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I've been going through a great deal of stress recently since even though I preordered SH4 early with the intention of getting the Yamaoka soundtrack, and the EB Games computer says I am eligeable for the soundtrack, the guy who works there stressed that no preorder item is confirmed necessarily.

Okay, a fair disclaimer that I might not get it..... But I went back, and a different EB Games guy stressed once again that NO PREORDER ITEM IS CONFIRMED. I MIGHT NOT GET IT. It's kinda creepin me out.... I really want that soundtrack. Aren't they supposed to give it to when WHEN you preorder? Will it ship with the game, or am I SOL? Argh. SH4's already putting me through grueling horror!

Here's a topic of discussion: SH4, PS2 or Xbox version?

Personally I am getting the PS2 version since it's my preferred console and controller, and because then the entire series is on one system (impossible with the SH3-less Xbox).

Surely the Xbox graphics will probably be (ever so slightly) better, and it will probably support in-game Dolby Digital while the PS2 version probably won't. But alas, I don't give a crap. They're probably perfectly identical in most respects anyway. Which version for you?

Well, you're right. Apparently, EBGames has had an overload of pre-orders coming in since it announced that the soundtrack would be coming with the game. So, I guess as a policy, they don't lock pre-orders. So, as far as I know, they just ship them as they recieve the go-ahead. Though, it is not guaranteed that you will recieve a soundtrack, if you ordered early, you'll probably get one. This will only affect those who pre-ordered a little late. (In case you still unclear about what the offer is; EBGames will ship a copy of the SH4 Soundtrack with your pre-order of SH4: The Room, IF supplies last.)

After visiting the Silent Hill Forum, it seems that those people who ordered from EBGames are receiving the Special Edition Soundtrack (US Release). So, that also means I'm going to have to find a copy of the Japanese soundtrack not bundled with the game. You can see more details here (for EBGames) or here (for GameStop).

As to the differences in the PS2 and X-box versions, early in the production of the game, Konami had stated that there would be significant differences in the two console versions. As to whether or not they followed through with this decision, I'm not sure. I really haven't heard of anybody whose bought and played the X-Box version say it was different. Just be aware of this.

I have a feeling that the PC version will be the same as the X-Box version, because of similar program designs and that every (next-gen) version previous to this has been the same as the X-Box version. And, if there are any differences in the PS2 version, you can just wait for the Playstation Greatest Hits version to come out with all the bonus features like "Restless Dreams" did.

You can read about the responses to the differences in X-Box and PS2 here.

Dude. If you don't get it, I'll give you (and anyone else that wants it) any Silent Hill 4 soundtrack. I have "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST", "Silent Hill 4 The Room: Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara -Special Chapter-", and the USA version of "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST".

What about "Robbie's Tracks," the special Japanese release of music relating to Robbie the Rabbit? I'm just interested in finding out what's on it as no one will tell me.

EDIT: For those who want a little taste of the story to SH4 (with little spoilers), I suggest checking out the prequel about "'He' and the Victims." It is written in Korean, but offers a partial English translation as well.

Korean - "He" and the Victims

Partial English - "He" and the Victims

Korean - Robbie's Trip to Europe (Don't ask why Robbie is wearing a tiara.)

EDIT 2: For those who are looking for some major spoilers, you can read more about the "Red Diary" translations from the SH4 website here. I haven't read it yet, as to not spoil things for me, but I know I'll be coming back to this later. So, I just wanted to post the link before I forgot it.

EDIT 3: New Robbie wallpapers have been added to the official SH4 website. You can find them in Room H of www.sh2004.com, or you can get them directly below.

Robbie 1 (Cinco de Mayo)

Robbie 2

Robbie 3

Robbie 4


I've only played Silent Hill 3, and I wasn't a big fan of it. It's a pretty cool concept, but I hate the movement. I have always been a big fan of Resident Evil and I guess I'm just used to that. I'm not saying that SH is bad, I'm just so used to RE.

I've only played Silent Hill 3, and I wasn't a big fan of it. It's a pretty cool concept, but I hate the movement. I have always been a big fan of Resident Evil and I guess I'm just used to that. I'm not saying that SH is bad, I'm just so used to RE.

Now I'm confused... RE and SH both default to exactly the same control scheme....

Anyhow, I called EB and they're still not getting SH4 in until tomorrow September 9th. Luckily, I have two days off beginning tomorrow, though! :)

Thanks Ifrit for your detective work. I think I might still actually get that soundtrack considering what you said. I mean the computer did flag me for it, and it's such a high profile preorder freebee that Konami would make sure there were supplies for every store.

