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Transformers 2: Or how I can't believe no one thought of this for Soundwave

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That being said, I still want the third one to have intelligent plot and motherfucking UNICRON.

And this time lets not go fantastic 4 and make it an evil cloud (oh no! Quick, someone get a desk fan). When I say Unicron I mean "that's no moon" with freakin tusks trying to eat the planet Unicron.

Being the 1986~ movie Transformers being a favourite of mine. This would be win.

I never heard of this fallen fucker. Make Unicron the grand evil master damit. But then again, it might lead to another build up that ends up only blowing up Unicron just as it arrives and we get another movie with sam and sex innuendos slapped all over it.

The best part of the number 2 movie was when the desert battle started... the rest of the movie before that I consider filler. Though I got one cheap laugh out of that douche shooting himself with that electric gun.


I didn't have a problem with Soundwave not joining the battle so much as the fact that they made like 30 Decepticons and never bothered to introduce us to any of them.

Ultimately, I think the first movie was better since it was much more cohesive and they actually highlighted each Transformer that was used. I think this movie suffers mostly from "OMGWEREAT2HRSALREADY?!" syndrome, where instead of editing the middle of the movie to move things along instead of dicking around, they chop out all kinds of stuff from the end so that it ends faster.


transformers 2 was a bad movie, and if you liked it





I liked it and I'm pretty sure I'm not an idiot.

I went into the theatre and saw what I wanted to see.

More Transformers and more action.

I'm pretty satisfied.

pretty sure being the key phrase there

WOW... .You really have nothing to do, do you?

He said, he wants more transformers and more action. he got both... and this makes him an idiot?


yeah basically

basically imagine somebody says that they want a hamburger

and michael bay gives them one, except the hamburger bun is made out of poop

if the person eats it anyway because they just wanted the meat, ignoring the idea that there are plenty of other people who could given them a hamburger just as tasty except with actual buns





pretty sure being the key phrase there

Wow you are a quick one!

5 minutes after my post!

Got this thread on check I see.

Well if people think I'm an idiot, more power to them.

I don't care what people think.

Especially on the internet.

Wow you are a quick one!

5 minutes after my post!

Got this thread on check I see.

Well if people think I'm an idiot, more power to them.

I don't care what people think.

Especially on the internet.

Yes you do. This post proves it.


I saw this movie yesterday and I must say that I'm on Bleck's side on this. I thought the movie was terrible. Too long, too boring. Only highlight was Soundwave being a satellite, other than that, blegh. I don't know what is so great about going to a movie only to watch Megan Fox every two seconds. If I want to see hot chicks I google them, I don't want stupid hotties that can't act to save their life ruining movies.

I want my 6€ back.


This movie is in some ways, a total atrocity. It's fun in spurts and especially if the theater is having fun about it.

But wow, it's the biggest bad-film-making ever, and it's beating almost all the good movies ever made numbers-wise. It's just very sad.

Also, Spongebob-voice-guy does the racist twin robots. Wow.

The twins were not nearly as annoying as the roommate.

I agree with that. The twins were borderline offensive but the roommate guy just screamed too damn much. And why'd he have to be this movie's computer person. I liked the hot Australian a lot more.

I agree with that. The twins were borderline offensive but the roommate guy just screamed too damn much. And why'd he have to be this movie's computer person. I liked the hot Australian a lot more.

Me too, although she really had no purpose in the first movie.

the roommate guy just screamed too damn much. And why'd he have to be this movie's computer person. I liked the hot Australian a lot more.

I hated them both. But between the two... the chick's involvement was alot more trivial to the plot. It irked me.


I just hope that the third one spends more time with the transformers and less time with the unnecessary human secondary characters. I really hope this movie has a longer cut on DVD since the last half of the movie felt like pieces had been chopped out of it to move along faster.

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