SwordBreaker Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Man...for some reason it's kind of hard to know what's going to come out of E3 this year...in my case at least. Overall, I pretty much agree with the fact that the current economy will set the true goals this year. From E3's presentation itself to the big conferences and individual developer game showings, it's all going to be about now, just a few 'flashy' games, a lot more risk-taking and uniqueness in games regardless of the presentation, sequels to past and current franchises to maximize interest and sales, etc. Aside from the new PSP, a possible 360 Slim, and new Wii colors, I don't think that there will be any hints on new consoles this year. Each one will focus on what they currently have with slight modifications and new peripherals. Also, I really think we'll see an influx of DLC and downloadable games focus this year from all three competitors. The Wii should really get on the DLC bandwagon 'cause quite frankly they're looking ridiculous compared to the other two...with the latest firmware revision, it's really easy for them to do so. I'll go out on a limb here and say that the Wii will have DLC content for games like Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii. Also, things like more classic game support from all three competitors is a must, including massive PS1 games for America/UK and a handheld Virtual Console from Nintendo. Other download focuses will include 8/16-bit franchise revival sequels. Mega Man 9 and Bionic Commando were only the beginning. Capcom and Konami are going to go all crazy with this. We've already seen Turtles in Time and Contra Rebirth from Konami. Really looking forward to Nintendo joining the bandwagon with a sequel to Super Mario World or something. As for games for our current-gen consoles, as I said before all three competitors will focus on upgrading their big franchises while not necessarily going big budget on them or other games. Which means I'm expecting a few new, unique IPs for each console served on the side of the big franchises...which will not be big budget. Additionally, whatever "big budget" game that'll be presented will either be something that has already been announced a year or so ago (Heavy Rain for Sony, Zelda/Mario for Wii) or uses existing engines developed for previous big budget games (Kojima's new game...it's a darn shame if they don't uses assets from MGS4). When talking about our big three in an individual basis, I don't really see a lot of surprises up their sleeves in terms of games. Nintendo will most likely go all Bananas on their franchises, casual and hardcore alike. LOVE for a Donkey Kong Country game to appear out of the blue. The new Zelda for Wii is something I really wish they give more attention to, but Spirit Tracks will most likely steal that thunder. The only new big IPs or surprises we may get are Mr. Sakurai's new game, a new console Kirby game after a long hiatus, and a new Earthbound title. Sony will show the hell out of Heavy Rain 'cause they have to at this point...other possible big games will include White Knight Chronicles, God of War 3, David Jaffe's new game, new Ratchet, and yet another new IP from Team ICO. In Microsoft's case, we can only keep a big eye out for Rare. Really interested in a new Perfect Dark game for the 360 so I'm hoping that happens...and I'm expecting another one or two games off Rare this year 'cause they've been quiet as hell since Banjo. Of course, that Halo expansion will be one of their ace cards. The only "FFXIII-like surprise moment" I see from Microsoft this year is an enhanced port of MGS4 for the 360. Can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they announce that. Speaking of ports, I think we'll see more third-party console exclusives being ported. Like MGS4, I'm expecting a Star Ocean 4 enhanced port for the PS3. Nintendo's going to go crazy with their New Play Control series and announce stuff like Zelda The Wind Waker getting an enhanced port. As for third-parties, we're most likely going to see a lot of Wii exclusivity this year, while "big budget" games will be for the 360/PS3 simultaneously. Obviously, the big third party games are going to be pimped out in each of the three big conferences. Can't really think of stuff offhand aside from Dead Rising 2, Lost Planet 2, TMNT Wii, Murasama, Red Steel 2. So we may see some surprise announcements on this font. All I know is I'm really sure that the big N will pimp the hell out of that TMNT game since it's really like Smash Bros and it's exclusive. Perhaps one of the biggest trenda that everyone will follow this year is "user-generated content" games ala LittleBigPlanet. Nintendo already launched the new WarioWare game in Japan which makes you create your own games...I'm expecting more from them. Sony will most likely focus on LBP DLC and Microsoft the same with Banjo DLC. Handhelds will get their fair share of the games, too. We've already seen Sony going crazy with their PSP announcements, especially since that new PSP model will be released. Expect more from them. The DS will keep chugging those awesome games, including some sneak peaks on DSi-exclusive games. It's going to be localization galore this year. I'm pretty sure I'm going to see some surprises in that font, including stuff from the big nuts: Atlus, NIS, XSEED, Square-Enix and most recently Ignition Entertainment. NIS has already gone batshit on us with their string of recent localization announcements. From Atlus, I'd like Lunar and Persona for PSP in English, please! In fact, where the hell is Gajinworks, a company announced YEARS ago after Working Design's demise? Could they be publishing Lunar? Also, news of Dragon Quest VI and IX for North America, please! Perhaps the biggest surprise will be from Capcom when they announce that Tsunoko (sp?) vs. Capcom for Wii will actually be released in English! Finally, our big WTF moment...developers that are so quiet they're bound to appear in E3. Other than Rare, Team ICO and Retro Studios, my personal big question mark right now is Mistwalker. Are they still making games for Microsoft? Cry On was recently cancelled out of the blue so we really don't know what's going on with their exclusive Microsoft contract. So...will we see the likes of Blue Dragon 2 for the 360 from them, or was their a fallout of some sort with MS? Will we see these sequels on multiple platforms or a console other than the 360? After all, Blue Dragon has been released on the DS for some strange reason. Besides, most of Mistwalker's work these days has been for the DS. So...did they go small budget on us? Are they possibly developing for the Wii or something? I really think that their contract most likely ended on Lost Odyssey since Cry On was cancelled...perhaps the agreement was on three games and Blue Dragon 2 will take the place of Cry On or something. Perhaps another publisher has made a deal with Mistwalker's upcoming games. Start predicting stuff, people! Quote
