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A lot of us have good memories of games who've passed their expiration date. I'm not talking about your collection of DOS games on floppy disks either. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's looked at an old game sitting in their CD rack and though "Man, I've love to play that, but I'd never be able to find enough people to play". This saturday; we solve this.

Coming up next

Date: Saturday, December 5th at 4:00 EST

Game: Quake 3 Arena

Server IP: (DOWN)

What you'll need

A copy of Quake 3 Arena (Any retail version), patched to 1.32. You can get the patches from http://www.idsoftware.com/games/quake/quake3-arena/index.php?game_section=updates

I suggest you join ahead of time to make sure everything is installed properly, and to set up your mouse sensitivity.

Please post in this thread if you're interested, it'll help me plan ahead on the server config. I'll also take suggestions on what game to to next. I'd like to do each game for two Saturdays before moving on, but we can adjust that on a game by game basis.

Future games pool

In no order

- Tribes Next (Freeware'd Tribes 2)

- Unreal 2 XMP

Feel free to suggest others


Ooh... that is tempting. I used to play a lot until I kept getting kicked for using the sniper rifle.

It wasn't against any rules or anything; I just used in for close range. Like, five feet away. I aimed high and almost always got headshots. People got bitchy when you kill them with full shields and extra health in two shots.

Mind you, the flak cannon did the same thing, and no one complained about it...

Shit, I think I still have my old discs around here somewhere.


Ok, server is up. You probably will want to connect ahead of time to grab a few misc packages not listed (they're small, but UT downloads slooow).

I forgot how much fun it is installing all of those bonus packs on linux:sleepdepriv:


Installing Unreal Anthology now. Prepping to have my noob ass handed to me.

Edit: If anyone is having issues with D3D resolution or fps capping, try this file. Go to your UnrealTournament\System directory, rename your d3ddrv.dll to something like d3ddrv.dllbak and copy this file over. http://www.filefront.com/1405849/Unreal-Tournament-D3D-fix-v.1.9c/ I recommend using D3d over OpenGL as OGL is very very buggy still, apparently. Had a massive fps boost that was increasing the speed of the game, no matter what I tried to do to fix it.

Installing Unreal Anthology now. Prepping to have my noob ass handed to me.

Haha, you and me both. I'm terrible now, I can barely even hit shock combos standing still, forget moving ones.

I remember Godlike bots being terrible... now they're wiping the floor with me.:|

Aren't there major issues with getting it to run on dual/quad-core processors? I could never get mine to run properly.

I'm running 436 on a dual quad core machine, which is easily the most unlikely system ever conceived for UT; works fine.

You might need to do the d3d fix posted by level 99 though.


We always had issues doing UT99 at my old LAN parties, but eventually found a few fixes that got 99% of the games working:

*The force native resolution fix posted by Fireslash

*Updating the d3ddrv.dll file as I mentioned (and making sure your UT99 has direct3d as the selected render)

*Going into your video card's control panel and forcing vertical sync on

*If you're still having any issues running on multicore systems, try a utility like RunFirst. Things like this force an app to run on the first core of a multi-core system, thereby simulating to the game that only one processor exists. It's not perfect, but it has solved a few issues in my experience, especially when all else fails at fixing UT99.

I have a couple of suggestions for these Old Skool Gaming days in-general:

* Anyone want to get some kind of voice chat client going? Anyone have a ventrillo server?

* Some shameless pitches for other old-skool games to play: Worms World Party, Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3d, Warcraft 2 (if possible), Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Descent 2

Descent 3

OMG that'd be fun as hell.

No. It wouldn't. I haven't played it in years. Hell, my flightstick probably doesn't even work any more, and I had a hard time using just the joyboard back then.

But I do miss the old Descent games. I think there's a newer build of Descent 2 out there, compatible with newer OSs and hardware. But I haven't heard anything about it in a long time.

How hard is it to add these add on stuff to UT if you got it on steam? I'm downloading it right now.

Not terribly. Hit that link in the OP and pick out the files Fireslash mentioned. They're all small downloads, you should have no problem.

You will need a Umod installer to unpack the files (I used this one). Install everything to your game directory (something like C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YourAccount\UnrealTournament IIRC) and you're good to go.


Color me extremely interested in this event. I also have prior commitments tomorrow, but I'll pop on when I get home and see if anyone's still around.

Not terribly. Hit that link in the OP and pick out the files Fireslash mentioned. They're all small downloads, you should have no problem.

You will need a Umod installer to unpack the files (I used this one). Install everything to your game directory (something like C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YourAccount\UnrealTournament IIRC) and you're good to go.


Color me extremely interested in this event. I also have prior commitments tomorrow, but I'll pop on when I get home and see if anyone's still around.

I got on with stevo last night and downloaded some of the files off the server. Game ran great though.


Yeah, you'll be forced to download CSHP + bonus pack enablers for it. Shouldn't take more than aminute, and you only have to do it once. I didn't originally intend to bother installing cheat protection, but it came bundled in a tools package I needed and I'm too lazy to remove it. :<

As for other games, there are two requirements to keep in mind:

- Must support a fair number of players (at least 10)

- Must have an available linux dedicated server

- Must be able to connect via modern technology (no IPX->TCP tunnel bullshit)

I'm going to mix up gameplay a bit as possible, I might also toss in a custom map if I can get the fastdownload mirror working. (CTF-Bolwerk105 ftw)

Oh, if anyone's having trouble connecting, make sure you're doing multiplayer -> open location. I never got around to fixing the query ports, so it won't show up on the server browser :P

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