Bahamut Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 I am not playing this game ever again after this event unless you guys work out what you want the policy to be on this and apologize. relyance ragequits after a remake failed in our game and the rest of us suffered through 4v5 for 20+ minutes until we were allowed to concede. Next thing we go into a 4v4 and dots wanted a remake and he got it with most of the people who were against relyance's remake acceding to it for the sole reason that dots doesn't like 4v4 and was threatening about it. If you're going to be held hostage to one person and not the other solely because he's on the other team, then don't expect me to play this game ever again. That is total bullshit that I had to sit through 20+ minutes of everything quite opposite of entertainment and then see someone else's demands trump everything else. It is the most arbitrary thing I've seen in an online game, and one of the most insidious and if you all don't find a way to resolve this, this will probably not be the last of huge problems.
Battousai Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 I am not playing this game ever again after this event unless you guys work out what you want the policy to be on this and apologize.relyance ragequits after a remake failed in our game and the rest of us suffered through 4v5 for 20+ minutes until we were allowed to concede. Next thing we go into a 4v4 and dots wanted a remake and he got it with most of the people who were against relyance's remake acceding to it for the sole reason that dots doesn't like 4v4 and was threatening about it. If you're going to be held hostage to one person and not the other solely because he's on the other team, then don't expect me to play this game ever again. That is total bullshit that I had to sit through 20+ minutes of everything quite opposite of entertainment and then see someone else's demands trump everything else. It is the most arbitrary thing I've seen in an online game, and one of the most insidious and if you all don't find a way to resolve this, this will probably not be the last of huge problems. Agreed. This isn't even the first time it's happened.
Tensei Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 I am not playing this game ever again after this event unless you guys work out what you want the policy to be on this and apologize.relyance ragequits after a remake failed in our game and the rest of us suffered through 4v5 for 20+ minutes until we were allowed to concede. Next thing we go into a 4v4 and dots wanted a remake and he got it with most of the people who were against relyance's remake acceding to it for the sole reason that dots doesn't like 4v4 and was threatening about it. If you're going to be held hostage to one person and not the other solely because he's on the other team, then don't expect me to play this game ever again. That is total bullshit that I had to sit through 20+ minutes of everything quite opposite of entertainment and then see someone else's demands trump everything else. It is the most arbitrary thing I've seen in an online game, and one of the most insidious and if you all don't find a way to resolve this, this will probably not be the last of huge problems. I didn't vote to remake because dots wanted to remake or was threatening. I voted to remake because we were playing a 4v4 for no good reason at all, while I had some people on my friendslist that could've filled it out. The game had started before I had time to tell this to Leo so I told it to him over teamchat, and he agreed. Apparently other people preferred to play a 5v5 to a 4v4 as well, or they wouldn't have voted yes on remaking it. That's how the voting works. On the other hand, relyanCe called for a remake without even giving an explanation (apparently because his lane was losing?), so I just ignored the votes, because I know he votes to remake for completely arbitrary reasons, like the enemy team having arachna, or his team giving away first blood. I also do not recall relyanCe THREATENING to ragequit if he didn't have his way, he just did, screwing you all over. I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to blame us ALL for you having a bad time, when it wasn't us that ragequit on you. I had my own reasons for voting to remake the 4v4.
relyanCe Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 for god sake tensei, i had 5 seconds to call the remake before 5 minutes and the remake vote was called off before i even finished typing my reasons why i quit that game because i have better things to do with 40 minutes of my life than watch leo eat everyone with moonqueen because he was fed first blood in the first 30 seconds of the game for NO GOOD REASON that and no-votes really REALLY piss me off. and to clarify further, i'm not angry at anyone or raging or anything, i just wasn't going to waste my time there, because concession votes never pass.
eternal Zero Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 after the Shaman gets a shield breaker This should never happen. Ever. Also whoever mentioned using Silencer's DOT: Don't use it. If they ported it over correctly then any usage of a skill OR item will dispel it. This includes eating a tree. It's a noob killing spell like Lego's DOT. One thing to note about Rampage. He is currently a gimped version of SB. His charge is easily nullified by Shroud or an invis hero. Usually SB keeps focus on the hero and will still hit even before the debuff is placed onto the target. In this game if you invis before he gets within 2500 he will break his charge. This doesn't save you from a surprise charge but if your team sees him charge off or you suspect a surprise charge you can easily break it. I personally do not abide by ragequiting ever. There is no excuse for that bullshit. If someone is ruining your game for owning your team then so be it. Move on. But to screw over the rest of your team is unacceptable to me. Also I just want to echo this: Getting 'good' involves being pro-active in looking up general guides as well as guides for specific heroes. In short, I think you need the right mindset as well as the will to improve, even if it involves 'nerding out' by looking up guides or memorizing each heroes' abilities. It's true. The main reason I'm "good" or arguably "pro" at this game is because of how much information I know about it. Micro and APM aside you can't expect to do well at this game without doing your homework. Last edit for a while I promise: OMG BANNING DRAFT!! It's not quite -cm but it's pretty damn close!
