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Everybody should try to step up into the leader role from time to time so it isn't always just Zircon or Tensei or Bardic. There's no time like the present to try.

I love how my name isn't on that list and I'll bet it's due to the fact that my ingame name is not Zero. All of you usually just call me by Antigrav.

Yeah, Zircon, you're misunderstanding Tensei. Also don't forget that some heroes just want to nuke creeps asap so they can just bounce lanes and maximize their farm time.


Test patch has another item rework that's really sweet. Finally fixes the problem of Hack and Slash being terrible.


- Fixed Void Talisman and Frostfield plate so you can use them while channeling to not interrupt

- Fenrir's fang removed

- Hack and Slash rework

- Hack (Renamed to Icebrand)

* Old:

Armband (450)

Mighty Blade (1000)

Recipe (800)

Total Cost: 2250

16 Strength

10 Damage

15% chance for -20% Movespeed for 4 seconds (proc)

* New:

Major Totem (540)

Mighty Blade (1000)

Recipe (960)

Total Cost: 2500

16 Strength

4 Agility

4 Intelligence

10 Damage

-15% Movespeed slow on attack

- Slash (Renamed to Firebrand)

* Old:

Fleetfeet (450)

Quickblade (1000)

Recipe (800)

Total Cost: 2250

16 Agility

15 Attack Speed

+10% Movement Speed

* New:

Major Totem (540)

Quickblade (1000)

Recipe (960)

Total Cost: 2500

4 Strength

16 Agility

4 Intelligence

15 Attack Speed

+10% Movement Speed

- Hack & Slash (Renamed to Frostburn)

* Old:

Slash (2250)

Hack (2250)

Total Cost: 4500

16 Strength

16 Agility

12 Damage

+12% Movement Speed

15 Attack Speed

15% chance for -30% Movement Speed and -15 Attack Speed for 4 seconds

* New:

Firebrand (2500)

Icebrand (2500)

Total Cost: 5000

20 Strength

20 Agility

10 Intelligence

15 Damage

+15% Movement Speed

15 Attack Speed

-20% Movespeed slow on attack

- Geometer's Bane

* Old:

Slash (2250)

Blessed Orb (2100)

Recipe (500)

Total Cost: 4850

10 Strength

30 Agility

10 Intelligence

+10% Movement Speed

15 Attack Speed

Split/Illusion on-use

* New:

Firebrand (2500)

Blessed Orb (2100)

Recipe (600)

Total Cost: 5200

15 Strength

30 Agility

15 Intelligence

+10% Movement Speed

15 Attack Speed

Split/Illusion on-use

- Frostwolf Skull

* Old:

Fenrir's Fang (3480)

Blessed Orb (2100)

Recipe (570)

Total Cost: 6150

25 Strength

25 Agility

25 Intelligence

200 Health

150 Mana

-30% Movespeed slow on attack

-20 Attackspeed slow on attack

* New:

Icebrand (2500)

Blessed Orb (2100)

Glowstone (1200)

Recipe (300)

Total Cost: 6100

10 Damage

25 Strength

25 Agility

25 Intelligence

200 Health

150 Mana

-30% Movespeed slow on attack

-20 Attackspeed slow on attack


TLDR: Frostwolf is now an upgraded Hack -- Fenrir's Blade no longer exists. Hack always procs the slow now. H&S seems viable as a result of the changes, as it gives 15% movespeed instead of 10% on geo's (and none on frostwolf).


Zero, I know you're antigrav ingame, but we don't play with you that often lately (I guess you've been playing dragon age or tf2 or something?) so I didn't include you. Everyone's familiar with your skill at the game and that means people instantly assume you will take the leader role. My statement was more for people at the tier below you (no offense to anybody)

Zero, I know you're antigrav ingame, but we don't play with you that often lately (I guess you've been playing dragon age or tf2 or something?) so I didn't include you. Everyone's familiar with your skill at the game and that means people instantly assume you will take the leader role. My statement was more for people at the tier below you (no offense to anybody)

Yeah I play MW2 a lot. I'll be getting on more often tho. Times have been more fun as of late. It's fine though. I made that statement for everyone not just you. Jade, for example, mentioned at how he had no idea.


Yes that is a flock of winged couriers all using a Codex simultaneously to oneshot Kongor.

YES YES YES. I have the entire third floor of the library giving strange looks now as I laugh.

Four people on my team chasing down Zero's towerdiving Accursed while I die trying to save at least a few towers that are getting pushed leaves me in despair.

And they didn't kill me every time either. This is one of the many genius tactical advantages to a carry Accursed. <3 diving like an idiot. It's a shame you got lucky and randomed Arachna. Without her I would have been a much bigger threat.

Edit: Also new item reworks are AMAZING. Main issue is that I totally buy the whole Firebrand being used in Geometer's but it shouldn't be called that anymore. Should be called something fire-based because fire has been used for illusion techniques in other universes/stories.


No I was attacking the heroes. You have to see it to understand. Also there's nothing wrong with backdoor like there is nothing wrong with attacking creeps behind tower. If they can't deal that's just too bad.


After playing a few more Sand Wraith games, I still think he's one of the most boring carries ever. However, he also seems to be by far the strongest, and pretty much unstoppable. No matter how many damage or -armor items you get, all you're doing is killing your entire team faster. The one hard counter I can think of (besides *trying* to gank him, which is hard) is Deadwood, who could reduce his max HP significantly and essentially cut his Dissipate damage in half.

