EC2151 Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 In an interview, Sakamoto said he is just as excited about looking at the bad impressions of the game as he is looking at the good impressions, so he can get a feel for what to continue and what to drop. To tell the truth, didn't the same thing happen with Fusion? Some folks complained, and as a result, we got Zero Mission. IE, one of the best games in the series (but Fusion was pretty great; better than ZM. ZM is still endlessly playable; it's my most played of the Metroid games). I know and can feel that this story-driven idea didn't necessarily work out, and it doesn't jive with the Samus that's seen in the rest of the series, but I have to believe and hope that Sakamoto is receptive to criticism just as much as he is praise, and will make a better game for it. That being said, I'm still playing Other M and I'm still wandering around Sector 1 wondering how the fuck i'm supposed to get some of these items. Plus that one expansion in Main Sector. You know which one. With the broken elevator. FUCK that expansion to death. Quote
Ray Falling Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 This sort of undermines the whole idea of creative vision though. I personally want a work of art to be whatever the creator wants it to be, not what I or the fans want it to be. If I end up not liking it, that's my problem, not his (beyond that whole money making business). Using fan feedback and demographic checks tends to water products down and make them much less risky and innovative. Sure, Other M's risks don't seem to be terribly popular. But a game like Resident Evil 4 broke from the traditional RE mold and ended up being a really great game.Just looking at fan sentiment, if we went by the fans, Metroid would simply become continual level add-ons for Super Metroid. I for one, despite liking Super Metroid, would not buy those. There is truth in what you say. And there will always be a group of people who won't like what developers did to a franchise. Still, I think there could be a balance in there in regards to customer feedback (i.e. not just ask some 'hardcore fans' who are set on one aspect of the game only). I remember Nintendo doing questionnaires when you had purchased certain games... I thought that was at least a good start. The thing that bugs me the most about games failing horribly (not that I think Metroid was a horrible failure) is that said failure is likely going to be the last attempt at a franchise this console's lifetime. Didn't like Starfox? Too bad, yer not seeing another one the next couple of years. Didn't like Donkey Kong Jungle Beat? Too bad, we're done with Donkey Kong now too... This can be very frustrating. But like we've established already, there are risks involved. All that said, sure there are a lot of angles to consider when dealing with this topic. And of course I can keeping playing that game I love so much, if I love it so much; but every once in a while, I would like to really experience that joy again in newer generation games. And to be honest, I have not felt that with any game so far on Wii; this includes everyone's favourites like Mario Galaxy. Anyway, that's my side of it, and I understand everyone's opinion and respect them The industry certainly doesn't revolve around my wishes. Unfortunatly for me this does mean that one of my old favourite hobbys/investments has stopped doing it for me. That at least makes me a little sad ;_; But not too much. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 There is truth in what you say. And there will always be a group of people who won't like what developers did to a franchise.Still, I think there could be a balance in there in regards to customer feedback (i.e. not just ask some 'hardcore fans' who are set on one aspect of the game only). I remember Nintendo doing questionnaires when you had purchased certain games... I thought that was at least a good start. The thing that bugs me the most about games failing horribly (not that I think Metroid was a horrible failure) is that said failure is likely going to be the last attempt at a franchise this console's lifetime. Didn't like Starfox? Too bad, yer not seeing another one the next couple of years. Didn't like Donkey Kong Jungle Beat? Too bad, we're done with Donkey Kong now too... This can be very frustrating. But like we've established already, there are risks involved. All that said, sure there are a lot of angles to consider when dealing with this topic. And of course I can keeping playing that game I love so much, if I love it so much; but every once in a while, I would like to really experience that joy again in newer generation games. And to be honest, I have not felt that with any game so far on Wii; this includes everyone's favourites like Mario Galaxy. Anyway, that's my side of it, and I understand everyone's opinion and respect them The industry certainly doesn't revolve around my wishes. Unfortunatly for me this does mean that one of my old favourite hobbys/investments has stopped doing it for me. That at least makes me a little sad ;_; But not too much. starfox 64 3d donkey kong country returns Quote
Invader_Quirk Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 He said they'd be the last in the console's lifetime, not period. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 i didnt take the time to read it all honestly wudevs Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 i didnt take the time to read it all honestlywudevs Why are you responding to stuff you don't read? That's just pointless. Quote
Toadofsky Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 Finally have been playing this game, and for now, I'll just say this, I'm glad I didn't buy it. Again, if you like it, go ahead and enjoy it. I don't really see how, but more power to you I guess. Quote
Calpis Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 I agree it should've been cheaper than $50, even $45 would've been okay. I don't know... maybe I really liked Other M because of it's shortness. I don't have time for 60+ hour games anymore. I'm nearing my 30's now and don't have the attention span for ridiculously long games anymore. I initially thought that this game was gonna be good for speedrunning, but now after playing it more, I think that's probably not so true, given how linear it is. I might be wrong though... Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 The only real sad part about the game is that the Morph Ball sequences just suck completely compared to the awesome stuff that the Prime games had. Now it feels more like Morph Ball is used when they don't feel like putting enemies or artwork in transit tunnels. Quote
The Mutericator Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 I am normally loathe to visit GameFAQs boards, but I couldn't help but notice a very nice explanation on why Other M's story sucks so hard: (The only reason I was on GF was because I had to look at a guide for how to proceed in a couple of places, BOTH of which turned out to be the low lighting simply hiding the means of moving forward. I hate crappy level design.) Quote
