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Same one with Behemoth and Tempest and Magmus. Doesn't work for them, doesn't work for Keeper. Also a good Keeper player can place trees where you can't eat them easily and can still get sight of practically the entire map. Also he's quite undervalued so when playing in captain's mode he's a real easy last pick to round out a team.

No it was actually my own argument against Zircon saying Plague Rider is bannable because of his ulti...

No it was actually my own argument against Zircon saying Plague Rider is bannable because of his ulti...

rofl i remember when he raged about that in a completely un-zircon like fashion

good times


Why don't more people play Soulstealer? He seems to me to be one of the best all-around carries/nukers in the game. A 300 damage AOE nuke that costs 75 mana and can be chained up to three times and doesn't require LoS in and of itself is awesome - he can farm entire creep waves up until the very end for just 150 mana. His Soulsteal basically gives him a passive +60 damage which is amazing, and combined with his -5 armor aura means he can go toe to toe with almost anyone. However, his ult is just ludicrous; 160 damage per two souls, meaning 15x160 damage is possible - and it debuffs/snares too!


Yeah, I often use Shroud, but it's more expensive and basically requires that you have a Shrunken Head. Otherwise you can still be nailed with AOE attacks, silences and disables as you're getting into position. Also, if they have dust, wards, a tower or a Bound Eye... you're out of luck :P


Well, more worrisome than getting into position is using a shroud to escape. If you run in invisible, they wouldn't know you're there in the first place, so they wouldn't be shooting AoE at you anyway. If you're trying to get out, they might think to do that. I like shroud much better than blink on him, since shroud offers a way to position yourself, like blink, but you can't use blink to escape. The money you spend on HP to back that up would be much better spent on some damage items so you're more than just an ult.


But SS's best role in a team fight IS his ult. Sort of like Tempest. You might as well say Legionnaire, Behemoth and Tempest should all use Shroud also. The point is to get IN a fight, getting out is less important. But the best reason is what I said before. Invis can be COUNTERED easily. If they see your team is coming, you're obviously gonna be close too, and they'll activate dust or buy an eye.

But SS's best role in a team fight IS his ult. Sort of like Tempest. You might as well say Legionnaire, Behemoth and Tempest should all use Shroud also. The point is to get IN a fight, getting out is less important. But the best reason is what I said before. Invis can be COUNTERED easily. If they see your team is coming, you're obviously gonna be close too, and they'll activate dust or buy an eye.

yes but legionnaire, behemoth and tempest won't benefit from the stats increase as much as SS would.

i'd get portal key with the others.

i have more thoughts on a soulstealer approach, but he's so easy to play that if you're up on kills it won't matter what you get.


waaaaay too many variables in getting into place with SS using shroud, plus your on a time limit and their team is constantly moving. Blinking in with shrunken head on not only gets you instant placement, but usually causes their whole team to focus a spell-immune damage cannon, leaving the rest of YOUR team to give the buttrape.


Accursed + Ulti + Restoration Stone + Token of Life + Health pool of 3k = Unkillable for at least 2 solid minutes of DPS. God that was fun. I was the god-damn juggernaut.

He played Maliken but he wasn't that good or anything.

None of the S2 guys are very good. I used to play with them a lot in the first few weeks of the beta back when everyone knew everyone cause it was so small still. They were on about your level here, actually. Lots of fun to play with but they liked odd modes and stuff...I think half of that was to test for bugs and stuff.


People really, really need to stop treating in-house games so seriously. Have fun, who cares if you win or lose, or how badly you're doing said winning/losing. : / The bad attitudes piss people off, and to be honest, I get enough angsty bullshit from World of Warcraft.

You're all a bunch of cool guys. Come on.

Next time we do an in-house, don't complain about your teammates not doing the things you want them to. Instead of just blurting out advice, which I too am guilty of, ask if they want some. Just play the game and have fun.

I have the most fun late at night when clef, teranz, Strig and I are doing 4vpubs, and we just dick around. Like when I got Accursed two games in a row, built him up as a major tank, and started yelling "I'M THE GOD-DAMN JUGGERNAUT, BITCH" in vent every time I got attacked. Everyone was laughing so hard, and actually enjoying themselves, compared to what happens just about every time we do all in-house.

So please, for the sake of the community, can't we all just...get along.

People really, really need to stop treating in-house games so seriously. Have fun, who cares if you win or lose, or how badly you're doing said winning/losing. : / The bad attitudes piss people off, and to be honest, I get enough angsty bullshit from World of Warcraft.

You're all a bunch of cool guys. Come on.

Next time we do an in-house, don't complain about your teammates not doing the things you want them to. Instead of just blurting out advice, which I too am guilty of, ask if they want some. Just play the game and have fun.

I have the most fun late at night when clef, teranz, Strig and I are doing 4vpubs, and we just dick around. Like when I got Accursed two games in a row, built him up as a major tank, and started yelling "I'M THE GOD-DAMN JUGGERNAUT, BITCH" in vent every time I got attacked. Everyone was laughing so hard, and actually enjoying themselves, compared to what happens just about every time we do all in-house.

So please, for the sake of the community, can't we all just...get along.

I dunno what happened after I left, but I thought that match where I played Zephyr was pretty good. I don't particularly remember any kind of QQ from it, so hey, good on us. :P

Edit: I know that ingame it might seem like I'm ordering people around in teamchat, but I obviously have to be very concise with typing, so yeah, most of my suggestions end up sounding like orders. Please don't take it the wrong way, I just try to minimize the time I spend typing.


Negative. I will never agree with you, because we all know who is being a big baby. I don't want to drop names but I will have to in case people want to avoid said person. Of course, they don't have to because he refuses to play with us anymore.

On top of it all? Don't take this game serious? The guy needs to loosen the steam first. He's the first one to get serious, if anything.


If you're referring to Teranz, then yes, I understand. Trust me. I've been playing different games with him for ages.

However, he's not the only one to do it, and people should know that at this stage. There are times, depending on team composition, where everything is super serious and people are only focused on winning instead of just enjoying themselves.

What I guess I'm trying to say here is to just treat it as a game instead of something that's super serious like a lot of people, in and out of clan both, seem to treat it. Losing won't kill you, and not steamrolling the other team won't kill you. At the very least, remember that when some people like Clef (Depending on what he's playing/playing against), Strigois, Dhsu, MaxFrost (Depending on what he's playing/playing against), languish, and odin, among others, they are NOT at the same level as say, Baha, myself, Tensei, Donut, and etc.

At least imo, play a bit less aggressively if more than two of the above are in the game so they can see the whole game, 'cause they won't be learning much if they just get stomped all the time.

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