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I'm perfectly content with waiting for it to come in from the mail.

And that's why you have the balls and spinal column of a paramecium! You have no zest for adventure! I am zesting like crazy right now, and I want to share it with ALL the nerd community!

Mainly though, I'm trying to get back at a man named Jubias and I know he'll be there. He stole my tiddlywinks when I was four years old, and now I'm going to cram a pineapple in him until he screams "Brassafrax!"

No, I'm just going to go see some friends there. :)

And that's why you have the balls and spinal column of a paramecium! You have no zest for adventure! I am zesting like crazy right now, and I want to share it with ALL the nerd community!

Mainly though, I'm trying to get back at a man named Jubias and I know he'll be there. He stole my tiddlywinks when I was four years old, and now I'm going to cram a pineapple in him until he screams "Brassafrax!"

No, I'm just going to go see some friends there. :)

heh heh heh if i didnt have class tomorrow i'd consider going but i'm perfectly content with picking it up before or after class tomorrow.

And that's why you have the balls and spinal column of a paramecium! You have no zest for adventure!

I'm actually quite excited to try it out, however I rather go cool and collected through it all rather than anxious and jiggling. :lol:

Nonetheless I'm also waiting on picking up Yakuza 3 when it comes out by this Thursday or Friday...

Heh, just picked up my Collector's Edition and it seems like someone accidentally put in an extra decal :nicework:

That's about all I can say so far, no time to play the bloody game.. but maybe I'll ignore studying just for tonight...

for the strategy guide? wasn't aware there was a collector's edition game put out


I don't usually buy game guides but I ended up getting the collector's edition. It's realllly pretty, plus I got a discount and I had some leftover money from trade-ins, so why not?

Initial reactions after playing the first two chapters of the game. I'll try to avoid spoilers.

-It's really damn pretty. Love the setting and the graphics.

-God I hate Vanille.

-I'm liking the battle system so far, but I don't like that if you want to run around and get random encounters to level up, you really can't. You can fight the enemies that you see, but none of them seem to respawn. Sucks since I usually try to grind early on in the game. Maybe once I get out of the lake?

-I hate Vanille.

- I was a fan of the sphere grid in FFX, and I'm a fan of the Cryatlarium or whatever it is. Pretty sweet. Also, the paradigms are cool, but why did they have to pick such weird names for the American version? Why couldn't we just stick to White Mage instead of Medic? It's kind of weird to get used to.

-I really hate Vanille. A lot.

-I loooooove the music so far, especially the strings in the battle theme. Remix anyone? ;-)

-Story so far is allright. Nothing has really amazed me yet.

- I was a fan of the sphere grid in FFX, and I'm a fan of the Cryatlarium or whatever it is. Pretty sweet. Also, the paradigms are cool, but why did they have to pick such weird names for the American version? Why couldn't we just stick to White Mage instead of Medic? It's kind of weird to get used to.

The new sphere grid type thing is pretty good. Main issue is that if you pump enough EXP into it then you get everything which IIRC did not happen with the sphere grid system.

Also the odd names are to set it apart from typical fantasy. I personally like it.

everyone hates vanille so much i feel like i have to try and like her somehow

she can't be THAT bad

all of the characters except Sazh are terrible

The new sphere grid type thing is pretty good. Main issue is that if you pump enough EXP into it then you get everything which IIRC did not happen with the sphere grid system.

well, it's possible, but you need a shitload of keyspheres and a triple metric fuckton of sphere levels

anyway, the assface at gamestop reserved me for the 360 even though we were talking about PS3 games, so they charged me $60 even though I'd put $5 toward it already so I'm going back to complain later

I'm very interested to hear what those of you who are playing it have to say. I've read some reviews, but am eager for some real life feedback.

EDIT: Gollgagh, I haven't been able to stop laughing at "triple metric fuckton", lol. How much would that be exactly? :-D

That would be a metric fuckton multiplied by three, good sir. :<

Anyway, so I'm about 3 to 4 hours into the game, currently in chapter 3(or 4... I forget). To make known the obvious, this game is indeed pretty. I don't think it's hyperbole to state that it's probably the prettiest game I've seen on an HD console thus far... Of course that carries "in my humble opinion" qualifier. I'm also playing on the 360 version, so I'm sure all of you PS3 owners must be even happier with the visuals. This shit looks good.

Let there be no doubt that the two largest focuses(pun intended) of this game are the story, of which there is much of albeit in small manageable chunks, and the combat system, which is both blazing in speed and tactical.

It is now obvious to me why Jeremy Parish and others stated that the game basically holds your hand while teaching you battle concepts: It is really, REALLY fast, and you need to really have a handle on the basics before you can keep applying more to it. I've already made good use of the "retry" function on more than one occasion, and thank god you heal after every battle and potions heal all allies in one go, or I probably wouldn't be able to keep up at all, and I'm just scratching the surface.

I have to say I'm quite pleased thus far, Straight line and all.

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