Calpis Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 I am normally loathe to visit GameFAQs boards, but I couldn't help but notice a very nice explanation on why Other M's story sucks so hard: Couldn't stand reading this. How seriously should we be taking this game? C'mon, in Super Metroid, she got the Hyper Beam for no other reason than to just kill Mother Brain. There wasn't even a half assed explanation for it, and who cares? When did fans start getting so snooty with their Metroid storylines? I think this is just ridiculous. It was a fun game and had some flaws, either play it or get on with your life. Quote
The Mutericator Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 When did fans start getting so snooty with their Metroid storylines? Around the same time Nintendo did. Quote
Toadofsky Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 I know and can feel that this story-driven idea didn't necessarily work out, and it doesn't jive with the Samus that's seen in the rest of the series, but I have to believe and hope that Sakamoto is receptive to criticism just as much as he is praise, and will make a better game for it. FUCK that expansion to death. There's a rather big problem with game designers, they're obsessed with THEIR vision, and not aboutwhether or not they're good ideas. They basically say, "This is how it's suppose to be! It's my vision! It's my art! That's all that matters! Me! Me! Me!" I honestly have no desire for Sakamoto to be involved in any more Metroid games. Retro understood Metroid a heck of a lot more than he did, and have a better game to show for it. If this is Nintendo's best attempt at trying to make strong narrative in their games, (which in games ingeneral there's not many of them in this generation) I seriously doubt their talent, and that's coming from a die hard fan. Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Sorry to sort of change the topic here , but what does everyone think the M in Other M actually meant? Was it ever specified in the game? It may have flown over my head. I said this on page 5, and I think I may have been right (spoiler)"Could be "Other Motherbrain". You never know. ;)" Well, in this case, Other MB.(spoiler) Quote
JCvgluvr Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Why does every room in this game have invisible walls? A lot of them are completely unnecessary. Nothing ruins exploration and immersion quite as well as an artificial barrier. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Bigfoot, what happens when you switch the positions of the "M" and "other"? MASSIVE END OF THE WORLD INDUCING SPOILERS: You get "Mother". Quote
zircon Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 There's a rather big problem with game designers, they're obsessed with THEIR vision, and not aboutwhether or not they're good ideas. They basically say, "This is how it's suppose to be! It's my vision! It's my art! That's all that matters! Me! Me! Me!" I honestly have no desire for Sakamoto to be involved in any more Metroid games. Retro understood Metroid a heck of a lot more than he did, and have a better game to show for it. If this is Nintendo's best attempt at trying to make strong narrative in their games, (which in games ingeneral there's not many of them in this generation) I seriously doubt their talent, and that's coming from a die hard fan. Hmm, I would argue that it's better for more developers to take risks as opposed to the drab 'design-by-committee' type games that are so prevalent today. When yo think of most classic games, the production teams were much smaller and thus it was easier to take risks and explore new directions. Quote
Lemonectric Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Sorry to sort of change the topic here , but what does everyone think the M in Other M actually meant? Was it ever specified in the game? It may have flown over my head.I said this on page 5, and I think I may have been right (spoiler)"Could be "Other Motherbrain". You never know. ;)" Well, in this case, Other MB.(spoiler) Bigfoot, what happens when you switch the positions of the "M" and "other"?MASSIVE END OF THE WORLD INDUCING SPOILERS: You get "Mother". THEY PLANNED THIS TITLE FROM THE BEGINNING Quote
Toadofsky Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Hmm, I would argue that it's better for more developers to take risks as opposed to the drab 'design-by-committee' type games that are so prevalent today. When yo think of most classic games, the production teams were much smaller and thus it was easier to take risks and explore new directions. I agree a little bit of risk, and at times big risks such as Metroid Prime being in first person, but this risk was damaging to Metroid. If the story and acting was much stronger, I wouldn't have such a problem. But since some game designers think they're directors, we get games like this. I don't like games trying to be like movies, we have that medium for a reason. Games can have story and acting, but there are few and far companies that can do it well. And unless some game designers can come to terms that maybe more professional talent is necessary, or show competent story telling, they shouldn't bother. Quote
EC2151 Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 To tell the truth, if Sakamoto would have, like, visited any Metroid fan forum, he would have found scores of fanfic writers who understood the series just as well (if not better lol) than him. But Japanese people just have this funny idea in their head that they are good story-tellers! Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Bigfoot, what happens when you switch the positions of the "M" and "other"?MASSIVE END OF THE WORLD INDUCING SPOILERS: You get "Mother". old news Quote
The Derrit Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 sorry guys but i have seen so many ridiculous complaints in this thread i don't even know where to start but i'll start with this one "i don't like games that are like movies" then you hate oh i don't know, METAL GEAR SOLID, ALL FINAL FANTASY GAMES, HALO, GEARS OF WAR, ALAN WAKE, AND JUST ABOUT EVERY SINGLE PLAYER ADVENTURE OF THE LAST SEVEN YEARS? ok cool so what games do you play pac-man Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Pacman's like a movie too. You have the yellow hero who has to navigate through the passages of hell and avoid the demon color ghosts. It's the most epic film ever. Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 Hey, Alan Wake was a novel. It just happened to have visuals in it. Quote
EC2151 Posted September 10, 2010 Posted September 10, 2010 But see then you have games like Half Life 2, and Portal... And Super Metroid and Metroid Prime, all which integrate story and gameplay flawlessly. Quote
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