Capa Langley Posted October 24, 2009 Author Posted October 24, 2009 Being inspired by DotA shouldn't mean it has to be DotA. One could say "Why pay 30$ when you can get a WC3 key for 5$ and just download DotA?" They're only slowly starting to evolve into a different game of the same concept. I think comparing the games and saying it has to be done this way because that other one did it is a silly statement. HoN needs more creativity and S2 has done an excellent job thus far by listening to the community. Sure there's a certain role Behemoth/Earthshaker has, but it doesn't have to be the only role and it isn't. Plenty of ways to any hero even if it's just as little as 2 different builds. Also, why the fuck do you even get in a game only to leave 5 minutes in? Are you really that pathetic? Sore loser? You need to stop rubbing your ego and stop thinking about your wins and kills. I've already explained to most of the OCR clans that I was getting sick and tired of your antics. Now you'll hear from me personally. It's really starting to show that there's a certain group of individuals that will be difficult to play this game with.
Tensei Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 for god sake tensei, i had 5 seconds to call the remake before 5 minutes and the remake vote was called off before i even finished typing my reasons whyi quit that game because i have better things to do with 40 minutes of my life than watch leo eat everyone with moonqueen because he was fed first blood in the first 30 seconds of the game for NO GOOD REASON that and no-votes really REALLY piss me off. and to clarify further, i'm not angry at anyone or raging or anything, i just wasn't going to waste my time there, because concession votes never pass. Okay, so you wanted to remake because our team got first blood? Boo fucking hoo. I would have voted no even if I did have a chance to hear your explanation in that case. It happens, not every game is a roll in your favor, and your team still did pretty well considering you quit on them. They might have even won had you stuck around. The reason you can't remake after 5 minutes, is that it's almost never possible to discern whether you're going to lose or win a game within the first five minutes. Remaking isn't something you do when you THINK you're going to lose.
BardicKnowledge Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 This should never happen. Ever.Also whoever mentioned using Silencer's DOT: Don't use it. If they ported it over correctly then any usage of a skill OR item will dispel it. This includes eating a tree. It's a noob killing spell like Lego's DOT. Forcing a Succubus to burn a spell / regen item isn't a bad thing by any means. Similarly, some chars don't have many active spells early on, so you can make them burn through their regen items very quickly. Also the glaives + stats build is outdated now that the aura grants stat-drain instead of glaives. One thing to note about Rampage. He is currently a gimped version of SB. His charge is easily nullified by Shroud or an invis hero. Usually SB keeps focus on the hero and will still hit even before the debuff is placed onto the target. In this game if you invis before he gets within 2500 he will break his charge. This doesn't save you from a surprise charge but if your team sees him charge off or you suspect a surprise charge you can easily break it. Considering how few heroes get shroud, this shouldn't be a big issue? I personally do not abide by ragequiting ever. There is no excuse for that bullshit. If someone is ruining your game for owning your team then so be it. Move on. But to screw over the rest of your team is unacceptable to me. Agreed. Don't join a game if you can't dedicate 60 minutes to the game. Also I just want to echo this: It's true. The main reason I'm "good" or arguably "pro" at this game is because of how much information I know about it. Micro and APM aside you can't expect to do well at this game without doing your homework. Last edit for a while I promise: OMG BANNING DRAFT!! It's not quite -cm but it's pretty damn close! APM isn't really that big of a deal in this game, is it? Especially compared to an RTS, I don't see the point of tracking APM as opposed to KDR or some gameplay related number.
Dhsu Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Yeah, Leo had like 3 kills after 4 minutes, which is pretty bad, but I don't think it warranted a remake, and none of us predicted that rely would quit if we didn't. I didn't know d`o`t`s was threatening to quit if we didn't remake to do 5v5, but I probably would've voted against it if I did. No one should be allowed to hold a game hostage, and if it happens more than once I think it's grounds for being removed from the clan.
