cobaltstarfire Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 Luckily the world of Pokemon isn't that brutal... Pokemon Special wants to have a word with you. I actually liked the game more when the story was a bit smaller. Not because I dislike story but because they suck at setting the game up for it in such a way that isn't irritating. I could also do without the giant confusing as hell giant mountain chains full of irritating pokemon that I don't feel like battling. I'm also sick of useless HM's cluttering up my party with moves I don't like to use, or pokemon I don't want to train. Quote
AlmightyArceus Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 Pokemon Special wants to have a word with you.I actually liked the game more when the story was a bit smaller. Not because I dislike story but because they suck at setting the game up for it in such a way that isn't irritating. I could also do without the giant confusing as hell giant mountain chains full of irritating pokemon that I don't feel like battling. I'm also sick of useless HM's cluttering up my party with moves I don't like to use, or pokemon I don't want to train. Pokemon Special? and personally, i love the more involved stories. I always love fighting the bad guys, hearing their musical themes, etc. It always makes me sad when the plot with the bad guys ends...because then its like what ever happened to the rest of them! As for HMs, i am TOTALLY with you. it makes me so angry when my pokemon is going to learn a perfect move, but theres an HM blocking the way! And of course, the ever tedious pokemon that is everywhere (especially in mountains): ZUBAT. They do that on purpose though...its supposed to be a little tedious. plus all you gotta do is buy some repels and you're good! Quote
OutSpoken Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 Pokemon Special wants to have a word with you. Ah, so that's what Reogan and the others kept referencing. I know little about Pokemon other then the TV episodes and the games so I offered him what little perspective I could. I appreciate you pointing me in this direction. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 It's a pretty good manga I guess the thing I want to see in the new games is a story that doesn't feel like a series of poorly thought out broken bridges to me. I mean they have always been like that from the first game but it's especially bad in D/P/PT. Maybe I just hate caves I dunno...(repels are not very helpful, I knew someone would suggest I use them as if I don't already). Ruby/Sapphire actually did a really good job with a balance of story and letting me continue moving around to new and varied locations. Unfortunately for that generation I always had monstrously bad luck with the RNG so I seethe with hatred for it despite the game itself being a fairly good entry into the series. Quote
ocre Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 I think it would've been pretty cool if they had spiced up the battle scene with a little background. A city skyline in the background is a slight improvement over a blur but they could've done a bit better. ] (fan-made pokemon in last pic) I know it doesn't really play into gameplay if there's a pretty background but why are the pokemon still fighting on a weird disc? Quote
Lunarfall Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 i posted this already somewhere here, but its br00tal anyway Quote
Maco70 Posted April 14, 2010 Posted April 14, 2010 Found this on tumblr. Playing the game again with this perspective is interesting to say the least. Gary Oak was the nice guy all along.In the original Pokémon Red/Blue, when you encounter your rival in Lavender Town he asks whether or not you know what it’s like to have one of your Pokémon die. At this point in the game, he no longer has his Raticate that he used in previous battles. Your rival battle before this took place aboard the S.S. