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Entrants:Less Ashamed of Self




The Biznut


Youtube Playlist here!


In lieu of the "let's talk about OCR Music Video's" thread, a new community event has been formed in the interest of exploring the idea further. With no further delay, I am proud to present to you...

The OverClocked ReMix Community Music Video Challenge!!


It is a pretty simple idea:

1. Pick an OverClocked ReMix

2. Create a music video before the event deadline

3. Have a blast watching everyone's entries at the viewing party!

First, I want to emphasize that this is a community event, open to anyone and everyone. The purpose of the challenge is to explore the level of interest in music videos within the community, tapping into the pool of video production talent and creativity that no doubt exists here, and to do so in a fun and accessible way.

So you are interested you say? Here are the specifics:

1. The song selected must be currently hosted on the site here, or on official OCR Project Album track.

2. Indicate your intent to participate by posting here or letting me know otherwise, and you will be added to the entrants list.

3. Your video may consist of any media, be it real life footage, video game clips, anime, etc. Please keep in mind that the media you choose should highlight/compliment the ReMix selected. It should clearly be an OCR Music Video before it is a DBZ music video for example.

4. There is no stipulation on video quality whatsoever. You do not need professional equipment to participate, do the best you can with what is available to you.

5. As for Content, nothing pornographic or brutally violent will be allowed or endorsed. As we will use youtube for the viewing party, it must not be in violation of youtube's content policy. I doubt this will be an issue at all.

6. Collabs are totally welcome.

7. ALL your sources must be clearly attributed in your video. Please refer to the OCR Content Policy


1. Upload your video to youtube by 7PM EST. on the 7th. contact me via PM or something with a link to your video.

2. PLEASE KEEP IT UNDER WRAPS UNTIL THE VIEWING PARTY ON MARCH 7th. The Viewing Party will be the Premiere Event

3. Contact the artist of your selected ReMix and otherwise spam the internets inviting people to the viewing party on the 7th!

NOTE: In the event that too few entrants can be around for the viewing party, we will reschedule. As it stands, it will begin @ Sunday March 7th @ 9PM Eastern Time.

That should be all the info you need to get started. I will stress again that this is a community event and is purposefully very open ended to remove as many barriers as possible from people getting involved and showing off their mad video skills.

I will create a list of entrants and their song of choice as they accumulate. You may declare which song you will make a video for, or keep it a secret till the end.

FINALLY, Any and all questions, suggestions, or other such communication regarding this event can be directed to myself, The Biznut, via PM.

Get involved and make this a success! Make something awesome! Good Luck!


List updated Feb 28th

contact me for additions or removals


Less Ashamed of Self






The Biznut


Jose the Bronx Rican





Man, as I said it on the other thread, this idea is AWESOME !

I really want to participate to this competition.

Just wondering : may we use cutscenes from video games to make our videos montages ? I mean it'd be easier to make video with video games cutscenes, just like for the VotL video contest, if we don't have a camera.

EDIT : another question, can we modify (i.e. cut some part, speed up, etc...) the chosen mix ?


This post is to state my interest in entering this competition. A few things... some just me playing devil's advocate:

1-It HAS to be an overclocked remix? What about vgmix or thasauce? What about mixes in posted projects that aren't posted individually on ocr?

2-What if you can't get a hold of the remixer? Should we just pick something else at that point? I guess it's a safe bet then that permission needs to be granted BEFORE the video is produced lest the production be for nothing without the permission.

3-Is it March 7th or May 7th. :<


I'd send a PM, but others might have a similar question too:

If I started making a music video using an OC Remix several years ago, but only completed the first 20 seconds or so of it, can I finish the other 80-90% and submit it? If it's a grey area, I can PM you a Flash file of what I've got so far, and describe what I plan to add.


I'm also very curious whether the full remix (unedited) needs to be included.

I'd send a PM, but others might have a similar question too:

If I started making a music video using an OC Remix several years ago, but only completed the first 20 seconds or so of it, can I finish the other 80-90% and submit it? If it's a grey area, I can PM you a Flash file of what I've got so far, and describe what I plan to add.

