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Once again, we see how boycotts don't work. Just like on-line petitions. God, on-line petitions just... wow, how can anyone believe that they will work is beyond me.

Boycotts, I can see having a slightly better chance of working, because there is technically money involved, but really, has a boycott ever worked?

People who pre-ordered can now preload the L4D2 demo so you have it when it launches on Tuesday.

Its not letting me :(

Edit, just a steam reboot fixed it. nevermind.


Pre-loaded on Steam and ready to go for that demo!

Okay, I changed my mind. (One of my Steam friends will send me his old GeForce 9800 GTX+ if I buy L4D 2.) Is anyone else up for the four pack? I need two more people. As a reminder, the price is $33.75 each.

You don't talk to me anymore. :[

Also I hope you're just getting the 9800 GTX for free or dirt cheap. It's just an 8800 GTX with a die-shrink.


I already have. Personal attacks on Gabe about his weight (classy move, dickasses), people half-sarcastically threatening to boycott the demo, self-appointed experts calling it a bad business move (you already bought the fucking game, so I don't see how), and various other stupid ideas.

So, basically, the same as usual.


It's a demo - why the hell are you going to complain? It's not like the game isn't coming out on the same day it was announced November 17, and it's not like the world is going to end because the demo came out one day late.

People have too much of a sense of entitlement.

People have too much of a sense of entitlement.


I honestly don't know where this reasoning comes from. Every game I have ever played, enjoyed or otherwise, I never got pissy because of "missing" content, or sequels coming out, or anything. I have to assume that this is some extension of the "instant satisfaction" mentality that people growing up with. I suspect that a lot of the whiners are 25 and under.

Back in my day, if a game was pissing us off, we threw it against a wall.

I suspect that a lot of the whiners are 25 and under.

Not necessarily. I think it's a mentality that's pretty much been adopted by all. Perhaps the biggest demographic for L4D is probably kids from 16-25, but the "I deserve everything I want on my own terms with little to nothing in return" attitude is kind of prevalent in most people these days. At least, most Americans I'd say. I'm really not entirely certain how the rest of the comparable world behaves, but I'd wager it's nowhere near as badly as us.


Well, I might amend that to "Westerners" in general. As a Canadian, I can't say that only Americans are in that group; I've seen lots of people who are from North America and Europe in on the bitching and complaining.

Maybe it's because of the lack of translated articles and sites, but I haven't heard anything from Asian players. Mind you, I have no idea what the demographics are for Asians and Left 4 Dead, let alone gaming in general.

EDIT: Oh, if you restart Steam or right-click and select "view pre-load info" on the demo, it states that there is a new Steam update. I wonder if there was some problem with the current build of Steam and the demo, and this is why there was a delay.

I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

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