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death, in most cases (lots of exceptions), isn't there for you the viewer to react to; it's there to set up the characters remaining, and their experiences of terror, anger, fear, often hopelessness/resignation, are put on gratuitous display for your viewing pleasure

Disagree entirely. Death that isn't something you emotionally react to fails to do any of the set up you mentioned. It's just something that happens, and then the author fills in the gap manually by telling you how it affects everyone else. This is bad writing. I am aware something bad happened to Eren, and now he's got bloodlust for the Titans.

Is he justified? I don't know, maybe. Do I feel sorry for him? No. But I SHOULD feel sorry for him. That was the point of making that death so dramatic, but it failed to put me on the edge of my seat, hoping that someone would save her. But no, I didn't feel any more bad when she died than I did for the nameless crowds of people getting killed.

It is most certainly cheap. It doesn't drive home the point at all, because it lacks good conveyance of emotion.

I guess you could argue for the relative insignificance of a person dying compared to any other person dying, but that just makes for a crappy story in general that isn't worth watching. Of course, no duh we're cosmically insignificant, why do I need an action anime to tell me that?

Like I said, this show has amazing visuals and music but the depth just isn't there, at least not to the point of being worthy of its praise even if it's not a bad anime in the least. I'm not saying it's awful, I'm more focusing on evaluating if it's as good as everyone says (and so far, it's not). There are much better anime to gush and freak out about.

  • 5 weeks later...

So I know I said I didn't like it before (granted I only watched a few episodes) and I know whether or not it counts as anime is debated, but after watching all of Legend of Korra I decided to watch The Last Airbender which is currently on Netflix.

I'm nearly at the end of the series and holy damn it's pretty much the greatest thing ever.

So I know I said I didn't like it before (granted I only watched a few episodes) and I know whether or not it counts as anime is debated, but after watching all of Legend of Korra I decided to watch The Last Airbender which is currently on Netflix.

I'm nearly at the end of the series and holy damn it's pretty much the greatest thing ever.

Then you will enjoy this.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I didn't know how good superpower shonen could be until I watched Hunter X Hunter.

Seriously. Chimera Ant. I am consistently never mentally or emotionally prepared for anything in this arc. :banghead: I think this is definitely the show that has the best written plot and characters I've ever seen. I don't want even compare it with my other "best" anime, because I'm not really emotionally prepared enough to try and rank them. Disappointed that Kurapika's arc will never be resolved at this rate, because of the production issues with the writer.

Edited by Neblix

Surprisingly not as bad as the title would make me think:

Maria The Virgin Witch.

I came across the show while looking for another. The title immediately activated every "terrible show, don't watch" alarm, but knowing not to judge a show by its name, I looked it up.

The premise came off very fan-servicey and pandering. But I still gave it a shot.

Any one watch "Maoyu"? Lots of analysis on the economics of war, peace and politics. It's about how the two main characters use their respective positions to guide both sides towards a sustainable peace using large-scale agriculture and education.

Maria covers more of the micro-level aspects of war. Maria actively sabotages both armies fighting near her home so they can't fight. If they do, she summons monsters to stop the battle, forcing both sides to run away. But her actions end up having some serious consequences.

1. We find out that the mercenaries hired by both sides to fight, have turned upon the very peasants they are fighting to protect. NO war means no pay, which means they have no food.

2. Heaven decided to stop getting involved period, and now wants Maria to stop fucking around because it's interfering with their observational role.

3. The villagers she protects are getting torn between the war, the church's pressure, and their genuine appreciation for her help.

4. The church is oblivious to Heaven's true goals, and thinks they can use Maria as a hero figurehead to defeat the English.

All this, because Maria just wants to keep her friends safe.

Oddly good, despite the lame, pandering premise. If you can ignore the few mentions of it every episode, it might end up one of the more fun shows of the year.

I didn't know how good superpower shonen could be until I watched Hunter X Hunter.

Seriously. Chimera Ant. I am consistently never mentally or emotionally prepared for anything in this arc. :banghead: I think this is definitely the show that has the best written plot and characters I've ever seen. I don't want even compare it with my other "best" anime, because I'm not really emotionally prepared enough to try and rank them. Disappointed that Kurapika's arc will never be resolved at this rate, because of the production issues with the writer.

