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Raptr releases instant messaging and game tracking client for gamers

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On TechCrunch this morning: Raptr’s New Chat Client Helps Friends Get Their Game On

Whether you're interested in the multi-protocol IM client or not, you should still check out Raptr because of its game tracking capabilities (see my sig for an example). To me, it's very cool to know what games you've been playing and how long you've played them. Like, Oblivion tracks my time for me but I was quite surprised to see that I've put 100+ hours into Left 4 Dead.

Anyway, sorry if this seems spammy, but I honestly wouldn't post this here if I didn't think the OCR gamers would be genuinely interested.

Game on!


so what advantage does this have over just using steam (which you'd have to have open anyway to be playing l4d)

I mean, this just looks like a version of steam that you can't actually buy games from

so what advantage does this have over just using steam (which you'd have to have open anyway to be playing l4d)

I mean, this just looks like a version of steam that you can't actually buy games from

Well, I play L4D on 360, which is one of Raptr's benefits over Steam/Xfire: it's multi-platform. It automatically tracks gameplay across 360, PC and Mac. You can also track other consoles/platforms manually (not as convenient but the option is there).

Isn't this something like Xfire?

It is a lot like Xfire, yes, which isn't surprising because it was founded by the guy who founded Xfire ;) (Dennis Fong/thresh). Raptr does multi-protocol IM, though, which is handy if you have multiple accounts you use.


It is a lot like Xfire, yes, which isn't surprising because it was founded by the guy who founded Xfire ;) (Dennis Fong/thresh). Raptr does multi-protocol IM, though, which is handy if you have multiple accounts you use.

Haha, Thresh. I remember articles and interviews with him back long ago. Such a tool.

Why would I want to track my game playing? Bragging rights? To see how much time I have wasted?

Most of the games I play have their own internal clock or timer that tells me, any way.

I'm sorry, I really don't understand the point behind this.

Seriously? Dude I would LOVE to know how much I used to play Bomberman, Phantasy Star, Zelda ... all those games from when I was a kid. And nowadays I'd never know I've played L4D for 100+ hours without Raptr telling me.

So the whole point is that Raptr uses this data to recommend other games you would probably like but maybe hadn't heard about based on your data. And it tells you what your friends are playing (that's how I found about Plants VS Zombies).


For some reason Raptr doesn't import any of my statistics for Steam games aside from achievements. Apparently my most played game is Halo 3 for 360, despite not having played it for a couple of months, whereas I play TF2 on PC at least 4-5 nights of the week. Any insight?


Have you been running the client? It might seem redundant to have both open, but if you want your PC gameplay tracked on Raptr, you need to run the Raptr client. The trophies should work either way since we can get that anytime via the interwebz.

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