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Where are you getting that from? Inafune let the DEVELOPERS create their own bosses. They're not giving the PLAYER the ability to create bosses.

Don't misunderstand, I was wondering what it would be like to actually have the chance to create a boss character for the game. I never actually said players/fans were given the chance to create a boss character. :lol: Yeah I recall Knightman had actually been a player-created boss...

I envy the developers that's for sure.

I look at it this way, I probably could have pulled out something like this~


and then facepalm thinking how bad it could possibly be if I did it drunk. :lol:

Oh, booooooooo. That was terrible. I hope the UN arrests you for weapons-grade pun use.

If it weren't for the picture of Commando Man, I would have thought he looked completely different.

Hopefully Mega Man can hold up, as he’ll be sporting the same move set as last time; that is, no sliding or charge shots.


Staples, Capcom! The moves are God damn staples of the character now!


Staples' date=' Capcom! The moves are God damn staples of the character now![/quote']

The argument I'm hearing on the reasons for Rock's lack of charge and slide abilities had been because those were merely "enhancements" and that they were simply unnecessary and taken off in times of peace that his world had been experiencing till the events of MM9.

Seriously though I'm thinking they're just trying real hard to keep the appeal in the newer installments that MM2 have had during the years since its release.

Regardless MM4 will always be a favorite of mine...


You mean shooting things that aren't directly level with his torso? He's using special weapons.

Personally I prefer the lack of charge shot... charging all the time just wasn't that fun a mechanic.

I also don't mind no sliding. They're obviously building levels and bosses with a lack of sliding in mind, and that went extremely well in Megaman 9.


Yes, just that findable upgrades existed in MM7, not that you had to earn what we think of now as the "basic" abilities.

Incidentally, anyone who played Proto Man in MM9 will tell you that two shots + charge < three shots in most situations. Sliding was still super useful though. Oh, and why give him the lamer-looking MM4 charge shot. Let's see the blast from MM5/6 instead (with MM5 sound effects).


While I kind of wish he'd keep his slide, not giving Mega Man the ability to charge makes me happy. It gets really, really annoying to run all over the place and constantly hear, "wawawawaWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWA."

I see from the artwork that Mega Man has gained the ability to shoot things he's not pointing at.

He's been doing that since his very first game. >_>


I think that they should bring back the charge shot and slide, but it might make it too easy. Either way, my friends and I both still prefer Mega Man over Proto Man. It's nice to be able to take more damage, and it's nice having three shots. I would like there to be upgrades for all characters though. Maybe a speed boost for Mega Man, and the abillity to have four shots at once. Maybe a bigger charge shot for Proto Man. I don't want it to get all crazy like some of X games though. Focus on gameplay, and don't turn into a collect-a-thon. Mega Man 9 did it just right.

it's pretty funny how much I died on those stages even with that prompter.

That stage pissed me off and made me laugh at the same time. Prompter threw me off more than anything. :tomatoface:


Made me wish I had BEAT or something to give me a second chance. :lol:

Anybody see the new trailer? It looks like this virus is acting like the reploid virus in the x games. Perhaps some people are right, and they are tying in the megaman series with the X series. If so, that would be awesome.


Honestly, the lack of Charge Shot and Sliding kind of sucks for me. I love Mega Man 2 and all, but Charging added a little strategic element and honestly made killing bosses more entertaining. And Sliding just made for a better experience. Perhaps I'm thinking of it as more of a crutch, but it was nice to have a panic button to get out of the way.

...Well, considering Proto Man's going to have those abilities in 10, I'll probably be playing as him more anyway. Always liked Proto Man more anyway, as anyone who's seen my Steam picture could probably tell.

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