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The original Japanese song sounds fitting for a Final Fantasy game. This is because over the last 15 years, Square* has accustomed us to hearing Japanese songs in their games, or at the very least, Japanese composed themes, which invariably have different melodic qualities than American composed themes.

The R&B song, however, is totally Urban America in sound, and... ugh. I totally dislike this new direction. I give Square* credit for trying something new, and this may definitely give them a larger audience in certain circles - it's going to alienate many of their Core fans.

I'm one of them. I haven't really been able to stand a Square* game since FFX. I suppose their style changed too much for my appreciation to follow.

Should I sue for violation of intellectual property?

something tells me i'm not the first person to draw an angry face on a red circle

I don't see why you can't use it instead and make it yours now >:3

as for leona lewis...




clearly enough people thought it was a good idea for it to get passed, it wasn't like one person made the decision and everyone else in the entire goddamn company was like "what the FUCK was he thinking"

oh no a western singer doing a song for a japanese game kill kill kill

grow up

I didn't realize we were having a serious discussion about the subject of Leona Lewis providing her singing talents.

Well I've heard her music and for the most part she's alright. In fact this may very well be a good thing in terms of opening the franchise to a wider, (wider than the usual fans are), audience. If there's anything for me to be concerned, it will have to be whether this will delay the titles or not. I remember my preorder was set for late November, then amazon tells me to reset it for christmas/january, then amazon emails me again to say they will release in june/july of 2010.

Is she possibly why or just the tip of the iceburg..?

apparently it was done to reach out to the US/EU audience

i dont see how the change will do anything to the game

its really sad to see people so upset over nothing at all




Seriously; and it's not like the song is bad either. I mean you can dislike it and thrash it for being mainstream and all, but it's well-produced and the singing is OK. I guess we'll have to see if it fits well in the game...

I'm sure if the original Japanese song was in English and sung by Celine Dion, many people here would be complaining about it.

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