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Also, hunters was a fun game : (


I actually played and beat Hunters 4 times.

Because each time I had beaten it, reasoned very hard to myself "I must have done something wrong in the course of the game. There's no WAY I could have played through such a poorly-designed game. There MUST be something I'm missing."

And that argument won again and again until I finally beat it through my head after being locked in 500th room fighting Guardians for the one-millionth time that yes that game was not fun.

That single-player was sub-ASS.

Who played the game for single player?
People who didn't know anyone else who got the game.


(Never did beat it, actually. The giant pod boss was just so annoying, and the fact that I had to fight him twice to get the remaining crystals was just insulting.)


Reviews from major websites seem to be bouncing between about 6.5 out of 10 and 9 out of 10, so even the reviews that focus on its problems note that it's relatively fun. Interestingly, the 1up.com review had more of an issue with the cutscenes, while the Destructoid review had more of an issue with the controls, so even the "low-scoring" reviewers have differing opinions.

That said, I'm a Metroid fanboy, I didn't actually mind the linearity of Fusion (though I prefer the openness of Super far more), and the music for this game is composed by the guy behind Kamen Rider Kabuto's background tracks, so I already knew this was going to be a day one purchase for me.


At least people here are a lot more reasonable to a differing opinion, infendo is just brimming with hate on it's low score for the game. It's absolutely stupid in the comments that everybody says, "You stated in the firs paragraph you're didn't like stuff in the game! But I know it's gonna be good cuz I ain't played it and know it's great!"

I've been very open about trying it out as a rental, but I'm just not seeing a reason to buy the game. Donkey Kong Returns just looks like a better game to me.

And from X-Play's video review, I have to agree with Morgan Webb on what I've seen, not necessarily what I've played as of yet. And what's funny, is that I'm agreeing with her and she has seem relatively "anti-Nintendo" lately...

The gameplay looked amazing. The rest looked like final fantasy... and not in a good way. I hope they'll be subtle about the story and not spoodfeed ppl with cutscenes and long speeches and stuff. You know, not like the real Metroid games. ;)

I was at comic-con this year and saw a demo of Other M. It definitely had a lot of talking and narration from what I can remember. I don't remember cut scenes, but I'm sure they're in there if this game is going to be about character development. If the writing was as good as Red Dead Redemption, it wouldn't have bothered me. But it wasn't, so... I guess we'll see. I'm still going to play it.


I felt like Webb's review was rubbish.

It seemed more like an angry rant than an actual review.

Most reviews are putting this into the 8.5ish category, and that's totally fine by me.

As for cutscenes, like I said in my longer post, it appears that the cutscenes are prevalent mainly at the beginning, and at the end (with some heavy stuff at some point in the middle). Other than that, it's very much a solitary game.

Low scores upset me, and I mean "low" relatively speaking, but usually only for games I'm on the fence about buying (I've bought games with general scores as low as 6 and loved them). 1.5 away from a perfect 10 is not too bad, all things considered, you know.

As for not playing the game but complaining about it, insert Super Paper Mario Francis quote here >_>

I've read enough and seen enough about this game to know with some confidence that I'm going to love it, flaws and all.


As for cutscenes, like I said in my longer post, it appears that the cutscenes are prevalent mainly at the beginning, and at the end (with some heavy stuff at some point in the middle). Other than that, it's very much a solitary game.

After the first two hours, there are barely any.

People are complaining about nothing.

Gameplay is solid. Exploration is there and is fun. The cutscenes that ARE there are not too long and set up a nice mood.

If you liked/loved fusion, you will like/love this.

For the rest of you, do not go in with the mindset that this is like Super Metroid, cause it isn't nor will any other game they make from what it seems like will be.

Deal with it and move the fuck on.


Newish trailer?

Or rather, recently localized/translated trailer.


Oh and a post i found in relation to that XPlay review:

Wow Abbie' date=' don't want to say it, but besides understandable disappointment with a control scheme (that most others have said makes the game too easy, not too frustrating,) you sound just like the ol' depressed protagonist--with similar father issues even.

I highly doubt any of this is against women, and if you want a believable character, then some of these things have to be accepted. Just because fans have seen her as a total tough-as-nails protagonist doesn't mean she wouldn't have her issues. Living alone. Fighting alone. Exploring alone. Unknown past. Yeah, that wouldn't have any serious psychological implications on a person.

Just because you want her to be a spunky female Marcus Fenix doing what she wants when she wants, without a care for anyone in the world, doesn't mean that is how the character has to unravel. But, yeah, totally saying that a woman would be emotional when the only things she's attached to are a few old friends and a baby alien that just killed itself for her... that's sooooo degrading.

I get it, you're a gamer, gamers don't care about realistic motivations--it's all about wish fulfillment. Who in their right mind wishes to be some depressed girl flying around space lamenting the loss of a confused flying jellyfish? Furthermore I am not saying that any of this has anything to do with the quality of the game, but you spent more time shooting out comments about this not being the "female empowerment!" you wanted, and less time talking game play.[/quote']

I predict an undub within a fortnight

And I will hate anyone who uses it.

The voice acting was great. Samus's fit her perfectly. Samus isn't one who fucking emotes all the damn time, so this choice was fine. The voice actor makes Samus sound like how she should sound which is cool, calm, and collected.

As for the controls being easy, besides prime, when have they ever not felt easy or smooth? People are really complaining about the controls? The controls are fucking great.

God, so many gamers are so whiny for literally nothing.


The new trailer that charlemagne linked gives a better idea to how Samus's voice sounds for those who have yet to play it.

When I watched the scene where she woke up in the very beginning of the game, I too was worried about the voice acting, but those worries went away when she runs into Adam and crew.

Unlike FE, they chose wisely on the voice cast. I mean, yea, she is no Jennifer Hale, but she does get the job done.

God, so many gamers are so whiny for literally nothing.


I'd say welcome to the internet and the wide(retarded) world of videogaming, but you were there for the Hope bashing in the FFXIII thread.

So yeah...

Anyway, this might be the first Metroid game I really pick up BECAUSE they actually explored the main character, even though the getting attached to a baby Metroid is a bit odd(but totally adorable), and because Team Ninja makes awesome action.

It's also something new within an established series, so hurray.


I'll post my thoughts when I get a chance to play it. I know in the thread and on comments I've been fairly negative on it, but I'm willing to give it a fair shake.

Enjoy your discussion chaps, I'll quit mucking it up...


Preordered this this morning. So stoked.

IGN complained that it is clunky, but I feel that is nothing really new in metroid. The Prime 1 and 2 controls were as clunky as it gets. Still, they were fantastic games.

IGN complained that it is clunky, but I feel that is nothing really new in metroid. The Prime 1 and 2 controls were as clunky as it gets. Still, they were fantastic games.

haha this really is the best outlook

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