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Hi there. I haven't been posting much on here lately as I've been more busy actually playing games than talking about them, but most of you are cool and I was wondering what you thought of this game.

I have a lot of fond memories of Final Fantasy IV. I remember the first day I saw it when my older brother rented it when I sat on my bunk bed sick as hell watching him beat the whole thing. I've always loved the story, the music, and the characters, and just the feel of the game in general. It has one of those worlds that you just wish you were a part of, and I'm not even that big of a Final Fantasy fan(relatively speaking).

So, it was a no-brainer that I'd be downloading the game when it came onto Nintendo's Wiiware. I'm not happy about the episode system - I'm going to assume that you know that it was originally a cell phone game and how this game is like Mega Man 9 in an old school nostalgic way.

I love this game (or games?). I'm addicted to it like a crackwhore wanting more crack. It feels like hanging out with old friends you haven't seen in a while. So far, I am not disappointed at all and my low expecations have been crushed and whisked into the ether. I know that SquareEnix wants my money and fully intends to take every dollar I have by charging individually for every episode, but I don't understand why I can't just download them all.

So people, what are your thoughts on this game? I think it is great and I think it's a great time to be a gaming nerd, especially if you're one of those old enough to be nostalgic about games. There are lots of cool games out on all systems right now, but this episode crap is driving me nuts.

Hi there. I haven't been posting much on here lately as I've been more busy actually playing games than talking about them, but most of you are cool and I was wondering what you thought of this game.

I have a lot of fond memories of Final Fantasy IV. I remember the first day I saw it when my older brother rented it when I sat on my bunk bed sick as hell watching him beat the whole thing. I've always loved the story, the music, and the characters, and just the feel of the game in general. It has one of those worlds that you just wish you were a part of, and I'm not even that big of a Final Fantasy fan(relatively speaking).

So, it was a no-brainer that I'd be downloading the game when it came onto Nintendo's Wiiware. I'm not happy about the episode system - I'm going to assume that you know that it was originally a cell phone game and how this game is like Mega Man 9 in an old school nostalgic way.

I love this game (or games?). I'm addicted to it like a crackwhore wanting more crack. It feels like hanging out with old friends you haven't seen in a while. So far, I am not disappointed at all and my low expecations have been crushed and whisked into the ether. I know that SquareEnix wants my money and fully intends to take every dollar I have by charging individually for every episode, but I don't understand why I can't just download them all.

So people, what are your thoughts on this game? I think it is great and I think it's a great time to be a gaming nerd, especially if you're one of those old enough to be nostalgic about games. There are lots of cool games out on all systems right now, but this episode crap is driving me nuts.

All I know is that Final Fantasy IV was literally my first religious experience and I've waited my whole life for a true sequel.

Course, now I get the bittersweet sensation of knowing better than to get my hopes up.

Really enjoying After Years when I don't get stuck with a single character in my party. Ceodore rulezzzzz.

Ceodore rules? What are you talking about?

I am at the cave near Kaipo with both "Masked Man" and Ceodore at level 34 and Ceodore is still HORRIBLE. He has crap for stats. He is a punching bag for every monster I encounter.

Having "Awaken" should not be a reason to nerf his stats. I would sacrifice that ability in an instant if it gave Ceodore better base stats.

He is the son of a paladin and white mage. He should be able to tank this shit with ease. It sucks that this isn't the case.


Waiting for all episodes and rumored(probably not happening) 360 port.

Glad to hear that you all like it, though. I was worried that the episodic nature might take away from the "epic" feel of the original. Seems not.

So how exactly does the battle system work? Is it just a rehash of the FFIV ATB system with similar abilities or did they play around with it at all?

Ceodore rules? What are you talking about?

I am at the cave near Kaipo with both "Masked Man" and Ceodore at level 34 and Ceodore is still HORRIBLE. He has crap for stats. He is a punching bag for every monster I encounter.

Having "Awaken" should not be a reason to nerf his stats. I would sacrifice that ability in an instant if it gave Ceodore better base stats.

He is the son of a paladin and white mage. He should be able to tank this shit with ease. It sucks that this isn't the case.

Consider labeling those items as SPOILERS.


I really need to pick this up. I remember beating Final Fantasy II ( =P ) as a kid and being so hyped up for a sequel, and I just *knew* one was coming out. This whole 'FFs are all separate storylines' thing wasn't exactly common knowledge then.

So finally, my 9 year-old self can find out what happened to Kain. :)


I'm actually not very pleased with it. Don't get me wrong, the game is good, but there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER FOR EPISODIC GAME RELEASES, especially for an RPG. I would prefer to have been given a DS release and paid $40 for it if the alternative is having a $37 digital release with nothing physical to show for it.

One other thing, though I'm not too terribly far in: is there any new music? So far everything is from FFIV (which isn't bad or anything, but I wouldn't mind some new stuff).

Consider labeling those items as SPOILERS.

What spoilers? Kaipo is in the original. Ceodore learns that thing like 5 minutes into the game.

One other thing, though I'm not too terribly far in: is there any new music? So far everything is from FFIV (which isn't bad or anything, but I wouldn't mind some new stuff).

Only one track so far, which I don't really mind.

What spoilers? Kaipo is in the original. Ceodore learns that thing like 5 minutes into the game.

Well, unless the masked man you're talking about is Edge, there's still enough original material in there, even if it is talking about places and items that were in the first game.

And I agree thats not bad, I'm just trying to set a precedent so bigger spoilers aren't accidently spoiled, you dig?

It was originally released as an episodic game.

I know that. I'm making a blanket statement. There is no reason for episodic gaming in general. I feel ripped off by the whole concept, especially since I downloaded FFIV thinking I was getting a full game for $8 (which is roughly the cost of an SNES game, so it makes logical sense). I do not like episodic gaming. I'm also stuck in this game, so now I'm mad at it.

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