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  • 2 weeks later...

Valve is porting all their existing Source games to Mac next month.

This includes L4D and L4D2.

So, tell your Mac friends!

One last thing, if you're a weirdo who has both Mac and PC... owning a copy of a game for one platform means you own a copy of the same game for both platforms!

And yes, this is a slightly modified version of the post I made in the TF2 thread.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After the master servers went down earlier today and Left 4 Dead 2 couldn't find any US servers to connect to, I poked around some configuration files for our Left 4 Dead 2 server. I noticed that our L4D2 server has both a sv_steamgroup key set and a sv_search_key set.

From what I've read, these two settings do not work together, and it appears that the search key is ignored if the steamgroup is set.

Now, I know that my group of friends from another website use this server using the somewhat convoluted ms_force_dedicated_server command, but it'd be grand if we could just use the steamgroup key.

The real question is: Should I change it so only one of them is present, and which one?

Personally, I think the Steamgroup stuff should go and keep the search key, as the search key makes it a WHOLE lot easier for lobbies to connect, and that's the primary way Left 4 Dead 2 uses to connect to servers.

(Note: For those of you who don't know, I have the account information for the game server account because FireSlash and I administer the TF2 servers on the same machine.)

Oh yeah, I forgot...

L4D2 PC is on sale on Steam through Thursday for $24.99.

Both PC and 360 versions were on sale on Amazon today too, but it's probably too late for that.

Actually, this is how much L4D2 cost for me because Best Buy put the wrong price tag on it. Now I don't feel as special. :<

I need a new video card for this game - it really performs crappy on my Geforce 8800GT while running dual monitors :-( . Just a few months...

Do what I do, create a video profile in your graphics drivers that turns off one monitor and/or overclocks at the same time whenever you're about to launch a game.


I'm having trouble getting OCR's L4D2 server to update. However, my other server (*knocks on wood*) seems to be updating at a good pace now.

I'm still trying to get the OCR server to update, though.


Forgot to mention, the OCR L4D2 server is operational again. Finally got it to update some files it didn't the first time.

Edit: Figures, I post this then Valve releases another L4D2 update.


my server ( is running strong, with the latest mm:s and sm snapshots for all of you jetpack fiends. i had to nuke the old sm install when i updated last night, so if you want admin again just send me a message on steam with your steam id number.

by the way, is the server that you guys run using "sv_search_key ocremix" still?

by the way, is the server that you guys run using "sv_search_key ocremix" still?

Yes, but for whatever reason, it also has the steam group set, so I don't think the search key works for it.

Although it is up and running now.

I also had one running from the same server as I had the TF2 IDLE server running from, but apparently that machine is using too much CPU power doing number crunching to run a decent L4D2 server. (Seriously, ping times are fine, but it lags all to hell)


i see! BGC and Brushfire are always asking to use my server because of sourcemod/jetpack, i remember when Bahamut first set up the one with Pav that half the time we'd bump into that one instead of mine. If you guys want to use "ocremix" as an exclusive search key i can always change mine; some people may dislike the possibility of settings not being vanilla 100% of the time (it seems that most standard cvars get reset on a campaign change, but hidden cvars such as gravity don't) =)

  • 1 month later...
Fuck jetpacks.

Yes. I mean, it's pretty funny to see but I feel like whenever I play with Brushfire I'm not actually playing the campaigns; I'm just doing a drive-by. Not that that's always a bad thing but yeah.

In other news,

jockey liked is work but sometimes he had bad days that depresed him and this was one of those days but will he be pushed overtheline? he usually road through it but could this day be diffarent?
Left 4 Dead 2 fan-fiction time.


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