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Mega Man X series: Maverick Rising - History


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Just a note - I'm not afraid of dropping people if they don't make the deadline, or even before the deadline, so I better be seeing a lot of consistent progress throughout the scope of the project. If I haven't heard from you for a week for example, don't be surprised to see me looking into it and messaging you about it.

I am going to take a heavyhanded role here, so be prepared to expend the effort if you're on. If not, you're going to find yourself out of it in a short period of time.

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Calling all who can shred (and then some) - I posted a thread that's a big deal in the project forum, challenging all of you out there! If you're not on the project or the project forum, then you better get to it and talk to me :-) .

reg'd, hook a padre up. i might actually be able to contribute geetars for once

nice to see the deadlines aren't too bad. get it onnnnn

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I wanted to let everyone know you can also contact me concerning the project. If you're interested in joining, by all means let us know. The more the merrier, but know that we are looking at crafting something especially excellent with this project. It's definitely a very huge undertaking, but I know that it's going to turn out to be one of the best projects yet.

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Welcome DJ SymBiotiX, Arrow, and BONKERS on board, as well as Monobrow, pu_freak, Cerrax, TheKrow, DCT, Hitori, and Torzelan since I opened this up!

Loving the excitement I'm seeing from people, and everyone on the same page here. Got some more people on board that should get people excited as well, but I'll wait until they claim tracks before announcing them.

I'll say this though - you all are going to be getting an album more cohesive than most OCR albums.

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Welcome DJ SymBiotiX, Arrow, and BONKERS on board, as well as Monobrow, pu_freak, Cerrax, TheKrow, DCT, Hitori, and Torzelan since I opened this up!

Loving the excitement I'm seeing from people, and everyone on the same page here. Got some more people on board that should get people excited as well, but I'll wait until they claim tracks before announcing them.

I'll say this though - you all are going to be getting an album more cohesive than most OCR albums.

Yes, we're using an ancient Cantonese secret for this one. No stops are spared, we're pulling them all out.

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Welcome Protricity, Demonstray, nrich (sorry I forgot to mention you earlier), and Dr. Manhattan!

And there's still more people to look forward to who's on :-) .

OMG Protricity is on board!!! YAY I can relax now, this is gonna be awesome!

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