I'm pretty sure no one will mind if you've started it already; we have no way of knowing anyway right? This one seems to be more about the quality of videos we can produce as a community and less about actual competition anyway.


I'm interested in participating, though I have no idea what I'll come up with or how good it will be, as I have never made a video before. :tomatoface:

I'd also like to state that I might be open to the idea of collaborating. I have some vague ideas of stuff I could do on my own, though nothing I'm very attached to yet. So if anybody (esp. anybody local) wants to team up and do some brainstorming, let me know. I've got video and lighting equipment, and am willing to act/appear in the video and do silly things.


Unless you want to reuse the music videos yourself in some odd sort of way, I don't see why anyone needs to get permission from the original remixer to use the music in the video. According to the Content Policy (http://ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy), remixes can be incorporated into other works as long as they are properly and sufficiently attributed, and as long as the remixes are still available on this site.

If you're just trying to cover your bases in case remixers decide to pull their work off the site, then I understand. But if you're not able to get in contact with a remixer, what is the likelihood that they are going to get in contact with OCR and demand their stuff be removed from the site anyway? (i.e., it should be reasonable - if you can't get a hold of someone, then go with the content policy)

...anyway. I really really don't think I can participate in this round (or at all if there's only one round), but I'd like to. :|

Unless you want to reuse the music videos yourself in some odd sort of way, I don't see why anyone needs to get permission from the original remixer to use the music in the video. According to the Content Policy (http://ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy), remixes can be incorporated into other works as long as they are properly and sufficiently attributed, and as long as the remixes are still available on this site.

If you're just trying to cover your bases in case remixers decide to pull their work off the site, then I understand. But if you're not able to get in contact with a remixer, what is the likelihood that they are going to get in contact with OCR and demand their stuff be removed from the site anyway? (i.e., it should be reasonable - if you can't get a hold of someone, then go with the content policy)

...anyway. I really really don't think I can participate in this round (or at all if there's only one round), but I'd like to. :|

This makes perfect sense to me... which would be good because I've asked permission on a few to cover my bases and the artist of the one I really want to do hasn't responded yet.


To answer some of your questions:

Just wondering : may we use cutscenes from video games to make our videos montages ? I mean it'd be easier to make video with video games cutscenes, just like for the VotL video contest, if we don't have a camera.

The emphasis for this challenge is on Real Life videos, but it is also about participation, so if you are without a camera to shoot something with, then I won't stop you from doing game clips.

Minor adjustments are fine. However if you are getting to the point of remixing the track (ReReMix?) then that is too far. It should be similar to how other album versions of songs occasionally differ from the track in the music video. (Some dialog to open, a part is cut out to make it a reasonable length, etc.)Use your discretion along that example. If it makes your video fit better with the song, it is okay.

1-It HAS to be an overclocked remix? What about vgmix or thasauce? What about mixes in posted projects that aren't posted individually on ocr?

Keep it to songs hosted here, including official OCR album tracks. There is awesome stuff on great sites like thasauce, but for this event we will keep the audio local to OCR.

2-What if you can't get a hold of the remixer? Should we just pick something else at that point? I guess it's a safe bet then that permission needs to be granted BEFORE the video is produced lest the production be for nothing without the permission.

This was me covering my bases, but after rereading the Content Policy here, this is no longer a requirement. Simply credit the author and any other people to whom it is owed. Refer to the updated OP.

3-Is it March 7th or May 7th. :<

:tomatoface: Fixed. Its March 7th.

If I started making a music video using an OC Remix several years ago, but only completed the first 20 seconds or so of it, can I finish the other 80-90% and submit it? If it's a grey area, I can PM you a Flash file of what I've got so far, and describe what I plan to add.

Absolutely. As long as you have a video to show in March, I don't care if you started it in the mid 1800s :-o

...anyway. I really really don't think I can participate in this round (or at all if there's only one round), but I'd like to. :|

SoulinEther, you were right on the Content Policy matters, thanks for that post. If you happen to come across 2 hours of spare time somewhere in the next 2 months, see what you can throw together!

