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Why is the proportion of people on OCRemix or on my old Suikoden game forum comparatively nicer than on MMORPG boards, though?

because we are not running after recognition for wearing epic stuff? also the morrowind french community is pretty cool too.



Unique Item - Binds when picked up

Two hands mace Speed 3.80

175 - 292 Damage

Durability 120/120

Requires Grandmaster(+1000) level.

Strenght +19

Agility +15

Chance on hit: Stuns target for 1 sec.

Use: Remove target user into the nethervoid cooldown:10sec

Don't mess with the banhammer!

Why is the proportion of people on OCRemix or on my old Suikoden game forum comparatively nicer than on MMORPG boards, though?

Why were the respondents over here, on OCR, all like, "Well this is how things work in my experience" rather than, "LOL U NOOB HA HA UR BAD CAN'T HANDLE THE INTERNET CAN YA?"

Especially since the responses so far about "bad communities" have singled out MMORPGs. It's got to be more than just Internet anonymity.

Because people on these boards have actual social skills and for the most part are quite amicable human beings(I'd imagine anyway... I haven't met any of you crazies in person).

Also, that analogy doesn't work because as opposed to WoW, Ocarina of Time is actually fun. And what you seem to be saying here Ram, is that WoW is a game for dumb people. People who I personally would never want to run into while playing videogames, which incidentally is one of the reasons I never actually engage in in-game chatting on XBL.

I applaud Blizzard for making a game that's accessible(I guess), but give them a harsh wag of the finger for making a game that's pretty boring, both gameplay and presentation-wise.

Also, unless you pirate your games, playing MMOs save you cash in the long run. Easier to spend 12 bucks a month(we can argue the reasoning for a monthly fee all day long) on a persistent game that will ALWAYS have something to do that you can play with friends than plopping down 60 bucks for a new triple-A blockbuster that won't last you more than 20 hours at a time every two weeks or even just monthly.


WoW is a well-made game with a lot of good qualities. Rama summarized it much better than I can though, refer to his post for information.

I have a feeling that people really want a game to be tailored specifically to their own personal tastes, but because the selection in MMORPGs is so terrible, people pray that their current game of choice will be modified to their liking?

I would totally be open to TRYING another MMO if one of SUBSTANCE came a long (I've gone back to playing UO free servers a few times), but no one has even come close yet, and I can't figure out why =\

Once again I will recommend EVE Online, since it gets everything right. The way PVP works in the game is very balanced, especially since they're going to fix the Doomsday devices on the Titans soon, the game is deep enough that you can manipulate the economy very similarly to real life, the community is surprisingly very mature, save for a couple crazy rednecks, and you can actually fight back against the chinese gold farmers, costing them real potential profit from selling ISK [there's an alliance called United Corporations Against Macros that merged with my alliance recently, we specialize in killing mission runners :3].

Though I dunno if you like internet spaceships or not. Still, you could fly with me man I could show you how shit's done.

Why are there so many trolls and dickheads, in general? Is it simply impossible to build a multiplayer game with a semi-decent community now? All of the "nice" people in forums are either on forums like this one (general topic) or on singleplayer games. What is it about multiplayer co-operative games turning people into dicks?

Because multiplayer communities come with an idea of superior and inferior.

They get this strange little idea that just because they clicked their mouse several times over some number of hours, saw flashing colors that read "lvl 80", and their characters are wearing some very high level armor that they are superior to others, thus the "HAHA U R A n00B!!!111!!1!1!!" and so on.

It's no longer for fun, it's to simply be or not to be a noob. After this, people just really end up becoming jerks about it, and it's no longer a game. I was just playing a WoW demo, and I got called a n00b by a lvl 7 guy. It's simply your position relative to the position of the person you're talking to. I don't think you'll see many low level people talking trash to higher level people, it's rather the other way around.


I think WoW is great- I love raiding and miss it ( I haven't been able to play for the last 2 months because of being so busy). People are generally nice, and I don't think anyone has ever called me a n00b. The idea of a game that punishes you for failure is abhorrent to me; that is what real life is for. Games should be fun, and though i've only tried a few MMO's (Ultima Online, Ragnarok, FF11, and WoW), but Wow has easily been the most fun for me.

I think WoW is great- I love raiding and miss it ( I haven't been able to play for the last 2 months because of being so busy). People are generally nice, and I don't think anyone has ever called me a n00b. The idea of a game that punishes you for failure is abhorrent to me; that is what real life is for. Games should be fun, and though i've only tried a few MMO's (Ultima Online, Ragnarok, FF11, and WoW), but Wow has easily been the most fun for me.

Meh. All depends on the servers. xD


Come roll on Illidan, we have a guild that i run :>

All I can really complain about now is resto druids. I've gotten a bit more back into arena, and as much as i qq about every other class, it's resto druids that have always always ALWAYS been op as long as i can remember them. jerks.

