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Ummm...hmmm... I personally have mixed feelings on this. I would hope to preserve the integrity of the game they keep the (albeit minimal) dialogue in Japanese with a Japanese cast. And it'd be something if they could keep the dialogue minimal, too.

However, I see a problem here that would also affect the making of a good Metroid movie, and that's how the protagonists are chiefly alone throughout 99.9% of the story. Wander does not need a wise-cracking sidekick or anything of the sort - but then again, how would a movie-ized version of the game play out? Which, of course, raises the question should it be done in the first place, which also begs the question of who the target audience is and the only logical conclusion I can arrive at is NOT fans of the game.

Hmm...this'll be interesting...


Maybe if they frame the movie as a story of the girl telling a story to the horned child about his "father", and how he ended up in the forbidden land with the girl, bartered with a god, and saved her life. That way, you could keep a consistent dialouge and narration throughout, while keeping the protagonist mostly silent.


From what I've read... This looks terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible. They want to turn it into a LotR-esque movie. That would completely destroy the whole point of the game. They want to add all of the minor characters (the guys trying to find the main character) to play a much bigger role. Also, it is being written by the guy who wrote the new Streetfighter movie, The Scorpion King, and the Rundown (the latter of which i didn't think was horrible, but it certainly wasn't good).

Guh. Fuck Hollywood. Fuck them to hell.



I think this kind of story would work best played very subtly - which is hard to do properly. Of course, they'll probably find it "easier" to toss in a wacky cast and dragon-launched boulders within a hail of arrows from some bad guy empire.

Finding and fighting each colossus makes for a segmented story - chapters in the whole rather than a single arc, and that would most likely break up the flow of a film... unless we get a cheesy 80s montage of taking down all but the first and last.

Because everything's better if it's Japanian!

Only because that's part of what makes the game even better - the player having to rely on subtitles makes one feel even less connected, more alone, which plays into the isolation of the story, making it all that more effective. The only friend, only companion in the story is Agro.

Finding and fighting each colossus makes for a segmented story - chapters in the whole rather than a single arc, and that would most likely break up the flow of a film... unless we get a cheesy 80s montage of taking down all but the first and last.

I concur, but that can be gotten over...somehow... What makes the game so affecting is not just the fights, but the searching for the fights - the whole "the journey is better than the destination" thing. And also seeing Wander's slow transformation as the spirits of the colossi inhabit him.

No matter what, compromises/changes are inevitable, strictly by virtue of the differences in media - but it would take a thoughtful and intuitive (i.e.: good) storyteller to retell it in a way that would preserve the spirit of the story in the context of a film.

Personally, I think the Hollywood execs are looking at the success of the Transformers movies and are searching for new ways to spin the big beasts novelty without blatantly ripping off an established franchise. They're not complete idiots, but if this is indeed the case, they're grossly misguided.

Ummm...hmmm... I personally have mixed feelings on this. I would hope to preserve the integrity of the game they keep the (albeit minimal) dialogue in Japanese with a Japanese cast. And it'd be something if they could keep the dialogue minimal, too.

Um, what? Wander wasn't Japanese, and nobody in SotC spoke Japanese. :|

I would hope to preserve the integrity of the game they keep the (albeit minimal) dialogue in Japanese with a Japanese cast.

yeah it's not like they spoke in a fictional language created specifically for the game

and also appeared to be racially androgynous

edit: darkesword bromind high-five

weeapwnt :<



Everything is better when it's Japanian!


K...flaming ignorance of the language and ethnicities aside, I still stand by the idea of it being in a different language for the reasons stated.


The only way I see this possibly working, is if they did it like those movies done specifically to be art rather then to draw a crowd. And any speaking is done in the games language, with subtitles. (Then no matter what country it's in it'll need subtitles).

But that's not going to happen, it's going to be thoroughly maimed, warped and twisted to appeal to the main stream.


... okay I have a couple things to say..

I can get behind some Hollywood adaptations...

Cowboy Bebop? Sure. Okay. Might be a fun watch.

Akira? ... okay, I can deal.

Robotech? Sure, I love me some giant robots.

Metal Gear Solid? Okay, I can easily see that one, too.

... but Shadow of the Colossus?!?!

I can't get behind that because the experience, the world, and the solitude are all like characters in their own right, and very rarely have I ever seen Hollywood achieve that correctly.

Combine that with the people we know are involved in creating the thing, and you have one big giant rape of an excellent concept.

I'm sure they'll get the Colossus fights down right, but everything else that made SOTC what it is, they'll completely forget. If a good director was in on it, there were only two characters (excluding the horse), and there was virtually no dialogue, then I would completely be in, but ... otherwise, sorry...

... this is a rape of one of my favorite games. :( *sigh*

I swear, if it's not in that weird Latin/Japanese/English whatever the hell hybrid, made up language that was in the game... I will be pissed.

WRITING? What writing? I kid.

Shadow of the Colossus should be an animated Studio Ghibli film, not some Hollywood epic.

From what I've read... This looks terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible. They want to turn it into a LotR-esque movie. That would completely destroy the whole point of the game. They want to add all of the minor characters (the guys trying to find the main character) to play a much bigger role. Also, it is being written by the guy who wrote the new Streetfighter movie, The Scorpion King, and the Rundown (the latter of which i didn't think was horrible, but it certainly wasn't good).

Guh. Fuck Hollywood. Fuck them to hell.

Amen. On top of that they'll probably cast the kid from the DB movie to play the lead...

Absolutely wrong franchise to turn into LotR. SoTC could make an amazing movie if they found a way to keep the minimalist, isolationist atmosphere, mixed with epic battles and tragic ending. It would be the anti-Hollywood cliche movie.

If they really want to LotR, I'd gladly nominate FF IV or FF VI to be put in the hands of a capable writer and director, to see how that would play out.


Is is just me, or do video-game movies/movie video-games make absolutely NO sense?

I mean seriously, you have a movie. It goes for 1.5-3 hours and the story's done. Then you make a videogame that follows the same story, has the same ending, and doesn't really take too much longer. Why bother, right?

So why try with a game-to-movie? You have nowhere near enough time to accurately portray the entire narrative, and everyone who's played the game knows how it ends.

Seriously, my brain is melting trying to figure out who thought this up.

You have nowhere near enough time to accurately portray the entire narrative, and everyone who's played the game knows how it ends.

Seriously, if they don't show eight hours of Wander riding around aimlessly and periodically holding his sword to the sky as a kind of celestial GPS...well, screw it, I ain't seein' it.

Kidding aside, I loved the game and don't want to see this movie. Part of the beauty of the game is that it really did leave the ending up to interpretation so that, while some might be more accurate than others, you pretty much get the ending you want.

You have nowhere near enough time to accurately portray the entire narrative,

protip: gameplay /= narrative

if somebody made a legend of zelda movie they probably could remove the three hours of figuring out how to beat the fucking water temple and I'm positive that the story would still be exactly the same as the games


Seriously, if they don't show eight hours of Wander riding around aimlessly and periodically holding his sword to the sky as a kind of celestial GPS...well, screw it, I ain't seein' it.

protip: gameplay /= narrative


Game play may not equate to narrative, but a lot of the mood is dependent on the area the whole game covers I think that is what people are referring to.

I do agree that it might be hard to fully establish the right mood that the game tries to convey, then again I fully expect whatever movie comes out of this to only superficially resemble the story and feel of the game.

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