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  BlackPanther said:
Ok so I'm confused. I thought Fry and Leela were dating. Did I miss somethin @_@?
It was really downplayed in this episode, if not entirely disregarded. My understanding was that they were dating, too, especially after the Rebirth episode.

I laughed more at this episode than I have in at least the past month at anything else, so I'm not complaining. I really don't think this is in danger of going the way of Family Guy, unless they kill their running gags or drive the jokes into the ground.

Maybe my standards are lower, but Futurama doesn't hold as much nostalgia factor for me as it does for others, because I didn't see it until a good while after its cancellation. So, it's still a fresh feeling for me.

  Thylacine said:
It was really downplayed in this episode, if not entirely disregarded. My understanding was that they were dating, too, especially after the Rebirth episode.

I laughed more at this episode than I have in at least the past month at anything else, so I'm not complaining. I really don't think this is in danger of going the way of Family Guy, unless they kill their running gags or drive the jokes into the ground.

Maybe my standards are lower, but Futurama doesn't hold as much nostalgia factor for me as it does for others, because I didn't see it until a good while after its cancellation. So, it's still a fresh feeling for me.

I thought they were pretty much over after episode 2's ending, where he was forced to watch Leela and Zapp :-o


No nostalgia clouding here. I started watching Futurama within the past 2 years. I'm still disappointed by the writing of this new season so far, in comparison to what it was before.

Not giving up, though. The new season's got quality animation, the original voice cast, and a lot of good production values going for it, despite lackluster (so far) writing.


The latest episode just wasn't very good. Making fun of Apple again? Come on Futurama I know you were in Purgatory while everyone else was doing that but you have to move on, it's a dead joke.

Also, Susan Boil? REALLY? Ugh.

The next episode looks kind of neat though, gay robots or something? Let's see what happens there


*Sigh* like usual people are complainin too much -_-. I thought this last episode was funny as well and the eyephone joke was done in good taste. Leela and Zap doin it again was kinda confusing especially with her and Fry dating. Hopefully they get that shit straightened out. So far though I'm pleased with the episodes.

  Tables said:
The latest episode just wasn't very good. Making fun of Apple again? Come on Futurama I know you were in Purgatory while everyone else was doing that but you have to move on, it's a dead joke.

Also, Susan Boil? REALLY? Ugh.

The next episode looks kind of neat though, gay robots or something? Let's see what happens there

Making fun of (but mostly promoting) Apple is a long-running Futurama thing. They were hyping Apple WAY BACK WHEN.

Honestly though, I thought the latest episode was really good. This season has been high quality so far, you can tell it's the same writers. Keep in mind this is from a guy who's watched every Futurama episode/movie at LEAST 5 times each (and twice with commentaries). Watch the episodes again, they grow on you :)


Definitely close to the standards of the old episodes I'd say. I think the first episode got a little dumb by the end with the twists trying to out-twist the previous twist but it ended before it got too bad.


  • 8 months later...

The people who write Futurama screwed themselves in the butt.

Here is why, and feel free to disagree with me here and hopefully I'm wrong about some detail.

They used to pride themselves on the accuracy of their details, it's a pretty smart show. They usually don't leave a paradox un-killed. So here's where I take issue. You're all aware of the three big movies, where some big event happened that threatened to kill the universe. Let's talk about Big Score and Green Yonder in particular, because Bender's Game was just a bit masturbatory exercise in fanboyism of D&D and the result of that film isn't even referenced in future episodes. What the hell is the new fuel source? But I digress.

In season 5 (the new season) episode 7 called "The Late Philip J. Fry", Leela invites Fry to her birthday in Cavern on the Green or whatnot, yadda yadda. But we see that Fry, with Bender and the Professor, go forward in time on accident. This movement REMOVES them from the ongoing universe, as they are now in the time machine, and even when they return you see them crushing their paradox copies who are about to get into the time machine again. That's when I realized that Fry's role as the "chosen one" or whatever Nibbler said he was, is over. If the universe can go on -- well PAST Fry's lifespan, mind you -- then there's no more stories to tell. There won't be another movie where Fry "saves the universe" or anything of the sort, using his "special brain". This is proved by the fact that Fry leaves the universe, and goes forward in time to see the evolutionary changes or inevitable destruction that he wouldn't have had an affect on in life anyway.

Why do I "assume" that the future destruction is inevitable for Fry to stop? Because it happens after he would be dead anyway. Someone tell me I'm wrong. :<

It's like in the show Nip/Tuck when they did the flash to the future episode where everyone was alive and things were normal, then the season finale's cliffhanger was a guy getting stabbed in the back. It's like COME ON, you already showed that he's alive 20 years in the future. I mean come on.

Even in the following episode we see Nibbler taking a dump of Dark Matter in the litter box, even though Bender's Game showed all dark matter turning to dust. WHAT THE HELL, WRITERS?

  Brushfire said:
You gotta remember that everyone is not huge dorks like you or me.

the problem is that futurama used to only write jokes for huge dorks

this was it's greatest strength and greatest weakness - it's what made it so good in the first place, but also what made it have such awful ratings

the only way anybody would ever pick it up again is by making it more accessible, which unfortunately in this case, means less good

  Brandon Strader said:
In season 5 (the new season) episode 7 called "The Late Philip J. Fry", Leela invites Fry to her birthday in Cavern on the Green or whatnot, yadda yadda. But we see that Fry, with Bender and the Professor, go forward in time on accident. This movement REMOVES them from the ongoing universe, as they are now in the time machine, and even when they return you see them crushing their paradox copies who are about to get into the time machine again. That's when I realized that Fry's role as the "chosen one" or whatever Nibbler said he was, is over. If the universe can go on -- well PAST Fry's lifespan, mind you -- then there's no more stories to tell. There won't be another movie where Fry "saves the universe" or anything of the sort, using his "special brain". This is proved by the fact that Fry leaves the universe, and goes forward in time to see the evolutionary changes or inevitable destruction that he wouldn't have had an affect on in life anyway.

Why do I "assume" that the future destruction is inevitable for Fry to stop? Because it happens after he would be dead anyway. Someone tell me I'm wrong. :<?

You're wrong. :< We only know that the universe without Fry, the Professor, and Bender goes on. (And even then, the universe could be considerably worse without them - when Fry "saves the universe" from the brains the first time, it's just from being enslaved by them, but the universe would still go on). Anyway, the universe with Fry, the Professor, and Bender goes forward differently BECAUSE of them. Fry may need to save save the universe as a result of their own actions, directly or no.

Why did I type this


I've noticed that as the seasons go on, the show became more reliant on its own continuity to build new stories. This is something that Star Trek has done, and it got to the point where the franchise ground itself to a halt because of it. I hope this doesn't happen to Futurama.

  • 2 months later...

Last night's episodes are leaving me optimistic. No, it's not the exact same as the show that started out on Fox in 1999. As others have mentioned, the jokes are more obvious - and they do leave me wondering, for about 1/1,000 of a second "Did they really just blatantly go there? Sigh." But, at the same time, I'm laughing anyway.

It's still a good show. It still has geeky, contemporary, and pseudo-futuristic references.

Beware of fuel for flames to come:

As for Family Guy, it was never good to begin with - THAT'S why it was crap when it was revived.

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