Tensei Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Considering how few heroes get shroud, this shouldn't be a big issue? Considering Rhino Rider is a pub hero he will be facing tons of scouts, nighthounds and assassin's shrouds.
eternal Zero Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 APM isn't really that big of a deal in this game, is it? Especially compared to an RTS, I don't see the point of tracking APM as opposed to KDR or some gameplay related number. It matters up to a point. If you have under a certain APM then you're in trouble. Otherwise no big deal.
Battousai Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 What magical number is that? I find I hang out at around 40-50 APM. I know this is low, but it isn't like in Starcraft where you are managing micro, macro, and all that. We're only talking a single hero~
Tensei Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 With the new post-game stat screen I found out I'm usually floating around 120 APM, but when playing certain heroes like Hellbringer or Warbeast it can get up to 160.
Dr. Tran! Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 This is why I've pretty much stopped playing HoN with you guys. I don't have problems with most of you, but the drama the seems to squrim its way around the clan is just way too much for me : /
Capa Langley Posted October 25, 2009 Author Posted October 25, 2009 This is why I've pretty much stopped playing HoN with you guys. I don't have problems with most of you, but the drama the seems to squrim its way around the clan is just way too much for me : / You suck anyway, but I don't care!
eternal Zero Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 I hover around 150 APM on average. As high as almost 200 on heroes like Madman. That's when I'm being competitive. I seem to be 120 almost every time when I'm not trying.
Clefairy Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 I hover around 150 APM on average. As high as almost 200 on heroes like Madman. That's when I'm being competitive. I seem to be 120 almost every time when I'm not trying. Let's think about that for a minute. Seems like the appropriate span of time, don't you think? You're moving and clicking the mouse twice every second. Over 3 times in certain scenarios. That's at least 3 muscle movements, all at an extremely short range and all extremely repetitive. The message I take from that is "to be good at this game, you need to be OCD." Boggles the mind.
Dr. Tran! Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 You suck anyway, but I don't care! But I love you Scytheful.
Tensei Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Let's think about that for a minute. Seems like the appropriate span of time, don't you think?You're moving and clicking the mouse twice every second. Over 3 times in certain scenarios. That's at least 3 muscle movements, all at an extremely short range and all extremely repetitive. The message I take from that is "to be good at this game, you need to be OCD." Boggles the mind. Especially during the laning phase, I spam movement commands, not just to prevent myself from auto-attacking (because I could just spam S for that.) but also because I CONSTANTLY need to reposition myself in respect to the enemy position so I can stay just outside of harassment range and minimize the damage I take each time I go in for a lasthit. I'm pretty sure most of the APM comes from 'spam' like that, rather than multitasking as would be the case in games like Starcraft. It's much easier for me to get up to 120-160 APM in HoN than it was in Starcraft where I literally had to practice like crazy to get my multitasking up to a respectable level. Starcraft pro's get up to 400 APM by the way. Also, I find it kind of telling that I have more fun playing with someone who was a random pub that happened to join our game (d'o't's') than some of you from OCR.
anosou Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Also, I find it kind of telling that I have more fun playing with someone who was a random pub that happened to join our game (d'o't's') than some of you from OCR. Luckily I'm still your number 1 <3 ..but yeah, that random pub was a nice guy we got along with. In [OCR] everyone on OCR is invited and let's face it, we don't all get along. I'm suspecting [OCR] might become quite useless when you can auto-join channels and auto-matchups work..
Tensei Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 God, maybe I'm a masochist, but playing Sandwraith recently has been an excercise in tedium. I realized he's very very dependent on your team not being dumb and pushing lanes for no good reason. Being on a shitty team can mean you get your Mock of Brilliance like ten minutes later than the norm, at which point it's hardly effective anymore.
eternal Zero Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 God, maybe I'm a masochist, but playing Sandwraith recently has been an excercise in tedium. I realized he's very very dependent on your team not being dumb and pushing lanes for no good reason. Being on a shitty team can mean you get your Mock of Brilliance like ten minutes later than the norm, at which point it's hardly effective anymore. This is why I don't play Merc without a solid team backing me. She forces a turtle->global gank strategy.
zircon Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Do you really NEED mock though? If you farm a Nullfire first you're a lot more useful overall and can gank even without your ult (though it makes your ult more awesome too), and then you can just farm Geometer's next, which has a better buildup and much better overall utility than Mock.
eternal Zero Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Mock accelerates your farm to incredible levels. You can take on the entire jungle at once while being able to gank anyone on the map. If you can get it fast enough it is far superior to nullfire blade. That's a big if though. If you can't then you might as well play another carry if you ask me.
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