In any case, I just downloaded a torrent of the entire thing in MP3 anyway ;)



My stories are progressing about as fast as an arthritic slug carrying heavy shopping. BUT! This week I have written three pages of stuff...so that's always a good sign.

Dude. If you don't get it, I'll give you (and anyone else that wants it) any Silent Hill 4 soundtrack. I have "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST", "Silent Hill 4 The Room: Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara -Special Chapter-", and the USA version of "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST".

What about "Robbie's Tracks," the special Japanese release of music relating to Robbie the Rabbit? I'm just interested in finding out what's on it as no one will tell me.

Don't worry. I'll get that too.

Got my SH4.

It's awesome. I'm about halfway through it, and I'm enjoying the shit out of this game....

Halfway through?!?!?! What, do you have a catheter and colostomy bag or something? My husband has usually taken several days to get through a SH game, even after completing it once already.

Got my SH4.

It's awesome. I'm about halfway through it, and I'm enjoying the shit out of this game....

Halfway through?!?!?! What, do you have a catheter and colostomy bag or something? My husband has usually taken several days to get through a SH game, even after completing it once already.

I've only got roughly 5 game hours racked up...

According to the walkthrough Im about 70 percent done.

This is the first SH game I've had to stop playing because it was too long to do in one day. When I bought the day it came out, I was done with it that night. I love emersing myself in a silent hill game from start to finish in one go. It really sucks you in.

Got my SH4.

It's awesome. I'm about halfway through it, and I'm enjoying the shit out of this game....

Halfway through?!?!?! What, do you have a catheter and colostomy bag or something? My husband has usually taken several days to get through a SH game, even after completing it once already.

I'm at the forest world 2nd time and I've only got roughly 5 game hours racked up...

According to the walkthrough Im about 70 percent done.

Please use spoiler code when revealing locations and places until the world-wide release of the game. Like this.

[color=white]Like this.[/color]

As such, I would like to impliment this as all spoiler code for this topic. It would be nice if OCR had a spoiler code set up for these forums, but there isn't. So, we have to make up our own.

It's not that I'm trying to moderate this topic, but it helps to set a standard to use and to avoid ruining an experience that is dependent on not knowing what happens next. I just want to look out for those people new to or unaware of the series.

As such, I will be going back through my posts and editing said spoilers. Enjoy.


I've tried so friggin hard to get into the SH series, it's touted as storyline of the century, and the whole life/death/pleasue settings of the 3 which so many people scream about persuaded me to get 3, I'm about 3 hours into it and there is honestly about 6 lines of dialogue (i'm just out of the sewers and am in some construction building or apartments). The monsters are really shit (other than pyramidhead from the 2nd one) and look like someones tried too hard to make them look irregular and the puzzles are mediocre and uninspiring. I'm going to work through the 3rd one just to see what all the fuss is about, and most probably will be getting 4, because curiousity will get the better of me.

If anyone has any resources on the storyline or can give me a webpage with the entire story dissected for reading it'd be good, other than that I'm currently stuck with SH3 and Splinter Cell2 to play until something more enjoyable (*cough* Fable *cough) comes out.


I friend just got SH4 yesterday.

I have a question (Note: Spoilers).

It concerns about these "Victims" creatures somone posted a while back. Do you eventually fight them? My friend played up to the lower levels of the Ashfield Subway, there were these creatures that climbed out of the walls, and you could not kill them. Are these the "victims", or are they something different?

(End spoilers.)


I really hate to be a stickler about this, because I figured you guys would have figured it out by now, but please, PLEASE use the spoiler code that is in place for revealing information about SH4. Again, the code goes like this:

[color=white]Spoiler Information[/color]

I will continue to insist upon this until the world-wide release of the game (10-1-2004) [Australia will not receive the game until that first week of October]. It becomes important that you recognize this, as to help keep this thread from regressing to innane babble about your personal completion rate or needless questions about where to find some item.

