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Well, let me see...

I've never played Star Ocean, so I can't say that I would know the song from whence GrayLightning ReMixed from, but I will say this: it provides a mysterious and calming atmosphere, almost like flying through space. The "breath" noises heard throughout the song really calm me down a lot, and the rest of the instruments harmonize well to produce this atmosphere.

This is a definite download.

Two mixes by the same guy on the front page? That's got to be a record.

It's not so strange...Only Gray can have 2 quality remix at the index :wink:

As for the Ocean remix, I was waiting to be posted at the index page...I think that finally the OCR finds his professional new age remixer...


Ah.... I was hoping to see this make it on OCR sometime soon (it has taken quite a while, I must say). I actually played a little of Star Ocean for the SNES, which is an awesome game, and I think I remember this song.

Here we go with the review...

It starts out very peaceful, and I think that it the building done is very awesome, although it doesn't change till the drums come in. Once the drums come in, the atmosphere of the song changes (although gradually) from peaceful to sort of an apprehensive feeling (I think that's the word I'm looking for), as if you're on your toes, a little edgy, you know? It's that synth that changes the atmosphere of the song, not the drums, my mistake. Wait, I think it's both... Ah! Anyways, I'm not gonna think about it anymore... About halfway through the song, the song shifts again, with the absence of the synth, more instruments come in, or maybe they become more apparent that bell-ish instrument or whatever it is, I like it a lot. It's sort of like a break, like the space ship comes out of light speed or something, and then the space ship speeds up again when the synth comes back. Lots of good stuff going on, everything harmonizes nicely, and it flows very smoothly (as I expect from you Gray). At the ending, you fade out with class. I don't know, maybe it's how you make it so gradual, but your fade is really nice, I usually don't like them, but you do it well.

Overall, this song is great. It's very atmospheric, and it's not so calm and soothing as your previous new age works Gray (although you already said that, you mixed a bunch of genres together). While it's very mellow, it holds something deeper inside, if you listen to it, you can tell that it's not just a chill back song. There's something about it that if you actually listen to it, and not listen to it as background music, you can tell there's something there.... I can't put my finger on it, but that's the best way I can describe what I feel when I listen to this song. Wait a second, I think I just figured it out. I think the "something" in the song is that it's taking from so many genres at the same time and mixing them together. If I could describe it in better words, I would, but that's the "something" that I feel in this song, and why you need to listen to it carefully. There's so much going on with the genres being mixed together the way they are.

Well, great work Gray, I hope to see another mix from you relatively soon!


My first remix review =D. Im a huuuuge Star Ocean fan, and im a firm believer the first installment was the best. So im excited to see a Star Ocean mix on the site.

Anyway, its not bad. It is done very very well, but the entire song is a little bit too soft for me. I'd prefer something a bit more upbeat. Its also a mix of a very repetetive song, and not one I would pick for a mix. But then again, that would allow for more creativity ^_^.

Still, if your a fan of SO1 and like soft tones, I would definently recommend getting it.



Now here's a mix that took me by surprise, and I LOVE mixes that do that.

Having never played or heard any of the original tracks from the game I wasn't burdened with the task of having to listen for familiarities between the two, so with that I could just sit back and enjoy the music AND BOY DID I EVER!

Even though it was the name of an old game programming book, I think "Flights of Fantasy" would be a more appropriate name for the mix as it evokes the feeling of flight through a fantasy world. I would DEFINITELY love to hear this song in a future Panzer Dragoon game as it sounds like the perfect compliment for the game.

The composition itself is quite SOUND.

I love the fact that the drums/percussion aren't overbearing and the bass is very smooth and purposeful. I say purposeful cause it actually plays an important role in this song rather than just being there just to be there.

I absolutely love the melody, it's quite beautiful.

Although Schala has always been my #1 favorite Graylightning remix, part of me has this one ahead, while the other half of me is clinging onto Schala as #1, so I guess they'll both share the #1 spot. Amazing Work! Thanks for submitting it!

***The preceeding announcement was NOT brought to you by the NEW WORLD ORDER***


I'm lazy, so here's a copy-n-paste of some remarks I have made on this mix at an earlier time!

"As the husband of the tri-Ace Superfan, and being an avid Sakuraba listener, I can say that you've done me proud with this one.

I tip my hat to you, sir. May your gigantic scrotum continue to grow so you can spawn more Sakuraba remixers for the future of music as we know it."