After playing a few more Sand Wraith games, I still think he's one of the most boring carries ever. However, he also seems to be by far the strongest, and pretty much unstoppable. No matter how many damage or -armor items you get, all you're doing is killing your entire team faster. The one hard counter I can think of (besides *trying* to gank him, which is hard) is Deadwood, who could reduce his max HP significantly and essentially cut his Dissipate damage in half.

Deadwood can also treewalk to prevent sand-escapes -- not a bad counter to him IMO if you have to fight.

Maybe Succubus? Mezz him and take care of the rest of the team first.

This is probably the best strategy, though you'll still take Radiance damage the entire teamfight then (Barrier Idol will fix this though).


Oh Emm Gee!

I'm in love with Witch Hunter now! <3

Been maxing his stun, then alternating between his poly and mana drain as skills go. I'm not quite sure what to get for items though, but with a 4/6/15 score on my first game with him, I had a blast.


[Very] Quick Witch Slayer (Lion) Guide


1 Stun

2 Drain

3 Stun

4 Drain

5 Stun

6 Ult

7 Stun

8 Mini

9 Mini

10 Mini

11 Ult

12 Mini

13-15 Stats

16 Ult

17-23 Stats

24-25 Drain


Any of the boots are solid choices and have their roles to play.

You'll benefit greatly from Kuldra though 'nado stick is a cheap alternative.

Codex for the pubstomp.

Nome's is fine if you're supporting.

Ring of Sorcery for the team casting.

There are lots of options as he's your typical caster type of hero.

Early game it's all about Stun->Drain combo to keep their mana down. Then later it's about crowd control. Stun as many as possible. Minimize another. Kuldra or Nado another. Ult a weakened hero or a squishy one. Drain if you know that they barely have enough mana for their entire combo and losing a bit of it would own them. Like I said, lots of options.


Awesome! thanks a lot, I'll make sure to try him out a lot more. I think I got Kuldra or SotM on him after, i can't recall.

I was indeed having lotsa fun draining people's mana to keep them from roflstomping anyone or saving themselves. Since I was mainly the stun bitch in that one fight we did (after Kraken opened) I generally did that, then poly'd one if they were running away or about to Ult and I'd drain another for the same reason. I kept forgetting about his ult though.

Edit: Btw, having both trees in the same lane chaining plate boots CD can be a pain in the ass early in game (starting around lv6-8 )


You don't need two heroes to chain the Shield of the Five/Plated Greaves effect. The cooldown is 25 seconds and the effect lasts 30, and it's 25 mana, so it's designed to be a quasi-permanent buff since you can hit it every time it wears off. Still, combined with shields and Keeper's armor, it can be pretty aggravating to lane against the two trees.


The thing about Witch Slayer that makes him such a strong laner is that you can (and should) stun-> drain EVERY TIME it's off cooldown to keep on harassing people. Once you hit level 6 you basically get a free kill if you can stun-> ult an agi/int hero.


I've been immensely enjoying Zero/Antigrav's nostat buck random oddmod games. It's given me a safe place to learn several new heroes.

Specifically, Vindicator is pretty cool, and Forsaken Archer, though unliked, is pretty fun.

I seem to have this.. aversion... to playing any strength characters well (except perhaps Hammerstorm and Pestilence, though I haven't gotten much practice with pesti). I just don't seem to do well as a tank. This held true in EQ and WoW, so I'm not suprised by it. I've always been better as a damage-inducing class, or a healing class.

I'd love to get more practice in as Vindicator - he seems pretty good against an int-heavy team. I'd also love to play more heroes I'm not used to - especially to learn why a predator/zephyr combo totally locked me out yesterday as Madman - though I'm starting to be able to see the patterning as to why.

I've been immensely enjoying Zero/Antigrav's nostat buck random oddmod games. It's given me a safe place to learn several new heroes.

:bows: Like I said, I at least give some thought to the modes. The first was: These guys need a place to play sans drama sans the option of sticking with the same heroes every time.

Also for most heroes I hate SotM. Only ones that come to mind where I like it are Hag, Polly, Pharoah, and Andromeda but even then only Hag (maybe Polly) should be getting it every time.


Ack! How could I forget?! No, you're definitely right, Dhsu. After you get either invis or bkb to stop people from breaking your ult, you get SotM to make it a triple shot w/bouncing so it does TONS of damage.


Laning against Keeper is an exercise in futility. He has I think the highest base HP in the game (660) which in and of itself makes him almost impossible to kill, but in addition to that he has enormous STR gain as well as an ability that keeps his armor and regen boosted through the roof at all times. There's just no point in even trying to harass or gank him.


So apparently I'm doing everything wrong whenever I play Witch Slayer. Not enough this, too much that, don't go there, etc.

I'm loving Deadwood though. Kinda sucks if your team feeds the other early, it's hard to keep up for mid to endgame when it happens.


I did an incognito match against some of you fellas yesterday, playing as Kraken. Shame I couldn't do shit with that 300 ping...owell, Nymphora and Jera still made for an easy win, needless to say ^^

Of the names ingame, I only recognised Vilecat though. Who's Senji/Desumetaru? forgot the other names.

Anyway, I go by 'Skoshu'.

Just out of interest, are you US people getting decent pings on, say, a UK based server?

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