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Don't listen to anyone who's putting this game down.

When you get down to it, the game is fun. If you liked Baldur's Gate, or Neverwinter Nights, you'll like Dragon Age. It can be difficult, which imo is a great thing. It honestly had been forever since I'd been actually challenged by a game. :)

hey, bleck! we get it! you don't like this game! now please shut the fuck up and stop repeating yourself. it's getting annoying.
i just think it's kind of funny/sad that you can be pissed off at the fact that there's a sequel in the making for a game you dislike. does it seriously matter that much to you? maybe instead of posting here you should send a mail to bioware about how they shouldn't make a sequel because you didn't like this game very much.
because you are obviously forced to buy it and all it's sequels, in fact, you are forced to post in this thread
because you are obviously forced to buy it and all it's sequels, in fact, you are forced to post in this thread

baw baw abwwwww

if you can find a better thread to talk about Dragon Age in other than the Dragon Age thread I'd love to see it

baw baw abwwwww

if you can find a better thread to talk about Dragon Age in other than the Dragon Age thread I'd love to see it

Take a chill pill, no need to singlehandedly escalate things for no reason except that you want to vent without others making a negative comment about said venting :? .

now please shut the fuck up
if you can find a better thread to talk about Dragon Age in other than the Dragon Age thread I'd love to see it

Take a chill pill, bleck

the most unbiased moderation


Though I understand why you guys would wish to keep this a thread that has positive remarks about the game, I don't see why he can't post things that tend to be on the negative side about it.

Everyone should be able to voice their opinion about how a game is, right?

Anyway, I personally have to say I am in the "middle" when it comes to this game. It is really fun to me, but gets boring after more than an hour of gameplay. I cannot play this game very long every sitting.


Actually, first I'm not even modding here but giving you a good recommendation since you seem to believe you should vent without care for what others think, and not expect the responses you've gotten. You just need to calm down period and stop acting like the typical internet tough guy. I don't know how anyone can call this perspective here biased since it's based on exactly your whole exchange.

Second, I saw your initial sequence of posts that spawned all of it, and you brought it upon yourself. Just as a reminder if you forgot how it all began:

the trilogy?


...not a trilogy, then.
verdammt = blast it

I am expressing my distaste with the idea of a trilogy being made of a game which I consider sub-par

That last one right there was kinda shittily phrased, but that's not the worst.

because you are obviously forced to buy it and all it's sequels, in fact, you are forced to post in this thread
boo hoo hoo hoooh o ohooh ohoohoblbollobo lobobloboo bloob loo
because you are obviously forced to buy it and all it's sequels, in fact, you are forced to post in this thread
a bawww buhbuhbuhbuh bawwww

white texttttt

Sorry man, but it looks like you wanted to express displeasure, Tensei said something that was just fine, and you wanted to act like a douche over it. If you can't handle it, don't dish it.


Bleck, are you just trying to escalate things that don't need to be?

Really, we get you don't like the game. No, we do. You've said your piece. There's no need for you to continue posting, other than attempting to troll people. So really, can you just stop and let people discuss something they like in peace?


Anyway, I personally have to say I am in the "middle" when it comes to this game. It is really fun to me, but gets boring after more than an hour of gameplay. I cannot play this game very long every sitting.

Same thing here.


Damnit, Bleck.

Now I gotta wait a week/month before seeing another Bleck post. Thanks, thread.

Edit: I wasn't taking sides. Didn't mean to tick anyone off, just bemoan how there'll be a lack of Bleck for a while.

So anyway, Dragon Age Origins...


A month - if he can't discuss things cordially and have to stoop to attacking someone on first instinct, then he shouldn't be here. Quite frankly, someone with that attitude should just go over to GameFAQs or NeoGAF. Saying something negative about a game is ok, but the way you say it and how you act afterwords is key. If you're going to just fly-by attack something and attack anyone who disagrees with you in the slightest without elaborating, then it's pretty much just intentionally pissing other people off (& thus trolling) and you don't belong here. If you just can't control himself if someone disagrees with you, then you can find somewhere else to learn anger management if you want to post here.

That goes to everyone of course - if you are going to spend the time saying you disagree with something, at least be willing to elaborate or don't even bother stating it.


As for the game itself, I bought it in a Steam sale but I haven't gotten to play it yet. I probably will install it in a month after I install a legit copy of Windows 7, and give my impressions then.


I just finished it, it was a pretty satisfying journey. I don't know if I'll replay it many times (since I've lost a lot of sleep with the game, and also because when you start getting to some of the end battles where it's like 15 vs 4 it's annoying keeping your men up) but it was definitely a fun first time through. My finish time is something like 65 hours.


I was playing a bit with the dragon age toolkit. Need to get use to it, it is not as friendly as the GECK or the TESCS.

Also you need to play with some files on the go with the steam version.

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