAR TONE WITH POD UX2 Fuck it is hard Quote
Maco70 Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 ♦Google sketchup model ♦community planning website ♦flash project ♦create research survey ♦philosophy paper ♦Scholarship essay ♦...forgive her Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 To Do: - Finish reading Suzumebachi's To Do list. Quote
K.B. Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 1. Buy a car. 2. Don't drive into another cow. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 VGM to do list: #This week (april 13-19): - Work on my Rockman & Forte remix Progress: Updated to v2 - Create new Dynamite Headdy arrangement due next week - Don't stop fixing issues in my projects' WIPs In progress... - Vote for OHC030 & enter OHC031 if possible Done - Finish my ORC118 entry Done - Try to come up with something for PRC144 Done - Review some OC remixes & WIPs! Done Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 1. Make a research plan for my bachelor's thesis Got this finally done, apart from a little formatting. I really dislike WYSIWYG word processing.. 2. Get a job, or at least money Well, I've sent out one (1) job application. That's not much, but I suppose it's a start. 7. Continue writing SoS crits Did two since then, million to go! 8. Start critiquing Boss Theme Project wips Really need to start this, and I think I should have the time too. 12. Practice guitar for yet another music project This one's progressed real nicely, the whole project I mean. We've got two new songs down and another without vocals last week. --Eino Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 Short Term 1.Write an essay on my partners color use and paint application 2.Write an essay on the color theory used by my assigned artist 3.Finish Illustrator Project 2 weeks ahead of the due date so I can squirrel around in class rather than do actual work. 4.Refine all my watercolor paintings for final watercolor portfolio review 5.Redraw Suicune cause people are picky after the fact 6.Draw more pokeymans in general 7.Figure out where the hell I'm going to live since after July I have no place to stay aside from shitty school dorms that I can't actually afford to pay for anyway. 8.Start actually writing the second arc of my story 8a.Start planning the final arc of my story 9.Finish that picture I started at the beginning of the semester that got lost in the surprising glut of school work 10.Finish that really hard Megaman game, since I haven't been able to play since spring break 11.Convince someone to get me some VnV Nation music for my birthday Long Term 1.Finish a complete and diverse art portfolio 2.Somehow acquire a good camera with which to document my artwork for my art portfolio 3.Find a job 4.Gain 20 pounds 4a.Start exercising regularly 5.Start drawing my story 6.Finish college 7.Get my guy and I living under the same roof more often then a few months out of the year Quote
Dj Mokram Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 VGM to do list: #This week (april 20-26): - Continue working on projects' WIPs In progress... - New DH arrangement due on friday 24 Done - Enter OHC032 if possible Wasn't possible - Try to come up with something for CMC027 Done - Improve my R&F Museum arrange In progress... - Review some more OC remixes! Done - Give some more WIP feedback Done Quote
FireSlash Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 This week: - Rewrite modular body system to add part lighting, recoloring, and allow joints to be rotated from the core - Write a complex modular entity class for bosses. - Fix ball mode physics. - Fix the lifts I broke like 20 versions ago. - Hack together some kind of object linking system that works in the map editor, so doors can be linked to lights etc - Get around to writing that zone lighting class Quote
Platinum Azure Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 Hoo boy. Today (20 April): - Finish two more Turing machines - Tweak my CentOS real-time kernel with Planet CCRMA some more until I can get shit to work This week: - Figure out if I can still pass Prob&Stats or not - Start OS - Do Networks homework - One-Hour Compo this Thursday? Within two-three weeks: - Submit WIP for Link's Awakening album? (Need to fix my audio setup first though haha) Within my lifetime: - Figure out what exactly I want to do with my life and write a to-do list. The to-do list is in progress below. - Get a decent job - Learn to teach? - Meet a nice girl - Get married? Quote
TheSnowStorm Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 Keys: LT - Long Term ST - Short Term My To-Do List: 1. Buy a MIDI-To-USB cable (ST) 2. Do one more final edit of my arrangement of Sailor Saturn's (Sailor Moon S) theme and make it to a MP3 and try to make it so I don't stop in between like I did in my original video. (hope to be ST) 3. Write down the notes for the new original song I'm working on the violin (I know the notes but I need to write them down for record keeping) (ST) 4. Submit at least one remix to OC ReMiX and Anime Remix before I die, the sites shut down, or I move (which ever comes first). (LT) 5. Make a MP3 of this arrangement for Fire Emblem fans: (And make it one step higher in making) (ST) 6. Improve on my violin skills (as in learning how to play in the 4th position and fully learn 3rd position) (S to LT) 7. Apply to Beeklee (ST within six months) 8 Join a local community college orchestra. I can do 1, 2, and 5 in little of 3-5 week since my birthday is coming soon and I am planning on getting a MIDI-To-USB cable. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 - Meet a nice girl- Get married? A lot of us need to get this done, but personally I wouldn't worry about it. I'll find an awesome chick (somewhere...) and all will be said and done. Quote
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