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I don't need prizes, this site's been giving me free prizes for 7 years, they're filling my hard drive right now. How about post more mixes and we'll call it good?

I second this notion; I entered into my donation not expecting anything, and I stand by that. You guys have always done so much for the community, so I can't expect anything in return because, well, I already got so much.

Besides, I've always been of the mind that the community here on OCR is, in my experience, the best I've ever seen. Its no single thing that makes it stand out, but just the way the community can stand together like it does...I've never seen any other community like it.

So consider my donation a small thank you for staying awesome over the years. After all, many other forums I've been on have fallen to the dogs, but OCR has always stood together, strong and tall. No other place does it like OCR.


Recommendation: put that PayPal button (or corresponding link) in the first post. It took me several minutes to find it - I'm so used to seeing it in the sidebar that I didn't realize it was there. Putting it in the first post would, at the very least, make it easy on newbs; it might even draw in a few more bucks.

If this has been said before, well, then it's been said again. (tldr beyond first post)

Regardless, thanks djp, lt, and everyone else who keeps ocr alive and kicking.

Recommendation: put that PayPal button (or corresponding link) in the first post. It took me several minutes to find it - I'm so used to seeing it in the sidebar that I didn't realize it was there. Putting it in the first post would, at the very least, make it easy on newbs; it might even draw in a few more bucks.

If this has been said before, well, then it's been said again. (tldr beyond first post)

Regardless, thanks djp, lt, and everyone else who keeps ocr alive and kicking.

Well, there originally was a link to the paypal button, but I took it down when they decided to be complete idiots about the whole thing even after we had adhered to their demands. I suppose I should put it back up.


I only donated $25.00. I wish I could give more, because I absolutely love this site, the music, and the remixers.

You hear that? I LOVE you guys as only one could when drenched in psychomagnotheric slime.




Well, I've been visiting the site at least weekly since around December 2006, and figured it's a good time to give back. I donated $20; hope it helps. Thanks for the great site!



We've had over 1200 registered users visit the site this month. We currently have about 50 people on the list. That's only 4% of this month's visitors donating.

Since last April, the site has had over 6,750 registered users visit. In other words, 0.71% of the site's visitors have shown their appreciation monetarily. While I want to make it clear that by no means do we expect any of you to pay for that which we strive to make freely available here, I can only look at the figures which tell me that each person on that list is making a sacrifice for 140+ other registered users to enjoy our site's awesome content.

Q: Hey BGC, why do you keep emphasizing registered users?

A: Because, that's not even counting the loads and loads of UNREGISTERED guests that pass through here and grab our content. If any of you who are reading this happen to be an unregistered guest and think we have awesome content that we're working hard to make available to you, please consider making a small donation to help ensure our progress!

Ask yourselves, even in a poor economy (and considering all the time you've spent here or spent listening to the music here), would you really miss a mere $5 if you misplaced it? What if it was stolen? Would it bring you to your knees and bring your livelihood to ruin or utter hardship?

If you are being 100% honest with yourself, and you answered YES, then please, continue to enjoy our free comment, and we are glad to provide it to you. And instead of money, please consider showing your appreciation by reviewing some of the great tracks on here and letting the ReMixers know you appreciate their fine work!

Otherwise, if you know that you truly could do just fine without that $5 that mysteriously vanished (and if I were to wager, then I'd be willing to bet that most of us fall into this category), then you know what to do. Don't let less than 1% of the people in this community make 100% of the sacrifice.

Be true to your school. The school of ReMix.

Paypal link is above the sidebar over on the right.

You mean the left. ;-)

You can now click on all the 150+ random characters at the top right of the site to read bios on them written by 16 members of the community, organized by David "Dafydd" Hesselbom! (Thanks, guys!)

Totally. If not for OCR, I would never have learned why Dan Hibiki, Voldo, the HUnewearl, or quite a few other mascots are so unique. The Mascot Bio Project turned into quite a library of info.

In addition to dropping comments in the Reviews forum since the start of the month, I donated $30 to the goodwill of one of the most welcoming sites I've returned to time and again.

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