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Intro is ear-gasm, the synths are incredible, the hi-hat needs a little work though, sounds a tad awkward during the first verse and whenever that rhythm is played but I love the ride cymbal. I think it's just because of the velocity of whatever kit your using, and where it's placed in the mix, that makes the hi-hat sound a tad out-of-place. What drums do you use?

At the section starting roughly at 1:00, how about some heavy-panned chord-synths like Children of Bodom do? Cut away a little from the rhythm guitar there to make some room for them so it sounds intense...I don't know, maybe give that a shot!

Almost sounds like Ken's stage around 1:27, never noticed that about the source. Again, the hi-hat sounds weird when you brought it back. Arps at 1:55+ are....jaw-some.

The break is well-placed, bass needs a little refining though. Nice solo, you didn't over-play it and the battle sounds pretty convincing til you do the harmonies...but again, that hi-hat pulls me out of getting into the mix as much as I really want to. Just a suggestion: consider a tambourine during the chorus and solo-section? Might add a little icing on the cake. And...why on Earth didn't you make some kind of guitar-keys battle?! DO IT! :-D

This WIP is now on my iPod and will stay there until you update it. You've got some gold already here, and just a few things holding it back, minus a little extra mastering (Push the lows some more, they can be fleshed out a good bit especially with the style you're trying for here. I noticed in the Knuckles Chaotix mix it was very mid-high heavy, at least on every set of headphones I used, so make my subwoofer work for the money I paid on it!). Have roll, Willrock. (couldn't resist). Also, we talked about you and played your chaotix mix on the just recorded episode of OverClocked After Dark. I made fun of your teeth, but it was totally kidding. You should check it out, and then yell at me if I made you made cuz you rock me, Willrock.

For the love of god, keep me updated on this mix.

Edit: Also, thank you for the kind words on my rock-alicious stuff. I'm glad you enjoy it, and I don't plan on stopping rocking for a good long time. Doing exactly what we talked about in IRC: subbing every 3 weeks, WOOHOO!


awkwardness at 0:58, felt like there was a cymbal or something off by a 16th note but this could just be me. i'd get a second opinion on that.

the bass is sorta unnoticable during the heavier sections (sounds like its blending in with the rhythm guitar), and could definitely afford to be louder during that little feature at 2:11. i think raising the mids just a bit on the rhythm guitar might help balance the soundscape slightly better, as well as help separate it from the bass.

not too much for me to say, really. production sounds pretty clean, lots of cool panning effects and instrument placement, some awesome synth action as usual, and the guitar parts, while not revolutionary by any means, sounded good as well (of course i know nothing about the guitar). there's always some room for improvement, but i see this getting accepted as-is.

i enjoyed :-D



I really like it, I played MMPR on SNES this year for the first time in my life and I think it's a pretty game, with a solid soundtrack, that deserves justice. I think that the boss theme is a great one too...


Sexyness, in a word

The only thing I'd think about adjusting is when the extra guitar screams in around the 2:00 mark... sounds like it the initial note is a bit flat and it could be dragged a bit longer before scraping back down your guitar.

Also, the ending kind of feels a bit like its petering out... i;d like stronger guitar towards the end.

But overall it sounds like I was time-warped back to the 80's. Except there were SNES's and power rangers at that time. And there were people remixing game music tracks. And everybody was wearing pink jump suits with matching motorcycle helmets screaming ITS MORPHING TIME, BITCHES


Finally someone decides to try their hand at the SNES MMPR soundtrack! And this is, without a doubt, the best way to kick off this game's introduction to OCR! Spectacular mix! :-D


duuuuuuuuuuude the nostalgia! I used to play this so much...

I think overall, this could use more drum energy... a beefier snare and kick. this may be me being a guitar person, but I think the rhythm guitars could be brought out a bit more.

the breakdown is awesome. as for the synths, maybe you can experiment with the sounds a bit more? it kinda sounds too much like the original, but that again, is just my opinion. Or maybe have the synth arragement have more dynamic.... dunno...

hope it helps

duuuuuuuuuuude the nostalgia! I used to play this so much...

I think overall, this could use more drum energy... a beefier snare and kick. this may be me being a guitar person, but I think the rhythm guitars could be brought out a bit more.

the breakdown is awesome. as for the synths, maybe you can experiment with the sounds a bit more? it kinda sounds too much like the original, but that again, is just my opinion. Or maybe have the synth arragement have more dynamic.... dunno...

hope it helps

hahaha you wait for the update, most of your crits are addressed lol :D sadly I can't work on it anymore due to pro tools breaking a few hours ago :(

and Lulza commented on my wip... cool :P


Ok, due to unfortunate circumstances, this is the finished version... My pro tools software has decided that it doesn't like me anymore... and long story short, the pro tools session of this remix is lost and I can't save, start or close any pro tools sessions. Treat this as the final version, i'm going to sub this if I can't get back the file I lost on pro tools, I think it might be good enough to pass.


Enjoy dudes :P

Shame you can't update it any more, but I honestly think this is sub-worthy man. Sucks about your protools though, here's to hoping you can fix that up.

Oh I fixed pro tools :P however, this file altho I could get it back technically to work on again, it would take me a few hours, due to the nature of the problem.

Still, OA said its sub worthy so i'm going to give it a shot :P

  • 2 weeks later...

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