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Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History

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Eiko's theme got claimed by someone yesterday, waiting to hear a sample before I make it official.

Prelude... to be honest I'm not too bothered about. There are so many remixes of it already. Plus we have a remix of Crystal World, which is just a minor version of the prelude anyway. It's basically a remix of a remix of the prelude.


Yeah, and the Crystal World mix you're talking about I think is really incredible. I don't think it'd be a bad idea to just stick with that one. :-D As for the other unclaimed tracks, it'd be cool to see some nice folks come in and make some nice songs for this. There's a lot of songs that i would ersonally really like to see covered before the album is completed, so if people get a chance out of their schedules, please check out the list and see if you fancy anything.. :-)

Guest Chibi_Ma
There are still WAY too many awesome tracks sitting unclaimed on that list.

AGREED! I'm crossing my fingers for Jesters of the Moon, Unfathomed Reminiscence, and Towards the Gate :puppyeyes:


Yeah it's a big 'ol OST. Much like the other later FF games, it would be impractical to do everything - the quality would suffer.

On the plus, some encouraging movement being made by the late-starters. I made tons of headway on Battle1 today, it's pretty much done. Iifa is getting there too.


It may be a stupid question, but why are you already imposing a final deadline when there're like 5 or such albums to be released in the next months? I mean, this album doesn't need to be finished so soon (with so many cool but unclaimed tracks - and yea, I know there'll be much work to be done after this deadline, but meh). People could have more time to make more tracks. (Sorry if this post is misplaced.)


I realized this around the start of the year.

Having a 'we don't need to finish track now because there are other projects first' mentality is what causes these ridiculous 4 year projects. I may be moving the deadline back, but not a huge amount.


I kind of agree with Chernabogue. I think the deadline may be a bit ill-conceived. An August or September deadline probably would've made more sense, with March as a WIP deadline. Really, why the hurry? I think it'll only do harm, to rush out Uematsu's favorite Final Fantasy soundtrack. Consider this, there are multiple projects that started long before this one, but which have deadlines later than this one.

Nonetheless, if you insist on keeping the current deadline, I'll still look forward to hearing the album once it's released, even if it is only half-finished. If I were you though, I'd take the extra time to do it right... and more completely. Just my opinion. =|

these ridiculous 4 year projects.
Ridiculous, perhaps, but at least not incomplete.
Posted (edited)
I kind of agree with Chernabogue. I think the deadline may be a bit ill-conceived. An August or September deadline probably would've made more sense, with March as a WIP deadline. Really, why the hurry? I think it'll only do harm, to rush out Uematsu's favorite Final Fantasy soundtrack. Consider this, there are multiple projects that started long before this one, but which have deadlines later than this one.

Have a little faith. I'm not gonna release something that's not ready. I'm just trying to get rid of this notion that projects have to take a long time. I've been looking at release timescales, and the deadline will move back somewhat anyway, as there are so many already finished projects waiting to come out.

Also, I'm not gonna ignore tracks that should really be on the album, and am actively trying to get these not just filled, but filled by people who can deliver!

The project will definitely not be 'incomplete'.

Edited by Fishy

I might get round to doing a Jester's remix because I have to do another arrangement for uni before April anyway. I've got an idea for what I want to do with it.

I'll do a draft up and fire it to you asap, Fishy, and see what you think.

At the very least, I can submit it later generally if it's not quite up to scratch by crunch time


Oh my beejesus, I can't wait for this. But I guess i'll have to. Hopefully more tracks are picked up to be remixed, as other projects are wrapping up. Lotta people out there with the talent to do these unclaimed songs some justice...


People are starting to have to rush and that's lame. Due to this, the open tracks (that people keep requesting), the abundance of nearly done projects, and the fact I'm moving country again at the start of May:

The deadline has been moved back to June 1st for the assurance of the quality of her Majesty's project.

If it helps, think of it as a deadline for the currently enlisted, but not something to discourage new people from signing on late.

I understand, but in that case, why not just threaten to make the tracks open for the people who drag their feet past WIP deadlines, like how it's done on other projects?

Personally, I think there are more ways to encourage people to finish their tracks, other than a final deadline.

Have a little faith. I'm not gonna release something that's not ready. I'm just trying to get rid of this notion that projects have to take a long time. I've been looking at release timescales, and the deadline will move back somewhat anyway, as there are so many already finished projects waiting to come out.

Also, I'm not gonna ignore tracks that should really be on the album, and am actively trying to get these not just filled, but filled by people who can deliver!

The project will definitely not be 'incomplete'.

I guess I should explain the motivation behind my previous post.

I was just concerned because the full soundtrack has about, what,100(?) tracks on it that are over a minute long (and thus, reasonably remixable), and you only have like 70%(?) of those listed in the first post. So if only half of those listed in your post actually get done, 35 or so, we'll miss out on nearly two-thirds of the soundtrack. So yeah, I was just concerned about the sheer number of tracks (many of them decent or overlooked), that would be left out of the final product. I'd hope one would at least aim to cover 50 tracks, for a solid half of the OST. And I feel there's no need to exclude the "less popular" tracks, especially if done solely based upon it taking "too long", ya know?

It can take a long time to find enough people who will get the tracks done. Just something to consider.

In any case I'm glad to see that the deadline has been moved at least a little bit, so that's all I'll say about it for now. =D

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