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Hmmm Im thinking I need to grind out a little and finish the game... Ive got no aerisol things, and Im underleveled for the fang/vanille Eidelon battle... Hell I've got no TP left and I couldn't beat the damn phalanx bot with 3 hoplites without a summon... Im doomed.... oh, and I violated my number one rule of RPG's... keep an extra save about an hour behind me...

oh, and I violated my number one rule of RPG's... keep an extra save about an hour behind me...

Aye that sucks dude. This is why I have 99 saves right now, haha. I never bothered to overwrite until forced.

As for your situation: Focus on a single class per character and really plan your teams for each battle. Gotta man up and stop relying on the sols. Fight intelligently to get yourself out of that hole. I don't think the game is so unforgiving that it can't be done.

Aye that sucks dude. This is why I have 99 saves right now, haha. I never bothered to overwrite until forced.

As for your situation: Focus on a single class per character and really plan your teams for each battle. Gotta man up and stop relying on the sols. Fight intelligently to get yourself out of that hole. I don't think the game is so unforgiving that it can't be done.

Actually i rarely use sol's. I just didn't pick any up in forever. so I've got no good way to either advance the story or go backwards... I could barely beat the phalanx box with a summon and now I have none. lol. we'll see if not Im saved in Chapter 9 and I'll just cp grind forever once I get to 11 again.

Hmmm Im thinking I need to grind out a little and finish the game... Ive got no aerisol things, and Im underleveled for the fang/vanille Eidelon battle... Hell I've got no TP left and I couldn't beat the damn phalanx bot with 3 hoplites without a summon... Im doomed.... oh, and I violated my number one rule of RPG's... keep an extra save about an hour behind me...

To do the Fang/Vanille thing just switch between Saboteur/Sentinel and Medic/Sentinel for the whole time. That should work.

Actually i rarely use sol's. I just didn't pick any up in forever. so I've got no good way to either advance the story or go backwards... I could barely beat the phalanx box with a summon and now I have none. lol. we'll see if not Im saved in Chapter 9 and I'll just cp grind forever once I get to 11 again.

It's possible to shimmy past the Phalanxes if you're good at dodging enemies. Just have to get him to turn to his side and run past. If you wanna run back and fight some easier enemies it's pretty easy once you slip past. It's better than going back to an older save. I'm sure you won't need to though, generally I think the Eidolon battles are designed not to require any grinding, just a know-how of the battle system

But yeah if you wanna beat the Eidolon do what Arcana said. It's what I did too, the points you get from spamming your Saboteur spells and Healing is enough that you should build up the meter fully. Then Fang can eat up all the damage in the meantime. I've never had to grind for any fight in this game and I've avoided a lot of fights by slipping past enemies, so I'm sure you'll do fine.


Ya, The eidolon is easily the toughest fight I've seen yet I've gotten about 90% of the way there however I've done no grinding at all through out the game and I've skipped a few encounters so i think Im pretty low level.. I'll give it another shot at getting past the phalanx before I back track 3 or 4 hours....

Ya, The eidolon is easily the toughest fight I've seen yet I've gotten about 90% of the way there however I've done no grinding at all through out the game and I've skipped a few encounters so i think Im pretty low level.. I'll give it another shot at getting past the phalanx before I back track 3 or 4 hours....

Seriously just go as far left then as far right of him as you can, and just keep doing that in front of his face till he turns to his side. It should leave more than enough room to go past.

Ya, The eidolon is easily the toughest fight I've seen yet I've gotten about 90% of the way there however I've done no grinding at all through out the game and I've skipped a few encounters so i think Im pretty low level.. I'll give it another shot at getting past the phalanx before I back track 3 or 4 hours....

The Phalanx gave me a hard time too when I first encountered them. I'd recommend getting Vanille's Eidolon first, then backtracking and doing Missions if you want to "level up".