That about sums it up. This mix is very nice indeed!


An excellent, calm, ambient mix....I downloaded this in the WiP forum a long time ago...like with It's About Time....

I don't have time for detailed comments right now [my mom's yelling at me to get to bed], so I'll just give you a 90% rating on this mix.

I might go back tomorrow and post a more thorough comment.

Two mixes by the same guy on the front page? That's got to be a record.

I had two on the main page a couple weeks ago. I am winnar.

Anyways, this is definitely a sweet mix. I believe this was the first one you made after you got Reason and it was produced entirely within Reason.

The bass is really cool and unique. I think its my favorite aspect of this mix.

I also really like how the melody is echoed between the strings and the more synthy instrument. Very unique.

Throughout the mix though, I feel that it is somewhat dry-sounding. Sounds like a lot of treble mainly in the string instruments and some lacking midrange. A fuller sound would have been nice.

Other than that, this is sweet stuff. One of my favs from you. yayay


SuperGreenX, you may have had 2 mixes on the front page, but GrayLightning here has you beat. He was on the front page with his FFVii mix, then seven days later, had his Secret of Mana collab posted. So this is his second time with two mixes on the front. I'm sorry SGX, but this time, you are not the winnar. :wink:

Anyway, I liked this mix cosidering its technological handicaps. I'm sure if you could produce a song with Flaming Lips quality textures you would, but seeing as how that's not really possible, this is really damn good. This perfectly captures the image of flying through space on the way to some important event. The repetitive bell noise is like the stars flying by over and over and over, and the breath noise that comes every now and again is like a large planet. The constant bassline and drums are like the engine and the strings give a sense of importance. The bass adds a sort of uncertainty to the mix, as well. So basically, GL has crafted a mix that was exactly what he wanted it to be, and for that, I think this deserves a :nicework:.


Can't say I like this one. I do like the uncertain drums and the bells, but the main melody just irks me, both in terms of sounds chosen and composure. Icky. Furthermore, this just doesn't feel spacey to me... It feels wet or misty or airy or some other terrestrial based phenomenon. I don't have the terminology or the teaching to fully describe how this mix seems to me, so I'll just let a 4 out of 10 score stand it its stead.

I like most've GrayLightning's other stuff though. This one just didn't appeal to me.


I've been listening to GrayLightning's stuff since before he was featured here on OCR, and I'm as thrilled to hear this Star Ocean remix as I was when I saw his Schala mix was finally posted. GL takes a very neccessary plunge into other genres, while at the same time, keeping his mega-recognizable and unique style. Proud of ya, GL. You just keep getting better.


This initially started out as an experimental mix for many various reasons. I am especially happy to see this mix up, if only because it sounds really different from my other mixes. I agree with DJP's comments about my Asian Twilight mix being better. Be sure to check that one out, as it didn't get enough reviews. ^_~ That one is technically my newest mix posted, although with new additions as is Dezoris. This mix is actually one of my older ones since some of my recent mixes are direct posts.

One note to mention is that I am very mindful of the fact that I have been getting posted on OC a lot lately. ^_^ These are the results of hard work and submissions over the summer. I feel very fortunate about getting my mixes up on OC like this. Thanks to djp and the judges.

My submission rate has stopped since the summer and the ones I'm currently working on will take time - I simply want to make it clear that I'm not trying to hog the OC spotlight. :P

Thanks for taking the time to comment everyone.

  • 1 year later...

Pretty good remix of "What Should Be" (sound test/SPC track 13.) It mostly removes the somber piano melody in the background, but I like the rendition of the main melody. I didn't like how I couldn't tell what song this was until I was excessively familiar with all the original songs, though. But good job.

  • 2 years later...

Nice soundscape going on here, and a pretty memorable theme as well.

I like how how the strings and brass kindof echo each other ever-so-slightly.

Nice varied and driving bassline, and pretty good samples. The percussion didn't quite click with me, but at least it was creative.

Nice breakdowns, and though the ending was a bit anticlimactic, the mix overall was well constructed.


Wow, I didn't hear the original song because I haven'y played Star Ocean 1 (only the third, which is marvelous)

Well, Well done this remix. I like the slight rising of volume that makes a nice atmosphear and also it recreatess very well the landscape of "space". Really well done, 8/10 pretty good! :P

  • 3 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01074 - Star Ocean "Space Travel"

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