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I dislike to be curt like this, however the situation has not improved as much as we all would like. People are still asking such simple and redundant questions like "What are soundfonts?" or "Where can I download soundfonts?". This would not be so bad, except there are several sticky and current threads that address these issues. Stop being lazy and taking advantage of the regulars. This section is aimed to help everyone of all levels. We understand beginners have a lot of questions and we all want to help each other as much as possible, but we aren't here to cater to your every whim *especially when it has been asked a million times this week*.

Please use the forum's Search function *then select ReMixing 101 in the search options* before asking. Thanks.

Edit: The other solution which will be becoming more frequent is the outright deletion of such posts. Consider this a word of warning for the intended audience. ^^


This is a good idea -- but there will still be many people who will miss this thread.... some because they're idiots.... some because they're human. With a ton of stickies bunched together, it's often 'easier' for someone to miss one of these 'important' threads. Therefore, they skip this because they are less apparent to this even though their eyes may pick it up and therefore will continue to ask these questions.

What's my point? Well, you're not an idiot I know! Surely you know that this thread can help, but is just as likely be ignored my new members.


Thanks for the announcement GL. Hopefully , the newer members won't bypass this thread as they do the stickies. I know exactly what has prompted you to do this , and I agree. Although these kinds of questions don't bother me personally , it probably will upset other members of the forum , I'm sure.

I don't think it's too harmful for someone who's new to miss the thread. They have to adapt first.

I know how you feel , which is why I try to answer these questions as politely as possible , but at some point , some decisive action is necessary or else the problem will remain unsolved. When I first came to the site , I did not once post a "Where can I find this sample or that soundfont" threads. Why? Simple. Because I enjoy finding things myself , and resort to asking when all else fails. Or if I need more professional opinions or suggestions. And one of the first things I did when I came to the site was read the FAQ . So I was already well aware of the fact that sample/soundfont/etc. request threads were a common redundancy in these forums. Basically , I did my homework . It's just too bad that not everyone is like me , however.

The other solution which will be becoming more frequent is the outright deletion of such posts.

If you are refering to new members posting requests for things that are already abundantly present in the forum as is , then fine. It could work in one sense.It will make the forums cleaner , I guess. The only thing that might be of a disadvantage with this solution would be the same new members posting threads like:

"Where did my post go?"

"How come my topic got deleted?"

Some might get the point . Others might get confused , maybe even believe that the deletion of their posts/threads is just a bug in the php coding or something. Unless you decide to send every newb who gets their post deleted a private message relating to the subject, they might not know how to interpret it (unless they read this announcement , of course). That will get the point across but do you really want to send a messge to e v e r y single person who gets a post deleted? I doubt it. It's very time-consuming for something that shouldn't even be necessary in the first place, but I guess it's a good solution.

You're doing a fine job of moderating the forums , I find. But I still think that more mods can help (it seems you already have one hell of a workload), or at least if all the regulars could help out to some extent (I know alot of them have been already).I've made some mistakes , that's for sure , but I still try to keep my respects for these forums in general. I hope everyone else who joins can , as well.

That's my opinion anyways.


Hey, where did my post go? no...seriously though, I agree. I will admit I'm fairly new at this myself (as you can no doubt tell by my "post count") and yet I agree whole-heartedly with GL. I, myself, am guilty of this (redundant posting) and I apologize because as GL put it himself, I was lazy. But I have gotten better at this by checking first before I post. I am just glad he said it first and made it a topic. He has said what I'm sure a lot of you/us have been thinking (and trying to tell others). Thank you!

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
well im sure i have a newb question its more of just a minor problem i think. i have a fruitland (FL) synth. its not the full version.I cant seem to import midi files.I mean i can import them but they dont play.Ive tried everything to get them to work.If anyone can possibily help me with this problem ill take on tons of request.If anyone can help just private message me so i get it faster.thanks


There's a FL thread for these questions. :? I'll delete this and your post in a day or two.

Follow the link. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7588

  • 1 month later...

Okay I'd like to be one of those n00bs that is not completely idiotic so here's a shot at it. I just got Cubase SX & Cakewalk 9, now they both LOOK like fine programs,there's only one problem. I can't hear a thing, I checked the output MIDI thingies but none of them work, I have three:


Microsoft MIDI Mapper (Emulated)

Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Syth (Emulated)

I have no idea what they mean but in the output menu, those 3 were the only ones to choose from and none seem to do the trick. I tried searching in other forums but all I found was REALLY stupid questions, whose answers were probably "turn on ur spekerz".

I got these programs because I read the Tutorial by McVafee or something like that (sorry I can't be bothered to look it up right now).

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
If one person is saved, then that might be enough. ^_^ More than that I hope. The other solution which will be becoming more frequent is the outright deletion of such posts. Consider this a word of warning for the intended audience. ^^

I am "saved".


Ok im new to this. Ive been wondering exactly how to remix things and stuff. Can i do this with a saxophone? How much do synthesizers cost if i need one? Ok my main question is How much it gonna cost.

Ok im new to this. Ive been wondering exactly how to remix things and stuff. Can i do this with a saxophone? How much do synthesizers cost if i need one? Ok my main question is How much it gonna cost
Don't know but having the same some what problem here too cause I want to remix some songs from the homeworld game that I have and I have the CD that has the songs that I want to remix but I just the tools so can some one help me out?
  • 4 months later...

How do you get those dope pictures to appear in the post? Also, what program should a money-strapped remixer wannabe get so that he can start learning? I've always wanted to do a remix of the melee sequence music in Ultima VI.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

just curious, is there any software out there, that is 1.) free and 2.) uses musical score and 3.) newbie friendly?

I downloaded the demo for fruity loops, but it just confuses me...(after this post, I'm probably off to the FL thread...) I was just curious if I should look in another direction for sequencing and editing musical scores.


just curious, is there any software out there, that is 1.) free and 2.) uses musical score and 3.) newbie friendly?

I downloaded the demo for fruity loops, but it just confuses me...(after this post, I'm probably off to the FL thread...) I was just curious if I should look in another direction for sequencing and editing musical scores.


FL is about as n00b friendly as you get, sorry? :lol:

just curious, is there any software out there, that is 1.) free and 2.) uses musical score and 3.) newbie friendly?

I downloaded the demo for fruity loops, but it just confuses me...(after this post, I'm probably off to the FL thread...) I was just curious if I should look in another direction for sequencing and editing musical scores.


FL is about as n00b friendly as you get, sorry? :lol:

but uses no musical score...thanks for generally not answering my question, and being an ass. I really appreciate it.

why does it seem that music mixing software tends to have very little to do with actual music notation?

just curious, is there any software out there, that is 1.) free and 2.) uses musical score and 3.) newbie friendly?

I downloaded the demo for fruity loops, but it just confuses me...(after this post, I'm probably off to the FL thread...) I was just curious if I should look in another direction for sequencing and editing musical scores.


FL is about as n00b friendly as you get, sorry? :lol:

but uses no musical score...thanks for generally not answering my question, and being an ass. I really appreciate it.

why does it seem that music mixing software tends to have very little to do with actual music notation?

it has a piano roll, which should be close enough to actual score notation for your whiney little tastes. BITCH


Seriously, FL has the easiest curve of any mixing program I've ever used. For a beginner, I highly recommend it.

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