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I wish I had time to officially contribute to this. Instead, here's some Xmas music I did last year ago. Can't really post the download links since I don't own these, but here's some holiday music for you guys. :)

Happy Holidays from Big Giant Circles!

These were pretty cool BGC. It's funny, they all seemed like the perfect length for the song itself, but then again I suppose most Christmas songs aren't long to begin with. I also recognized some of the samples / synths you used lol :P

I think I like North Pole the best, it reminds me of Yoshi's Story for some reason...

Dyne, don't forget to tag the files. Few things are more annoying than poorly/irregularly/not tagged music on an album.

Name, Artist, Album should be enough, tho I'd appreciate if you also got rid of the crap in my file's comments field (if there's anything there). :D

Don't worry, I tag all the files every year.


Hey Dyne, could you send me the info on the tracks you've gotten so far? Namely, artist, title and duration? I figure I can get that info in place now, so that I don't have to hurry up as much when the time comes to send you the final back cover with all the info.

I know you've yet to organize it in terms of which song is what track, but it's easy to quickly shuffle the layers.


Good job to the number of you who got their tracks in. I hope this album turns out as well as the last two.

And, unfortunately, unless a Christmas miracle hits me in the brain, I won't be able to contribute. Who knows, though? Maybe I can work on it in 2010 and it can be my submission for next year's album. :?

For those who I don't get to say it to, and of course everyone else, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and have a good Hannukah/Kwanza/something or other this year. :razz: May it be merry for everyone this year!

Good job to the number of you who got their tracks in. I hope this album turns out as well as the last two.

And, unfortunately, unless a Christmas miracle hits me in the brain, I won't be able to contribute. Who knows, though? Maybe I can work on it in 2010 and it can be my submission for next year's album. :?

For those who I don't get to say it to, and of course everyone else, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and have a good Hannukah/Kwanza/something or other this year. :razz: May it be merry for everyone this year!

Hey thanks for the good wishes! Let me know on Wednesday one way or another what's going on so I'm absolutely clear.

TheCoop; yeah, as I'm getting the songs, I'm numbering them. Since they're basically coming at me at random, it's pretty helpful. I'll have the info to you shortly.


Well, all the current submissions are in place on the back, and I finally finished writing my remix. Now I can start the whole mixing process (assuming you call what I do "mixing" :lol:).

I should definitely have it in your PM Box/e-mail inbox between 11 p.m. Dec. 22nd, and 2 a.m. Dec. 23rd, Dyne :-)

Well, all the current submissions are in place on the back, and I finally finished writing my remix. Now I can start the whole mixing process (assuming you call what I do "mixing" :lol:).

I should definitely have it in your PM Box/e-mail inbox between 11 p.m. Dec. 22nd, and 2 a.m. Dec. 23rd, Dyne :-)

I received another track, this time from DJ Mokram, so I will be updating the list soon.

Sent my track in.

It's very short, in a style I've never done, and virtually guaranteed to be a first. Hope everyone likes it, though a certain demographic will hopefully like it more than others...

Please tell me you did Klezmer music, please oh please oh please...

Anyways, Brushfire and myself sent in our final last night. Hope everyone enjoys Deeznuts Roasting on an Open Shatner. Stay warm!:nicework:


Wow, I am so very excited now! This album is shaping up to the best one yet! I've got the web site worked out, still need some kind of logo/header image for the top of the page, and the album art is looking awesome!

So, here's the deal: I'd like all tracks to be either PMed to me or in my Gmail inbox by 8pm EST tonight. I was going to extend it to midnight, but I'm really going to be cutting it close tomorrow. So if I can get them all tonight, and have the final track list sent to The Coop for the back cover art, I can get everything uploaded tomorrow morning before I leave for work and post it. However... if not, it will be posted tomorrow afternoon sometime before 6pm, assuming everything is ready in time.

I definitely want this available before everyone goes off to dinners and whatnot Christmas Day. So please, get it all to me ASAP!!!!

A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! You guys are the best!


Alright guys, so here's the good news! I have the front and back covers, and the site is basically completed, save for a logo/header (i'm going to work on it right now)!

Here's the slightly bad news... not everyone made the final deadline. I'm basically out of time now, and won't have any time tomorrow to do anything but post the project for all to see! So, I want to thank everyone who got their tracks to me as best as they could, and thank everyone who tried their hardest to get tracks together but couldn't quite make it!

I will post the album tomorrow morning, so keep it here and look for the thread!

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