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OCR01164 - Final Fantasy VII "Jenova for Classical Piano"


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I loved it when it came to VGMix, and I still love it now. :D The range of performance techniques brought upon the player have done well to build up a cleverly done piano arrangement for the site to take in, something in which the site hasn't seen in days.

One thing that I never noticed until a few listens later was that he's got a squeaking chair - make sure your volume's up at around 2:25 to hear it.

But leaving that recording glitch out, this piece works well within OCR's library. Sweet job Noir :)

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Man...I'm so glad you got this approved. I had it way back when it was a WIP, and I loved it then...heh, its in an even better bitrate than now. But I'll say this, its still a masterful piano piece, and I listen to it everyday at least twice.

Great job, and I'm glad it came through.

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... 8O

...Absolutely amazing! This song rocks. If I could play piano like that, I'd never leave that piano bench. Not even to eat. I'd probably die very quickly (not to mention in my own biological waste), but I'd die on a piano bench, so I think I'd be worthy of mention.

Basically, awesome work. Thumbs up all the way.

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Sheet Music:

I know this hasn't been brought up in this post yet, but I thought this would be a good time to say so. I'm getting A LOT of emails about sheet music for this, several per day now. I started writing sheet music for this while I was practicing, so I could solidify the arpeggios. I started getting requests while it was on WIP, so I went ahead and finished it. It's in PDF format, a 113K download. I just wish there was a sheet music section on OCR.


Knock yourself out :)

- Eric

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This is really good. I downloaded it because I love Jenova's theme, and this mix definitely did not disappoint. It really was masterfully done, I love piano arrangements, and this is just so pretty. It still maintains the general eerie-ness that the original had in some parts, but it also flourishes and ... aww hell this is a good remix and everyone knows it, saying anything else won't change a thing :)

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You guys have no idea how many times Eric has dragged me into the TIMARA studio or Dascomb TV lounge or whatever and forced me to listen to this piece, whatever form it may have been in at the time. Although I'm thus thoroughly sick of listening to it, it's excellently done. This man loves Uematsu and loves the piano and will someday be writing music professionally. You'll see. In the meantime, download this Mix and enjoy. Now, if I can just get him to stop bashing Chrono Cross and do some arrangements from it, we'll be in business.

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honestly, i didnt really like this remix. the piano seems too quiet at times and i dont really think that the classical piano goes with the JENOVA theme. Also, it seems like the song is the same thing for 7 minutes.

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In no way is this the same thing for 7 minutes. I just listened to this while reading the sheet music along with it, and my appreciation grows even more. The play and counterplay... the call and responce... the passing of the theme, the emphasizing of different beats in order to change the entire feel from one section to the next even if the notes on one hand are identical both times through. This is beautiful! I appreciated it before (I also have the WIP higher bitrate version)... but now I appreciate it all the more. I'm very glad this made it onto OCR.

I'd love to suggest listening to Peter Schickeili (errr... I'm not sure I spelled his name right though) sometime... he does a great radio show which explains classical music in a way anyone can appreciate it, and he's funny at that. PDQ Bach, for example, is pure genius. So for those who can't understand what's so great about this mix, listening to him might be an education you can appreciate.

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this is so much better than the piano arrangement on FFVII: Piano Collections. really, you can't take a techno type tune and directly translate that to the piano. so, it's a real compliment for someone to tell you that your arrangement is better than mr. nobuo uematsu's. keep up the good work, and keep arranging more fast paced songs into slower pieces.

edit: uematsu did not do FFVII: PC. But it's still better than the piano version on that one anyway

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edit: uematsu did not do FFVII: PC. But it's still better than the piano version on that one anyway

Sure he did. The music in FF7:PC is exactly the same, they even did a fairly good job getting the midi to match, unlike in FF8:PC, where they did a less than adiquate job with the midi. Although strangely, I sort of like "Man with a Machine Gun" better in FF8:PC than in the PS version... weird.

Anyway, that's for a different thread, I'm just babbling.

- Eric

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It is pianists like you whom define the world of piano.

Such works are an inspiration. 10/10

this is so much better than the piano arrangement on FFVII: Piano Collections. really, you can't take a techno type tune and directly translate that to the piano. so, it's a real compliment for someone to tell you that your arrangement is better than mr. nobuo uematsu's. keep up the good work, and keep arranging more fast paced songs into slower pieces.

TAG Information on the OST reads:

J-E-N-O-V-A 2:23 Shiro Hamaguchi & Seiji Honda Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections Game

... Both are equally excellent; one emphasizes a serene atmosphere, whereas the other takes on more of a 'mezzo forte.'

In any case, good stuff on both ends.

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edit: uematsu did not do FFVII: PC. But it's still better than the piano version on that one anyway

Sure he did. The music in FF7:PC is exactly the same, they even did a fairly good job getting the midi to match, unlike in FF8:PC, where they did a less than adiquate job with the midi. Although strangely, I sort of like "Man with a Machine Gun" better in FF8:PC than in the PS version... weird.

Anyway, that's for a different thread, I'm just babbling.

- Eric

He was talking about Piano Collection, not Personal Computer =)

It's okay, I thought that for about two seconds at first as well.

Oh wait, remix. Dang, all I wanted to post at the moment was that, but I WAS listening to this nonstop today and printed out the sheet music and tucked it away for until I become the master of piano. Too bad I don't even know how to play the piano at all. I guess in the meantime I could hand it to my well versed music theory teacher with perfect pitch and piano skills, or that one girl, or that student who graduated already, who memorized the piano part to Rhapsody in Blue and played it at a high school concert, and who I don't even know.

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I really enjoyed this piece. Its nice to hear some actual acoustic instruments being used on this site instead of beat machines. no offense meant to the great mixers out there, just stating my love for the piano and this well composed piece. Bravo mr. guy. Keep playin. Stay funky.

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