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being in high school doesn't count since you are still basically a dumb kid

this is why so many high school kids play modern warfare 2 all day

Being someone named Bleck doesn't count since you basically have a dumb name.

There's nothing wrong with classic Sonic; Bleck doesn't like them, but that doesn't mean they were poorly designed games, nor does it mean it's somehow "wrong" for people to legitimately enjoy them. Everyone, you're responding to the troll the wrong way:

Ignore ignorant comments.

There's nothing wrong with classic Sonic; Bleck doesn't like them, but that doesn't mean they were poorly designed games, nor does it mean it's somehow "wrong" for people to legitimately enjoy them.

so because I think they are bad doesn't make them bad but because you think they are good makes them good

oh shit sounds like I forgot to ignore an

ignorant comment
I actually like MW2. It's one of those games where you know it isn't skill-based in the least, but you can still have a lot of outrageous fun with your friends on.

being able to have fun with your friends while playing it doesn't really make it good though I mean you can have fun playing almost any game with friends

so i guess the conclusion to this intense gamer debate would be "to each his own" ;-)

No that would be too easy.

Everyone must instead butt heads forever and ever until the other side relents and agrees.

Bleck does have a good point though, just because someone likes something doesn't make it good. Then again as he said it goes both ways, it doesn't make it a bad game either just cause he thinks it's bad or dislikes it.

So the game is now Schrodinger's hedgehog or something I guess.

Well, what does? How else do you determine if something is good? You don't say with a straight face "No, man, it was awesome, it really was... I just didn't like it."

That doesn't make any sense.

Believe it or not it is possible to think something was good and still dislike it.

Have you ever critiqued art or music? There's bound to be musical or artistic styles you will not like, but that does not take away from whether it is good music or art.

Believe it or not it is possible to think something was good and still dislike it.

Have you ever critiqued art or music? There's bound to be musical or artistic styles you will not like, but that does not take away from whether it is good music or art.

Good by whose standards, though? Does popularity determine if something is "good"? If not, what does?

Believe it or not it is possible to think something was good and still dislike it.

This is how I feel about Final Fantasy XIII.

Does popularity determine if something is "good"? If not, what does?

This is a really dumb question.

I actually like MW2. It's one of those games where you know it isn't skill-based in the least, but you can still have a lot of outrageous fun with your friends on.

Fun. Friends. As opposed to e-peen. Sound like a good idea, anyone?

now see here is your problem EVERYONE WHO PLAYS MV2 ONLINE THINKS THEY'RE HOT SHIT. aka trying to have epeen because they are "good" at a terribly uncompetitive game

interestingly enough i played mv2 with some friends of mine who play it all the time, and beat half of them them despite the fact that i don't even play the damn game

this is offtopic sorry but your flippant comment needed a response on how silly it was


Dear Bleck;

Shut the hell up.

I know you're a big deal and everything, but people are allowed to have different opinions. I look forward to reading your book about how to use so many words to say essentially nothing, but inciting immature and pointless debate is really adding nothing to the thread or the community.

Thank you for your time.

Here is the challenge; find me a person who has never played any of the Sonic games for Genesis. Get them to play it. Ask them what they think of the game.

If they say anything positive about the gameplay itself, I will eat my hat.

Getting my sister to play them, and having her almost abandon her pokemon fandom completely for Sonic directly proves you wrong. She's voluntarily playing Sonic Adventure as we speak.

Also, Maco basically said everything that needed to be said.

Shut the hell up.
immature and pointless


She's voluntarily playing Sonic Adventure as we speak.

I don't think I have to say anything else

guys please stop responding to me with such silliness it isn't doing anyone any good!

now see here is your problem EVERYONE WHO PLAYS MV2 ONLINE THINKS THEY'RE HOT SHIT. aka trying to have epeen because they are "good" at a terribly uncompetitive game

interestingly enough i played mv2 with some friends of mine who play it all the time, and beat half of them them despite the fact that i don't even play the damn game

this is offtopic sorry but your flippant comment needed a response on how silly it was

At no point in my post did I ever address the community. Yes, the 360 community is jam-packed full of idiots who think they're God's gift to gaming just because they can sit in a corner and go 25-0. I don't know if that's the same on PS3 or PC, but it most certainly is that way on LIVE.

But I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the game itself, and how it can still be extremely fun despite not taking any skill whatsoever, especially when played with friends.

guys please stop responding to me with such silliness it isn't doing anyone any good!

So, all you did was read "sonic adventure" and then you completely glossed over everything I typed? That doesn't do anyone any good either.

You asked for someone who'd never played a sonic game before, and that was my sister. Until then, she had only played Mario, Pokemon, and maybe Melee. She went from being a pokemon fanatic, to now almost completely giving it up. Not only does she play lots of (2-D AND 3-D) Sonic games for fun, she also draws him and the other sonic characters constantly, and is extremely dedicated to several websites related to both Sonic and drawing. If that doesn't convince you to eat your hat, I'll be forced to call you a liar. Is that what you want?:x

So, all you did was read "sonic adventure" and then you completely glossed over everything I typed?

well yes since

she play lots of (2-D AND 3-D) Sonic games for fun

would imply that she likes Sonic Adventure, which would mean she has bad taste anyways

perhaps I should revise the challenge to 'anyone who hasn't played Sonic and also actually likes good video games' but then again that would make it almost impossible to win now wouldn't it

well yes since

would imply that she likes Sonic Adventure, which would mean she has bad taste anyways

perhaps I should revise the challenge to 'anyone who hasn't played Sonic and also actually likes good video games' but then again that would make it almost impossible to win now wouldn't it

I never thought this was a win-able conversation anyhow... :-(


perhaps I should revise the challenge to 'anyone who hasn't played Sonic and also actually likes good video games' but then again that would make it almost impossible to win now wouldn't it

i like sonic and shadow of the colossus and other fine sophisticated pieces of art

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