The emphasis for this challenge is on Real Life videos, but it is also about participation, so if you are without a camera to shoot something with, then I won't stop you from doing game clips.
So you won't stop someone but...
If you want to make a game video montage, feel free to do so, and show me (I like good game montages) but know that it may not be inlcuded in the viewing party / the contest in general, at my discretion.
you may exclude them from the compo?

It'll be a miracle if we can get say, 6 completed entries by March. There's no reason to exclude any kind of video; I'm interested in seeing what people from this community have to offer even if it is just music set to game footage, anime, or Obama speeches.

So you won't stop someone but...you may exclude them from the compo?

It'll be a miracle if we can get say, 6 completed entries by March. There's no reason to exclude any kind of video; I'm interested in seeing what people from this community have to offer even if it is just music set to game footage, anime, or Obama speeches.

I updated the OP to reword those sections so it is clearer and not contradictory.

I am interested in seeing those things too, I like AMV's and a good game montage. What I am trying to avoid are videos that become all about the video and not about the song. There are millions of Dragonball Z music videos out there as opposed to the handful of OCR Music videos that exist, and the videos here should be defined by the music. I guess I am concerned that with anime music video's, this wont happent. I'll just stop worrying about it. And no, I will not exclude any submission for this event based on the type of video used.

As this event is an OCR Community Music Video event, videos submitted should highlight the music of the site, and you can use any type of video you wish to accomplish this.

I hope to have more than six entries by March, so opening it up should be helpful to that end; That said, if we have six, then at least we have six!

Are you going to participate analoq?

Absolutely. As long as you have a video to show in March, I don't care if you started it in the mid 1800s :-o

Great! I have no idea whether I can finish it or not in the time span - but I'll try and get the good parts finished first, and maybe think up some filler material that's significantly faster to make but still not boring. It's a long-ish song, but I don't want to cut any of it out ;)

I'm glad the contest is as open as it is - if videos aren't required to have anything to do with the games the original songs are from, maybe we'll see amateur entrants producing stuff that's more creative than just video game montages... but well-made video game montages are good too =)


Crap. All my big talk in the original thread means I have to submit something now, doesn't it? Better get started.

Anyone who's not doing a video have any good concepts I could borrow? I'm thinking it would be fun to do something with a lil' rock n' roll. I like Sixto's stuff a lot, but anything'll do.

I'd do Funky Monkey Love, but there's a no porn rule, and the Cincinnati zoo would probably get pissed.


Got a great shot of a security guard telling me to fuck off and go home (in not so many words) today. Hopefully that's the first and last time that happens to me... but I did get some great shots in general.

So by what I've read in the posts, and though nothing's set in stone, we have an entry from a possibly/probably/maybe 7 people already:





The Biznut (now you HAVE to)

Sinewav (please don't have sex with animals)

& myself; Less Ashamed Of Self

If half of us finish, and the other half only have wips to show, we're still looking at over half an hour of footage that I'm pretty sure we would ALL gladly take the time to watch.

Gentlemen. Looks like this is going to happen. :-o

Tell your friends, the more attention this thread gets the cooler this is going to be.


Oneup Studios, Olremix, and ThaSauce now know about it. I still need to spam vgmusic, and vgmix (apparently I have 2 vgmix accounts I already forgot the password to...). I think I'll skip spamming remix.kwed.org since they seem to be sticklers for c64 and I don't know any of them.

What I am trying to avoid are videos that become all about the video and not about the song. There are millions of Dragonball Z music videos out there as opposed to the handful of OCR Music videos that exist, and the videos here should be defined by the music. I guess I am concerned that with anime music video's, this wont happent.

I hear that. I am far more interested to see original footage whether it be live action or animated but the contingent of producers capable of contributing that sort of material is shallow. So I am glad you are trying to keep things open.

Are you going to participate analoq?

Well I'm lacking any equipment or time, but if I can throw something together somehow I will!



Funny story... it seems actors want MONEY to act.


in related news, I quickly learned how awesome craigslist posting can be for something like this. I got a very quick response from a very exciting set of people... and then my posting was flagged and moved for pretending to be a 'job' without compensation.

Now that it's amoung the unpaying 'gigs' I haven't heard a peep.

Live and learn my friends.

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