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I was reminiscing about some of the movies I grew up on today, and my wandering thoughts eventually drifted towards Disney's adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

At first it was just the usual pedantic grumbling about how the movie should obviously have been called "Snow White and the Seven Gnomes." I mean, look at those so-called "dwarves." The resemblance to classic garden gnomes is blatant, but as if that wasn't enough, they don't drink a single drop of ale, none of them have names with "Axe", "Beard", "Iron" or "Hammer" in them, and they're obnoxiously endearing and cheery rather than being surly as shit. Granted, Grumpy is an exception to that last one, but even he is worn down in the end by Snow White's relentless optimism and cute little pecks (seriously, the "dwarves" in that movie get more action than the fucking prince does) and eventually starts to become as twee as the rest of them.

Then I recalled the forest scene. You know, after the hunter decides that cutting a little girl's goddamned heart out is just a tad too extreme for him and she goes running into the darkness to hide...although anyone paying attention should notice that it was obviosly morning not two friggin' seconds ago, so we never really know why it got gloomy all of a sudden or what she's so afraid of.

In any case, while those sixty seconds of hellish madness were probably pretty shocking at the time, it doesn't really raise any eyebrows now. At this point we're all well aware of Disney's sadistic tendency to throw horrendous, nightmare-inducing scenes into otherwise light-hearted films. (See also; pink elephants, Mufasa's screaming death, etc.)

When I thought more about it, though, it began to dawn on me exactly what that scene resembled, whether it was intentional or not.

It's a friggin' gang rape.

Just look at the parallels. A pure, innocent young lady, without thinking, enters a dark, unfamiliar area, and all of a sudden she's being grabbed, pulled and leered at by everything around her. Branches transform into hands and make a spirited attempt to pull her dress off. She stumbles into a dead tree that tries to forcefully restrain her and, if you look closely, actually cops a feel of her ass. She falls into a pond and gets chased by phallic alligator logs. All this time she's screaming and gasping in sheer terror. Then at the climax of the scene, there are evil-looking faces and hands utterly surrounding her, descending on her from every conceivable angle, and when it's finally over, she collapses to the ground in a broken, whimpering wreck.

What the fuck, Disney.

Looking at the symbolism of that scene, the film could easily take on a much darker edge. Perhaps Snow White's desire to be swept off her feet by Prince Charming stems not from some childish, romantic fantasy, but a need to feel genuine warmth and affection after such a sudden and savage loss of innocence. Perhaps that's why she's so desperate for love that she immediately jumps the bones of some guy who apparently has no issues with wandering around making out with dead chicks.

Also, she's officially fourteen. Jesus, dude.

Of course my theory is shot down somewhat by those deus ex machina woodland creatures immediately crawling out of the woodwork to make everything better and participate in a perky musical number, but still. It's always fun to put a dark spin on something that's aimed at kids. Just look at what I've been saying I'd do with the Pokémon franchise if I got my all-corrupting hands on it. Tell me that wouldn't be awesome.



Well excuse me, The Damned. I don't think I even knew what rape was fifteen years ago, so presumably you are either OLD or had a very troubled childhood. OLDIE.


Well, since The Damned is a big jerk who decided to RUIN THIS for me by pointing out that I'm not the first one to notice it, (to be honest, the movie's been out for over seventy years now so I didn't really think I was, but Christ man why don't you rub it in my face) here's another, decidedly less artistic observation for you.

You know when Snow White eats the apple and dies?

Totally sounds like she's having an orgasm and trying to keep quiet about it. "Oh, I feel strange..." followed by several seconds of subdued and thoroughly undistressed moaning and gasping?

I don't know what a fatal poisoning sounds like, but I'm pretty sure that isn't it.


Disney fairytales are still pretty sanitized. Hell, even Grimm's versions of the fairytale stories are distilled from their original form.

Also, Walt Disney was originally going to do a movie based off of John Carter of Mars instead of Snow White. Imagine how different history would be if he did that. There is an adaptation of John Carter of Mars in preproduction by Pixar, although I think they're gonna use a different studio name to avoid backlash against any unsuitable content for children.


Walt Disney IS a psychopath? He didn't come back did he?

What bothers me is how soon this comes after I discovered one of my clocks, after its batteries have been dead for about a year, suddenly sprang to life after midnight last night (New Years Eve). The irony of it being a Chrono Cross clock suddenly fills my mouth...


Also, does anyone else think some people look way too deeply into movies sometimes? I'm not saying there isn't perverted symbolism HERE, but sometimes a demon is just a demon and a dark forest is just a dark forest...

Disney fairytales are still pretty sanitized.

Well, yes. Kind of makes you wonder what thought processes lead them to say "Hey, I bet this gruesome story produced by a warped and monstrous mind will make a great basis for a children's classic."

Presumably the same kind of thought processes that lead people like me to say "Hey, I bet this children's classic will make a great basis for a gruesome story produced by a warped mind." Except, you know, backwards.

As a sidenote, I did consider Googling my original observation to see if anyone else had already written about it, but for the life of me I couldn't think of a search query to use other than "disney snow white gang rape". That would have been asking, nay, begging for trouble.

Walt Disney IS a psychopath? He didn't come back did he?

You fool.

He never left.

Of course my theory is shot down somewhat by those deus ex machina woodland creatures immediately crawling out of the woodwork to make everything better and participate in a perky musical number, but still.

What, you've never been saved from a gang by a flock of squirrels? You need to get out more.



It's all True. Aladdin is proof that being a fucking petty thief pays off Big. And hey, if you think you need something just take it even if it isn't yours.

Disney morals are fucked up.

Well excuse me, The Damned. I don't think I even knew what rape was fifteen years ago, so presumably you are either OLD or had a very troubled childhood. OLDIE.

How many kids drowned after watching the Little Mermaid?

Wished they could be part of that world.

Plus Arial was wearing suction-cup clam bra. There were no straps on that thing.

Disney fairytales are still pretty sanitized.

Me and my little friend youtube BEG TO DIFFER. BTW I swear on my grandmother's life that this isn't an example of film editing at all. I owned both the little mermaid and Alladin as a kid and when news got out about this is the schoolyard, it was confirmed on the VHS originals:

Me and my little friend youtube BEG TO DIFFER. BTW I swear on my grandmother's life that this isn't an example of film editing at all. I owned both the little mermaid and Alladin as a kid and when news got out about this is the schoolyard, it was confirmed on the VHS originals:

Totally confirmed that he says "Good kitty" and you can see it's the guy's scrawny knee?

The nude chick photo in The Rescuers is real, though.


Nightmare Before Christmas teaches that you should never try anything new or attempt anything beyond your satatus or caste, because you will make everyone sad and screw it all up anyway.

But then, it's a Tim Burton movie, so maybe that really IS the message he wanted to convey.

Nightmare Before Christmas teaches that you should never try anything new or attempt anything beyond your satatus or caste, because you will make everyone sad and screw it all up anyway.

But then, it's a Tim Burton movie, so maybe that really IS the message he wanted to convey.

Or if you try to start a revolution, the government will bomb your sleigh. :(

Now, given that Disney actually was a bit psycho (trashed one of his offices once I believe) and harbored an obsessive hatred for communism, unions, and everything inbetween, wouldn't it be more fun to spot all the subliminal anti-left messages in all of his works?

OMG GeckoYamori is a GOD because this is his 10,000th post!

Anyway, I may have seen it, but it's funny how the new Disney is overly left; Mulan, House of Mouse, etc. Full of homosexuality, just raging of gay lusts.

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