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I have an extra unopened (sealed) copy of the Final Fantasy IX soundtrack.

I'll have to do something with it. I'd rather give it away to someone that could use it (collection purposes, for listening, or whatever) and no one around here that I know of is a Final Fantasy or video game music fan.

I'm willing to ship it anywhere in the continental United States.

Why am I doing this? In the past, strangers on the internet showed me kindness by sending me stuff (a guy from the states sent me the Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition disc for the Gamecube, and another guy in France sent me brass dice plus some canned Orangina).

Anyways, please tell me why you think you deserve it.


I can't say I'm a huge fan...but as far as collection purposes go, I'm always interested in any video game memorabilia. So, if no one else responds to this...or you are just feeling generous, feel free to send it to me. :P

Ok, I'll say I'm a fan of some of the Final Fantasy games...that includes FF: I, IV, VI, VII, VIII, and X.

I'm saying that, because those are the only ones I've played. But, if I ever got the opportunity to play IX, I might just consider it.


I will be paying for shipping.

And this is not "first come, first serve" (a lot of people have responded). It'll be a little while before i'm ready to send it out.


Alright then, well, thanks for the info...I mean, I don't know when I'll have the time to play Final Fantasy IX...but, I do know that the music from it is amazing...actually, I just listened to some tracks from the CD. Good stuff.

$19.99...geez, I guess I should get that, huh?

I'll look into it more, thanks man.


I haven't played the game myself but I've heard a bit of the music and enjoyed. Really, though, I'd give it to my girlfriend who's a bigger fan than I am.

Thing is, I'm in Ontario, Canada. If you'd consider giving it to me, I'd be willing to help pay for shipping in that case.


I'll take it! I've been wanting it for a while, but seeing as I don't own a credit card (or hardly any money), that makes it very difficult for me to obtain most of these things that I want. They just happened to be selling the FFX OST at comic-con, so I managed to pick up a copy of that, which was nice. But back to the situation at hand, PLEASE send that my way. I would love you long time.


Is it too late to try and claim it? I've been trying to expand my actual CD collection, but being jobless, dentist bills, and having to pay for meds are crimping that, hard.

Damn, if not for linkspast I was going to say "because I live the closest".

Shoot.. I did not even know how close I was.

So Ill play it at work, and if you happen to come in to Salem, Ill buy you something at the restaurant I work at


woah now

a ff9 ost are you kidding that is my favorite game ost ever and i just got let in back here that would be the best welcome back present ever i dont even care id pay you for it whatever you wanted

im actually playing through the game again now and rofl for a while my name on steam was princess garnet til alexandros


You are going to get a lot of intrest. The fact of the matter is that this is a truly kind thing you are doing. This soundtrack is not the easiest to find on american shores. I would love to add this to my growing collection of music. The game is among my personal favorites and has possibly the best story of the FF series to date. Six is a close run but nine edges it with its sick finale.

I wont go and say that i deserve it but i would like it for the simple fact that it is a well composed OST.

I hope whoever gets this package appreciates it. I know i would.


I think FFIX was the first Final Fantasy I actually finished back when it first came out. It's still one of my favorite games. Awesome, underappreciated soundtrack. The medieval influence is really cool, and the references to the scores from the 2D games (like the wicked retro battle music) are a great touch.

This is an awesome thing to do for someone!

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