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Dammit, all i could come up with was "Bad Vivi", which i don't know enough about to determine it's badness.


The couple cuddling in the lower-right hand corner creeps me out, especially with the way the girl is staring intently and accusingly at the camera.

Dammit, all i could come up with was "Bad Vivi", which i don't know enough about to determine it's badness.


Guy in lower right, thinking to himself- Just keep looking like a 'don't give a shit' badass with my kawaii girl next to me. Oh yeah... we're cool.

Woman in lower right, thinking to herself- Dragging me out to this stupid, goddamned thing. 'Put this on. You'll look cool!' he says. 'You'll have fun!' Do I look like I'm having fun you asshole? AND WHO THE FUCK'S THAT DICK TAKING MY PICTURE?!


Actually, i think she's slightly blurry because she's getting ready to get up and use that stick. I bolted though, i was already taking a picture of the Avatar: The Last Airbender trio behind me.



As I wasn't active here during unmod, I feel like I have stumbled upon the ruins of an ancient civilization or something. The first few pages have been a pretty interesting look at what things were like here, and it's interesting to see what sort of shenanigans current members were up to back then.

Plus, this thread has given me the hardest OCR related laugh yet.


I needed a timeout after that.

This one was pretty great too.


I'm looking forward to reading on.

/me is actually converting troubled mp3s from a furry radio talk show from Tazmania/Australia.

hmmm I can picture it:

Voices muffled by the fur suit:

"Hey DarkStalkerWolfEdge,what's happening in sports?"

"Well, SharpLupineShadowTracker, the cougars lost to the braves"


"I concur, however our spiritual brothers will grow better with the addition of a new player, who sadly, I must admit, is not an animal spirit, he is an otherkin... believes he's some guy called Tidus from FF12"

"Well, at least he's not a 'norm'"

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