So, if anyone has an 80 resto druid that wants to do arena 3's with a rogue let me know LOL


March 4th, 2007: I pick up a free WoW trial. This was the beginning of the end.

March 7th, 2007: I pay for 6 months of WoW.

April-something 2007: I buy burning Crusade.

May-something 2007: I receive a WoW Rewards card and accrue a further free 6 months while paying for college.

December 23rd, 2007: After a month trying to get my epic mount and 4 level 70's leaving me alone standing outside the room I need to enter to get said mount, during my 7th full run of wherever the hell it is Paladins get their epic mounts... my sense of fun begins to waver.

December 26th, 2007: I type /played into the chat box for the first - and last - time. I am informed that I have spent 31 days, 19 hours playing WoW. I reflect on the fact that I have spent a month of the last year garnering fame and fortune in a world that does not exist. I reflect on the fact that I will fail nursing school should I continue. I calmly resign my position as co-guild founder of Crucible of Souls, and Karthantos fades from Azeroth one last time.

Fast forward to today. I'm an emergency room nurse making 28 dollars an hour starting, saving lives, and I have a girlfriend. I remain one of very few human beings who has ever TRULY beaten WoW.

All that said, it was a hugely fun game while it lasted, but for me, I only enjoyed soloing and playing with people I knew well in real life. Only very occasionally did I ever assemble a group that did not feature at least one asshat.

EDIT: After posting this, I decided to Google my old guild and see what came up. The first result was a WoW spell called the Crucible of Souls Missile. I pulled the name for the guild out of my head in 2007, it wasn't connected with the game in any way. Now here's a WoW item with the same name, which seems a surprising coincidence. Can anyone shed some light on what the spell is and where it came from?


Fast forward to today. I'm an emergency room nurse making 28 dollars an hour starting, saving lives, and I have a girlfriend. I remain one of very few human beings who has ever TRULY beaten WoW.

Or you can be an ER nurse making $28/hr while saving lives and courting a girl WHILE playing WoW. ;D


I used to be a long timer player of WoW. Played from summer 2005 to the end of September 2009. Reason for quitting? Needed more free time between doing both school and job full time.

I will admit WoW is an awesome game, and being able to catch up quickly is a huge + in an mmo. However, when you were at the top of the raid game like I was (essentially in a top 200 World guild since Fall 2007) even with Blizzard doing their best to retain players, I finally hit total burnout. It's not the first time this has happened to me with a Blizzard game, Diablo 2 still makes me cringe.

If you have the time and can immerse yourself into the community, MMO's are fantastic, but many of us, like myself, really need to get on with life. I had fun playing WoW, and may even go back when Cataclsym hits (must eat story!) but I can't do the 4 day a week raid thing anymore, and that was a huge draw for me.

In regards to the communities, the forums generally are hit and miss. I was in Lhivera's guild for a year or so, he's an awesome guy, both in game and on the forums. Lot of trolls out in the various forums, usually whiny kids who don't know better, and trying to explain to them how to play better is often pointless.


I talked a little about "addiction" here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25702

I don't feel that I was ever addicted to the point where WoW seriously had a negative effect on my social life and work life. I was a little less sharp about randomly contacting people I haven't talked to in years, and I was a little less eager about finding ways to pick up new hobbies, but I don't think I was ever on the verge of losing a job, failing school, or neglecting my health as a result of WoW.

I guess moving to a new MMORPG kind of showed me some highlights of how good and bad MMORPG communities are in general.


It's not even like you have to get addicted. Just play it to beat it, and then if you still like it you can still play like an hour a day, because you already have the highest level possible and don't need to spend any more time on it.

MY friend Tristan played WoW in a month... he got lvl 80, no problem with just one hour a day. This prob cuz WoW's getting easier, which makes it all the more boring. (I have played the WoW demo, do not tell me I have no reason to say it's a bit boring)

I've seen Shariq play AION beta, and I have to say I think it's way better just by looking at it. The combat system of chaining skills looks way fun, especially for higher levels where you can trap enemies in electric balls and knock them a few feet backwards. Plus the graphics are pretty. :)


MY friend Tristan played WoW in a month... he got lvl 80, no problem with just one hour a day. This prob cuz WoW's getting easier, which makes it all the more boring. (I have played the WoW demo, do not tell me I have no reason to say it's a bit boring)

Really just 30 hours to 80? That's almost worse than the level 20 cap in Guild Wars. A year and a half ago it took me 14 days of actual playtime over a 3 week period to hit 62 when I was just starting out with my free month.

Really just 30 hours to 80? That's almost worse than the level 20 cap in Guild Wars. A year and a half ago it took me 14 days of actual playtime over a 3 week period to hit 62 when I was just starting out with my free month.

You can't hit 80 in 30 hours unless the character was already at Level 70... it's about 4 hours per level from 70-80.

I levelled recently (over the summer) and it took about 5 /played days to level from 1-80, and I'm very familiar with WoW.

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