I just ended watching HXH and I agree with that totally. The chimera Ant arc was so... intense in the sense of feelings, I felt sad when it ended because it was so good at the end. There should be a Hunter x Hunter 2 in the future with the most recent episodes in the manga.

  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know if the anime from Toriko holds up to the manga?

Because, HOLY CRAP!!

I'm reading it right now, and it perfectly holds up with the best of One Piece and Hunter X Hunter!


You should all check out Monster by Naoki Urasawa as it's a masterpiece within video/animation as a whole. Seemingly a hidden gem as it gets overshadowed by more mainstream anime such as Death Note and Attack on Titan, it fits into a similar genre as a suspense/mystery/action/drama story. The English dub is one of very few which is almost as good (if not better) as its Japanese counterpart in voice over/dialogue. It's not all that long either, roughly doubling Death Note's 37 episodes at 74 episodes. You realize it's split into two acts after watching it through; I bring this up because the first act (37 episodes) has a slower pacing which tends to scare people off who aren't willing to invest as opposed to the immediate pay off of its comparable in Death Note. All the same, it is vastly superior (at least in my opinion) and well worth the slow burn. Read the synopsis below.

As a side note, it's also being turned into a live action TV series so you know it's great!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_%28manga%29 (Don't read too much it'll spoil all the great twists!)

So the other thread went on into the oblivion that is nonexistence, so I thought I'd go ahead and create another thread.

So what's everyone watching? What's coming up in the coming months that we should look out for? Was anyone annoyed by Gundam 00 S2?

Discussion commence!

Oh yeah I dropped Gundam 002 S2 after a dozen episodes. Compared to S1, this was very boring. Especially with that rather uninspiring side story with that princess or queen, or whatever.

Fate/Stay Knight Unlimited Bladeworks S2 and Aldonoah Zero S2 are probably the only shows I'm looking forward to. Don't really have the time to binge watch anime anymore, I'm afraid!

Edit: just realised that the last post was from years ago, and posts on the first page are recent. This is awkward...

You should all check out Monster by Naoki Urasawa as it's a masterpiece within video/animation as a whole. Seemingly a hidden gem as it gets overshadowed by more mainstream anime such as Death Note and Attack on Titan, it fits into a similar genre as a suspense/mystery/action/drama story. The English dub is one of very few which is almost as good (if not better) as its Japanese counterpart in voice over/dialogue. It's not all that long either, roughly doubling Death Note's 37 episodes at 74 episodes. You realize it's split into two acts after watching it through; I bring this up because the first act (37 episodes) has a slower pacing which tends to scare people off who aren't willing to invest as opposed to the immediate pay off of its comparable in Death Note. All the same, it is vastly superior (at least in my opinion) and well worth the slow burn. Read the synopsis below.

As a side note, it's also being turned into a live action TV series so you know it's great!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_%28manga%29 (Don't read too much it'll spoil all the great twists!)

I can double this recommendation. It's probably a good approximation to 'The Fugitive', really. Only problem is that I don't think it's available for streaming anymore, and I don't even know if there's any physical copies to be found.

Edit: just realised that the last post was from years ago, and posts on the first page are recent. This is awkward...

You can change that. Click on "User CP" in the top left of the window, then click "Edit Options" in the navigation pane on the left. Scroll down to "Thread Display Options" and one of the options will be "Thread Display Mode". Select "Linear - Oldest First" from the dropdown menu to have the oldest posts of a thread on page 1, and the newest on the last page.

That said, when I first watched Gundam 00, I was quite irritated at the massive tone shift between the seasons. I still like season one better (pretty much literally the only things I would change are a few things in the last couple episodes dealing with how they transitioned to season two), but season two stands reasonably well on its own if you judge it on its own merits rather than in comparison to the first season. Plus, even compared to season one, it has some ridiculously awesome scenes. The attack on Memento Mori, the defense of the orbital elevator, the final battle... all fantastic moments.

The 00 movie was pretty much shit from start to finish, though.

  • 2 years later...

So... has anyone been paying attention to Arby's Facebook page lately? They've been making increasingly surprising references to video games, horror and now anime in pictures they post with their food.

Just now, they posted a picture of their new gyros... with Gyro Zepelli from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The one from Steel Ball Run too I think.

It's like... what do I even do with this information? Who the hell is running their social media page that has a hard-on for reaching out to us? I certainly did not expect to live so long as to see Arby's advertised with Kingdom Hearts, Donnie Darko and fucking JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!



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