Dhsu Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 I didn't say they should farm EVER. I just mean that when, as Pestilence, I'm farming a lane after the ganking and pushing phase has already started, making sure I don't push out too far by hard-denying my own creeps, I don't want to see a slither/pollywog walk up to me and auto-attack away until the lane is pushed too far for me to safely farm. I have a reason to be there, support heroes don't. But isn't this what jungles are for? Nobody else was neutraling that game. That said, if you see a guy heading towards "your" creeps, just say "dude, I need this wave" and anyone in our group will gladly back off. Don't expect a newbie to understand automatically why you're completely going guano because he's doing something he's been doing for 95% of the game so far.
Vilecat Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 I'm heading back home tonight for the mid-semester break. Definitely gonna try logging to see how lost I am with the controls and all. I think I'll need some coaching >_>
BardicKnowledge Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 Why am I not on this list? Your accounts are on the clan list and known to us. antigrav is an OCR member, if I remember right. I can add your main account if you want, just ping me ingame.
Clefairy Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 A million times this. Also, maxing Inhuman and not putting points in Withering Presence makes me cry. In the first fifteen minutes, one point in presence is lots. Any more than that and you risk pushing your lane too hard, which as most of us know is exceptionally bad early on if you're not a blitz team. Also, it seems the announcer does have voice files like the ones I mentioned last post. They just haven't been implemented yet. There's quite a lot of that, actually, if you sniff around in the game files; S2 loves their puns.
zircon Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 New Dark Lady is awesome, but her lategame abilities are similar to her lategame abilities pre-buff. She WAS a very hard carry before too, but now she's more viable earlier as well. I think the biggest buffs to her are the increased mana pool and mana gain and decreased mana costs. Tainted Soul is now a viable harass and distance nuke/disable.
relyanCe Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 New Dark Lady is awesome, but her lategame abilities are similar to her lategame abilities pre-buff. She WAS a very hard carry before too, but now she's more viable earlier as well. I think the biggest buffs to her are the increased mana pool and mana gain and decreased mana costs. Tainted Soul is now a viable harass and distance nuke/disable. yeah her main problem before was her pathetic manapool and stupidly high manacosts. but MAN, her lategame farming abilities are insane!. Once you get runed axe, you don't even need to throw on dark blades to farm whole creep waves with just your blink! next time I use her, i'm going to get hacknslash after runed. That or nulfire. She needs more slow to effectively solo gank.
Kidd Cabbage Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Sorry about leaving in that game a few hours ago... I kind of had some big personal things in the way...
LuketheXjesse Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 I had to leave my game because we were eating out for my dad's birthday...sorry.
relyanCe Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 my best hero has now been ported. better pick him first.
Clefairy Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 On a related note, Wraith + Pharaoh is a pretty ridiculous ganking combo. Team Sand ftw.
BardicKnowledge Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 yeah her main problem before was her pathetic manapool and stupidly high manacosts. but MAN, her lategame farming abilities are insane!. Once you get runed axe, you don't even need to throw on dark blades to farm whole creep waves with just your blink!next time I use her, i'm going to get hacknslash after runed. That or nulfire. She needs more slow to effectively solo gank. Nullfire gives more damage and a better slow than H&S for almost 2000 less gold. No AGI hero should get H&S over Nullfire or Geo. my best hero has now been ported.better pick him first. No worries, as I love Spectre, and intend to play him a TON now that he's ported. Also, cliffwalking works on ONE mouse click. Won't seems big to non-DotA players, but easy pathing makes me smile.
zircon Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Brutalizer might not be bad also... AOE stun?!
eternal Zero Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Finally! Mercurial Spectre! If you feared my carry before you are in for a totally new level of power. I'm so excited. New fix to courier on Tab really fixes most issues I've been having with micro. Still not totally fixed but it'll definitely help things. Magebane not getting mana from his mana combustion is not a huge deal but definitely weakens him pretty significantly. Dark Lady also got some buffs toned down as I expected.
zircon Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Why is Magebane not getting mana a big deal? He doesn't really need mana for that much.
Vilecat Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 So I've been playing in private practice games to try out a bunch of heroes on both sides. I barely tried around 5 on each sides, but I'm doing good with using skills and such. I'm still having terribad problems for shops, items and their usage though...
relyanCe Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 haha shoulda guessed ezero would be a spec player
eternal Zero Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Why is Magebane not getting mana a big deal? He doesn't really need mana for that much. His ult is costly. Constantly blinking takes up mana and getting mana back can give you the very little you need to pull off a kill. Also sitting at just enough mana to blink? Blink in and hit them 3 times and now you have enough to escape too. It's what allowed me to be so constantly in your face and harassing cause I effectively had infinite mana as long as my enemies did.
Vilecat Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Polly is awesome, I hate Predator and I hate when some of you guys confuse me with a totally different suggestion than what I mentionned...
eternal Zero Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 haha shoulda guessed ezero would be a spec player Yup. I am always my team's main carry player so she was the obvious choice.
zircon Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Sand Wraith seems really solid. Probably S-tier from what I've seen, due to amazing gank/escape potential and teamfight utility. On a related note, I played a mean Kraken today. He's a fairly beastly hero. 28% move slow + 310 base move speed + e.marchers + tsunami charge makes him an awesome chaser, Whirlpool is just fantastic all around, and Splash pretty much gives him +180 damage every 3 seconds and lets him farm very well. In a recent game, I built him as a hybrid between carry and tank, loading him up with Behemoth/HotBL, Brutalizer and Wingbow. Using him just for the ult seems like kind of a waste considering how he can definitely pull off respectable damage with Splash.
Dr. Tran! Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Currently giving the other Dota thing, League of Legends, a try. It's ok so far. It's the poor-mans HoN though. No denying, no runes, really no 'strat' involved other than hope you choose the better set of heroes. Then again I've only played two matches.
relyanCe Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 yeah so we just played the best hon game ever ask leo or zero edition about it
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