More pointed help for the Phalanx fight:

KILL THE PHALANX IT SUMMONS MORE DUDES. Seriously, it's imperative that you take care of that first. Run a Com/Syn/Med alternating with a Rav/Syn/Med to start building up chain while getting your buffs on. Once that's done switch to a Com/Rav/Med alternating with Rav/Rav/Med with the same logic. Get it to stagger then go Com/Rav/Rav to finish it. I personally used Lightning/Sazh/Vanille throughout the entire game (I'm pretty close to 100% completion at this point. Just have to redo a little more than a handful of mission) and this setup is how you deal with harder enemies. If possible focus on getting those perfect shifts so you get full ATB.

Wean yourself off of using sols and summons. TP should be saved as your main "Oshit" option because a summon will refresh your team completely. What I loved about this game is that if you focus on your strategy and tactics you can win fights that should be impossible.


Anyone else find it odd that, at least from the outside, the system sounds like it pushes a lot of metagame strategy? I mean, sure, we've been working with numeric stats since D&D, but having to focus on perfect timing for ATB bars... it seems a little, well, stretched. Not that it's necessarily a bad mechanic, but it really removes from the concept of how the system could tie to the world itself.

Or am I totally mistaken, here?

Anyone else find it odd that, at least from the outside, the system sounds like it pushes a lot of metagame strategy? I mean, sure, we've been working with numeric stats since D&D, but having to focus on perfect timing for ATB bars... it seems a little, well, stretched. Not that it's necessarily a bad mechanic, but it really removes from the concept of how the system could tie to the world itself.

Or am I totally mistaken, here?

What do you mean by perfect timing?

The only thing I really worry about with respect to timing is doing Pparadigm shifts. Time it so the shift focuses only on my main character (good) and not so it goes through the camera shots for each of my three character (bad). I believe it's related to whether your ATB gauge is filling or not but I haven't figured it out precisely.

Other than that, you just queue up your commands (or press Auto-Battle) as soon as your character's executed the actions. On "Normal", given 3 bars, you get a window of about 5 or so seconds to do it I think.


There are three ways to shift.

1) Shows each character shift individually - WORST

2) Shows only your main but your ATB is where you left it - BETTER

3) Shows only your main and your ATB is maxed out - BEST

It is based on when within the attack animation you shift. Usually at the tail end of the attack. Perfect shift feels like it has a 10 frame window. Not too wide but when done consistently and shifting constantly after every filling of the ATB bar is necessary for some of the 5 stars on hunts.


So, I am in chapter 11 of the game, and I am liking it a bit more than I thought I would. One thing that really makes me smile, is just how much I like Hope. I kept reading that he is one of the most annoying characters in the game, but he is proving to be quite the opposite. Sure, he was whiny in the beginning, but [spoilers] the kid's friggin mom died, [/spoilers] so it is understandable. Later on, he matures quite a bit, and becomes one of the stronger characters emotionally. They developed him pretty well, in my opinion.

The character I can't stand, besides Vanille who needs no explanation as to why I do, is Snow. He is just so stupid. I cannot stand the "hero" crap he spews. He is so idiotic. I absolutely loved it when [spoilers]Hope chews him out and tells him he is just doing shit without thinking about any of the repercussions of his actions[/spoilers]. Granted, I do have a stronger bias against him than I probably should because of his voice actor, Troy Baker, also playing one of the best male leads I have ever really seen in a JRPG, Yuri Lowell, which my mind can't help drawing parallels between the two because of that, but still. Snow sucks.

The music in this game sucks compared to what would expect from a Final Fantasy title.

what game are you playing? easily the best soundtrack i've heard from a game since 2002 (FFX). you must be thinking this was going to sound like an RPG. hint: do the cutscenes look like something from a JRPG? is the story pacing RPGlike? nope. think film, not traditional JRPGs.

some kids seem to bitch about this because it's not nobou. different game, different composer, different setting, different style. this is thirty hours of excellent film music - it's not traditional game music at all. there's only a few stinkers.

at least you NOTICED the music, which makes it better than most of the crap people put behind games nowadays.


I love the fast tempo song with a strong beat and frequent modulations. It somehow reminds me of Persona.

The game was indeed fantastic, and I'm a few hours from getting the Platinum but man, was grinding a pain. It's kinda stupid that you max your characters Crystarium waaaaaayyy before you get enough Gil to get everything in the game.

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