Toadofsky Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 I honestly don't care what comes out of this years E3 but one game, and it's already been confirmed that it won't be seen there (so far), Beyond Good and Evil 2. Maybe we'll see what Nintendo has in store this year, maybe some good solid stuff, and finally bring some of the Virtual Console games that are ALREADY out in Europe, and Japan over here, because I'm getting pissed off at Nintendo of America not bringing some VC games out here already (Super NES Star Fox, Majora's Mask, etc.). And if there's going to be exclusive DSi games, they better be worth it, and that goes for downloadable games for it. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 Something TC didn't mention is the 4th videogame "console" that's likely to present itself in full during this E3. I'm referring to OnLive's little wonder. This will probably get moderately to heavily promoted during E3. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 Metal Gear Solid 4 Xbox 360 announcement is a vague possibility. Other than that, I have no idea what MS has planned. Might bring out waggle. Sony will either announce some stuff that'll really bring 'em back, or they'll look the fools yet again. Might bring out waggle. Nintendo will go on about sales, sales, sales for the entirety of their stay. Maybe casually announce another "hardcore" game for the DS. Maybe announce another Zelda/Mario/Metroid for Wii or something. E3 just isn't that exciting anymore to me. Quote
Bahamut Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 E3 just isn't that exciting anymore to me. Agreed, I really don't care much for most gaming news anymore to be honest, although my life in academia might be partly responsible for that change. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 The OnLive idea sounds great for those people with lower-end PCs, assuming it works as advertised. I'll look forward to hearing more about it... I have high expectations for Nintendo this year, as they really sucked it up last time around. Hopefully there's a shocker awaiting us -- I'd love a new DKC game as well. Quote
Dr.Flintlock Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Metal Gear Solid 4 Xbox 360 announcement is a vague possibility. Other than that, I have no idea what MS has planned. Might bring out waggle. Actually, while I know this isn't happening anytime soon, it would be REALLY neat if they made their online service free. Don't get me wrong, I think a charge to play games online would still be necessary (possibly) but I only use Live for a couple arcade game downloads and demos really. I'm not much a multiplayer kind of individual. Since Sony and Nintendo are both doing it, I don't see why Microsoft can't jump on the bandwagon. /ignorant rant Quote
JCvgluvr Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Actually, while I know this isn't happening anytime soon, it would be REALLY neat if they made their online service free...I don't see why Microsoft can't jump on the bandwagon./ignorant rant Heh, me and my mom's boyfriend were just talking about this. They can't do that because they actually provide servers for different games and their online multiplayer. Sure, companies like EA might elect to make their own dedicated servers, but plenty of games make use of Microsoft's servers. And as a result, more people play their games online, and less lags/disconnects happen as a result. Microsoft actually puts that money to good use. You really do get what you pay for. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 I really don't care much for most gaming news anymore to be honest, although my life in academia might be partly responsible for that change. In my case it's music; I'm so into music at this point I don't really do "hardcore gaming" anymore. Only gaming I do these days is the oldies. Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Agreed, I really don't care much for most gaming news anymore to be honest, although my life in academia might be partly responsible for that change. I blame Nintendo for singlehandedly killing all interest I have in E3. Quote
SoloGamer Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Actually, while I know this isn't happening anytime soon, it would be REALLY neat if [Microsoft] made their online service free. Don't get me wrong, I think a charge to play games online would still be necessary (possibly) but I only use Live for a couple arcade game downloads and demos really. I'm not much a multiplayer kind of individual. They already have a free service for people like you. It doesn't provide online play, but a Silver account gives access to DLC, demos (albeit a week later), and XBLA titles. As far as I know, the only difference between Gold and Silver is online play, Deal of the Week, and earlier game demos. Quote
1337 1 Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Prediction: Nintendo's presence will either last for 5 minutes, or they'll actually have something good to show us this year. After last year's poor effort, I'm hoping nintendo picks up their game. Massively. Quote
glasfen Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 Nice thread, SwordBreaker. I can't speak for much other than the Nintendo side of things but it would seem that a new console Zelda is due. Twilight Princess was a GC title ported to the Wii so team Zelda has been working on something for, what, 2 and a half years now? Most of the predictions I've seen include connectivity with Spirit Tracks. How about Star Fox or Pilotwings? Maybe a new franchise? And, yes, I agree that there are a few studios which have remained suspiciously quiet, though that might have something to do with the economic situation... (RIP, Free Radical Design) Can we get a new Elder Scrolls on PC, maybe Wii too (now that Bethesda's looking that direction)? One week left! Quote
Thalzon Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 More news on Sin and Punishment 2, Muramasa, Bladeblitz(or whatever it's called), The Conduit, the new Tales game, and possibly even Kirby for the Wii keep me reasonably optimistic. And though I don't own a PS3, God of War 3 looks pretty damn awesome. As for the 360, I really only buy games for it when the price drops, so everything I want to try is at least 6 months old anyway. Well, except FF13. Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 Left 4 Dead Wii announced http://wii.ign.com/articles/986/986663p1.html Well, sort of. It's essentially the exact same thing, but from the makers of the Conduit and with vampires and werewolves instead of zombies. 4 player online multiplayer is the core of the game. Quote
Tex Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 Nintendo already launched the new WarioWare game in Japan which makes you create your own games Ah, this game. I've seen a video about it beforehand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MaM1gMQN8g I don't think I would play it for too long, but if I was younger, I would surely spend a fun time moving shit around in the levels. Quote
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