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Big fan of Noel and Jin.

Easy combo for anyone using Noel: drive attack (either standing or crouching) into down-forward normal hard attack, into fireball motion with drive, into special (two fireball motions and drive). It's a 25-30 hit combo depending on how you do it. I've also been able to work one extra attack in there with the normal hard attack between the first drive and down-forward hard normal at times.


I still haven't got my copy yet. Got if for the PS3 because I don't own a 360 and the 360's D-pad sucks huge penis. I pre-ordered at Gamestop's website for the online only artbook and was too cheap to overnight it. Been playing one of my friend's copy though though. As someone who main'ed Ky and used Millia as one of my secondary characters in GG, Jin is definetly an easy fit for me. However, I kind of want to try something different. When my copy comes in with those gameplay videos that explain how to play the characters in depth, I'm going to look into Carl. I expect none of my friends will touch him. Go ahead and friend me though on the PSN. I'm AvatarofJustice.

I gotta say, I like the dub to this game. I expected to want it in Japanese, but it is so cool to hear the characters say different things depending on who your opponent is and actually understand them. Although, it sounds like Ragna is saying "Guard my babies!" instead of "Gauntlet Hades" at times.

Boy, these guys sure do like their blue hero/red antihero schtick.

BlazBlue is basically the spiritual successor to Guilty Gear. Therefore, this is coming into play:


The game feels slower than Guilty Gear to me. The system and the way you perform special moves is mostly the same, but it doesn't really feel like a high speed fighting game like GG. Still, it definitely has potential and is really fun so far, so we'll see where this goes.

Also Schwaltz, we have the special edition with the shiny soundtrack too :3

Something I've been wondering about the current generation of 2D fighters. Street Fighter IV from what I saw of it makes the game pause dramatically everytime a hit lands, which looked like it slowed things down. BlazBlue is definetly slower than GG. Maybe this is a way to make the game more online play friendly to compensate for lag?


I picked it up for PS3. I'm a Litchi main, and I'm surprised at how complicated she is to use. I'beginning to learn her basic stuff, and I can definitely see why she's an A tier character, it's just going to take alot of practice for me to get there.

My PSN is JamStunna, add away.

Jin is frustrating as hell to fight with his freezing moves. >:\

Hehe, sorry. I unbinded the right stick shortcuts so I have to do the combos the normal way. (ex. the lunging move where he rides the ice into you and slashes you is actually a tatsumaki sempukyaku) But since I looked at the command list, I've been coming up with all these crazy combos... maybe I should stop using him...

Ragna and Noel for me. Fun chars :3

Ragna plays a lot like Sol Badguy from GG, and being a Sol junkie already, Ragna is fairly easy to get used to. Noel's style is sort of original; she relies on this move where you string attacks together, similar to Marth's foward B in SSB.

I've been using Jin Kisaragi, I'm almost surprised at how easy he is.

I can string together combos so quickly that the opponent can't even move before I strike. (I use a combination of freezing moves and slashes)

One of my fav combos is where he slices upward with ice that freezes the guy and then thrusts at the frozen opponent (the timing of the slash depends on how long you hold the button) while the person is recoiling I do the move where he lunges forward and slashes. Again while the person is recoiling I do the move where he slashes continuously, then I do something similar to a shoryuken and then repeat the process, throwing in the occasional freeze version of those moves. Am I being cheap with him?

I've been using Jin Kisaragi, I'm almost surprised at how easy he is.

I can string together combos so quickly that the opponent can't even move before I strike. (I use a combination of freezing moves and slashes)

One of my fav combos is where he slices upward with ice that freezes the guy and then thrusts at the frozen opponent (the timing of the slash depends on how long you hold the button) while the person is recoiling I do the move where he lunges forward and slashes. Again while the person is recoiling I do the move where he slashes continuously, then I do something similar to a shoryuken and then repeat the process, throwing in the occasional freeze version of those moves. Am I being cheap with him?

Yes you are being cheap. >:\


Holy god.

After hearing V-13's theme I don't think I even want this game anymore. I mean, this is more than enough for me already. It's like if epic rock music itself had a theme tune.


Finally beat arcade mode on Hell and am feeling a little better about some basic combos. If anyone wants to throw down on 360, GT: Fafnir7C3

oh right.. i play nu, so if you're not cool with DDDDDDDDDDDDDD- let me know ahead of time :P

As far as Jin, I haven't reallly had problems with him. You guys are aware you can get out of ice by mashing the stick, right?

Finally beat arcade mode on Hell and am feeling a little better about some basic combos. If anyone wants to throw down on 360, GT: Fafnir7C3

oh right.. i play nu, so if you're not cool with DDDDDDDDDDDDDD- let me know ahead of time :P

As far as Jin, I haven't reallly had problems with him. You guys are aware you can get out of ice by mashing the stick, right?

I don't give Shariq time to get out. I do crazy combos with Jin. Heck I don't even need to freeze him, it's just that freezing is more powerful so I do it anyway.

Holy god.

After hearing V-13's theme I don't think I even want this game anymore. I mean, this is more than enough for me already. It's like if epic rock music itself had a theme tune.

For a second, I thought you were talking about the remix attempt I submitted back in April. It is also called V-13. :P


I can't wait to see a good Carl player, that puppet thing gets pretty annoying at times when i play against the computer. If you're in between both of them you are pretty much screwed. But yeah it seems like everyone is playing Ragna, Jin, and Noel. I think these are pretty easy characters to fight with when I first played it. I still haven't played enough to figure out which character I want to main with. I've only played everyone about 3-4 times. I'm thinking I want to main with Litchi or Rachel for now though

Btw. I have the PS3 version but I share it with my brother, our PSN: shimstyle.

I can't wait to see a good Carl player, that puppet thing gets pretty annoying at times when i play against the computer. If you're in between both of them you are pretty much screwed. But yeah it seems like everyone is playing Ragna, Jin, and Noel. I think these are pretty easy characters to fight with when I first played it. I still haven't played enough to figure out which character I want to main with. I've only played everyone about 3-4 times. I'm thinking I want to main with Litchi or Rachel for now though

Btw. I have the PS3 version but I share it with my brother, our PSN: shimstyle.

My advice: If you like quick combos, GO WITH JIN. He can be the easiest person to use if you know how to use him and the most hellish person to fight if you don't.

I can kill everyone, I've not died once with him (except against Shariq when he got real frustrated and ended up mashing Noel's drive attack, in that case I couldn't move in between her chaining moves... if I just got one freezing move in, Shariq would've been toast... er, well whatever you would call him after being frozen and slashed...)

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