If you are just too eager to discuss SH4 or too lazy to use the VERY simple spoiler code, I suggest you direct your inqueries, remarks, comments, ect. to one of the Silent Hill forums, particularly, the Alternate Silent Hill 4 forum on the Silent Hill Forum. (Spoilers need not be marked there.) Other forums are listed below:

Silent Hill Heaven: SH4 Forum

Silent Hill Forum: Alternate Silent Hill 4 Forum

Central Silent Hill: SH4 Forum

If you are in need of simple explanations on the control scheme, monster information, character bios, item retrieval, ect., please look at one of the sites listed below:

Official Silent Hill 4 Website

Silent Hill Genesis Presents The Room

GameFAQs: Silent Hill 4: The Room

Central Silent Hill: SH4 Section

The Silent Hill Network: SH4 Section


In case anybody has missed out on the information regarding the soundtracks (plural) to the Silent Hill 4 OST, I've got things listed below.

The Japanese version of the Silent Hill 4: The Room soundtrack is know as the "Limited Edition Version" of the OST, because it includes and additional disk with a series of tone poems written by Akira Yamaoka and performed by Ichiryusai Teisui. These are spoken in a very old dialect of Japanese, so translations are hard to find. (Sort of like trying to translate the work of Shakespear into other languages: one, it's hard; two, it won't be a very accurate translation.)

The Soundtrack released in the US and North America is known as the "Special Edition Version" of the OST. It includes 13 tracks not found on the Japanese OST, which includes 6 remixes of previously released material.

Limited Edition Silent Hill 4 Soundtrack:

- Disk 1

  • 01. Tender Sugar
    02. Waverer
    03. Fortunate Sleep - Noone disturb her dead
    04. Melancholy Requiem
    05. Confinement
    06. Drops of Shame
    07. The Suicidal Clock Chime
    08. Silent Circus
    09. Traversing the Portals of Reality
    10. Into The Depths of Self-Discovery
    11. Cradel of Forest
    12. Resting Comfortably
    13. Nightmarish Waltz
    14. Pulsating Ambience
    15. Your Rain
    16. The Last Mariachi
    17. Wounded Warsong
    18. Underground Dawn - Never Come
    19. Fever Chill
    20. Remodeling
    21. Room of Angel
    22. Waiting for You ~Live from Heaven's Night~ (Unreleased Tunes)

-Disk 2

  • Kyodan "Impenetrable Rain of Yoshiwara"
    01. Ichikotsu (1st Excess)
    02. Tangin (Cut-off Gold)
    03. Hyoujou (Flat-tone)
    04. Shozzetsu (Win and Give Up)
    05. Shimomu (Nothing Exists Lower)
    06. Soujou (Twin Tone)
    07. Fushou (Wild Duck Bell)
    08. Oushiki (Yellow Bell)
    09. Rankei (??? Mirror)*
    10. Banshiki (Crossing the Board)
    11. Shinsen (God Hermit)
    12. Kamimu (Nothing Exists Higher)

* Unfortunately, this word cannot be translated into English as there is no equivalent.

Special Edition Silent Hill 4 Soundtrack:

  • 01. Room of Angel
    02. Melancholy Requiem
    03. Cradel of Forest
    04. Sliced
    05. Fortunate Sleep - Cat Scratchism Mix
    06. Mayhem I
    07. Sunrise
    08. Resting Comfortably - Nasty Mix
    09. Nightmarish Waltz
    10. Lifetime
    11. Last Movie
    12. Tender Sugar
    13. Your Rain
    14. Two Evils
    15. Underground Dawn - EEE Mix
    16. Memories II
    17. Tender Sugar - Empire Mix
    18. Waverer - Slide Mix
    19. Your Rain - Rage Mix
    20. Waiting for You ~Live From Heaven's Night~

Also, an interesting thing to note about the Kyodan tracks is that the title correspond to the months of the year, depicting a different month in the story of Yoshiwara. (Starting with November and going in chronological order.) However, the names can also stand for the twelve note of the musical scale. (Beginning with the D major scale and going up the scale.) In other words:

01. Ichikotsu = D Major Scale = November

02. Tangin = D# = December

03. Hyoujou = E = January

04. Shozetsu = F = February

05. Shimomu = F# = March

06. Soujou = G = April

07. Fushou = G# = May

08. Oushiki = A = June

09. Rankei = A# = July

10. Banshiki = B = August

11. Shinsen = C = September

12. Kamimu = C# = October

(My thanks goes out to Rasen from the Silent Hill Forum, who worked to bring these translations.)

There is also a special soundtrack that includes "Robbie's Tracks," which was also released in Japan only. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any information regarding this soundtrack. If anyone is willing and able to obtain any information on this matter, please let us know.

And that's about it. Have fun.

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