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My greatest shame: I never beat Link's Awakening. I got to some part where you're supposed to find some leaves or something and for the life of me I couldn't find them all and after hours and hours I finally gave up and I haven't touched the game since. That was probably 15 years ago.

My second greatest shame: I didn't beat Chrono Trigger until after the advent of practical SNES emulation (thank you ZSNES), despite actually owning the game.

i still haven't finished FFVII .. i've been at the OWA boss 3 times but everytime something has happened to either my playstation or the playstation i played on or my computer.

shame on ME

Reminds me of when I first played ff7. I got to safer sephiroth and discovered I wasn't powerful enough. I went out of north cave and leveled up for a bit. A month later, I was all set to go and beat the game when my friend took his game back. Then I deleted my save file on the memory card because I needed the space. I was too young at the time to buy it myself.


never beat Mario and Luigi: PIT. although playing all the way up to (i assume is) the final boss!

I got a gameover, started where i left off and promptly got lost, i have no idea how to get back to the boss fight. :C


My biggest shame would be that even If I already played Chrono Trigger before, I never had the chance to play ... any ... Final Fantasy games ...


:oops: I know, I know, it 's horrible !!!

My greatest shame: I never beat Link's Awakening. I got to some part where you're supposed to find some leaves or something and for the life of me I couldn't find them all and after hours and hours I finally gave up and I haven't touched the game since. That was probably 15 years ago.

Man, that part should have only taken you 5-10 minutes at worst.

including the ones that weren't released in the US)

the funny thing about this statement is that an english version of every single main-series FF has now been released in the US.

I have never finished a single Final Fantasy game. (Though I've played every single one up through 9 -- including the ones that weren't released in the US)

Now that's impressive. I can see not being interested in the series and just never bothering to play -- but starting all of them and not finishing any? Nice.

Now that's impressive. I can see not being interested in the series and just never bothering to play -- but starting all of them and not finishing any? Nice.

Thank you.

And most of them I played at least halfway through. I played FF3, FF6, FF7, FF8, and FF9 more than halfway through. And honestly I really loved 3 and 6, and thought 9 wasn't too bad -- I just never finished them.

Thank you.

And most of them I played at least halfway through. I played FF3, FF6, FF7, FF8, and FF9 more than halfway through. And honestly I really loved 3 and 6, and thought 9 wasn't too bad -- I just never finished them.

Well what types of games have you finished?

Well what types of games have you finished?

Well, let's see....

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Cross


Mario RPG

Beyond Good and Evil

Mario bros 1-3, world, yoshi's island, 64, and galaxy

DKC 1-3

Zelda LA, LttP, OoT, WW, and TP (started but never finished Zelda 1 and 2)

Prince of Persia

Beyond Good and Evil

There are probably a few games missing from this list, but I don't think there are very many.

I guess generally I tend more towards more action-y games and get bored before finishing RPGs, but obviously there are plenty of exceptions.

I never got to beat Emerald Weapon.

But not for lack of trying.

I don't think that qualifies as a 'sin', does it? It just shows that you had better things to do than try to beef your characters out past over 5 hours... Besides, it implies that you beat Ruby, right? :tomatoface:

I haven't beaten the weapons, either. Ah well, life moves on.


I haven't a clue what it's about. I've just heard of it again and again. That being said, the german subtext on Xenosaga episode 1 translates to "Beyond good and evil." According to my brother that took german. I took spanish. But now I wish I either took Greek, Japanese, or Hebrew.

I haven't a clue what it's about. I've just heard of it again and again. That being said, the german subtext* on Xenosaga episode 1 translates to "Beyond good and evil."** According to my brother that took german. I took spanish. But now I wish I either took Greek, Japanese, or Hebrew.


**Der Wille zur Macht translates to "The will to power".


Xenosaga II, however, does translate to "Beyond Good and Evil". (I think. >_>)

Let's see. I got stuck on Xenogears and Chrono Cross. I only recently beat Chrono Trigger (Lavos is DAMNED hard if you don't do all the sidequests! So when I got there the first time I was like eff this. lol).

I haven't beaten a Mega Man game of any kind. Mostly because I just suck. I've played 2 and X to the first stage in the final levels arc, but could not get past them. (Actually, wait, I did get to Wily in MM2 I think.)

*sigh* I fail.

On the other hand, I did beat FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX, though not to the point of fighting all the optional bosses or anything. But it's a good start.

I really loved FFVIII, I have to be honest. I just loved all the customizing that the junction system provided. So even though I completely sucked on my first playthrough (and yes, Ultimecia's castle did own me the first time around) I managed to get better. The funny thing for me in that game was, I never used items in battle, not once. (I practically always had Attack/Magic/Draw/GF, in that order, until I got better commands.)

Oh, never finished FFXII. Got bored with that one at about the Mosphoran Highwaste. I'm not a fan of having to go through like five different overworld areas (each huge, and each practically requiring you to grind two or three levels if you don't want to get owned further along), and in my view the story developments did not balance that flaw at all. I did like the battle system (especially Quickenings, damn but I was good at those), and I gave the game a lot of slack for that reason, But it began to wear pretty thin anyway.

I really loved FFVIII, I have to be honest. I just loved all the customizing that the junction system provided. So even though I completely sucked on my first playthrough (and yes, Ultimecia's castle did own me the first time around) I managed to get better. The funny thing for me in that game was, I never used items in battle, not once. (I practically always had Attack/Magic/Draw/GF, in that order, until I got better commands.)


except my order was






I never beaten FF7, I think it's the biggest hole in my videogame culture...

And...when I emulate something it's rare for me not to abuse of savestates, rewind and things like these...

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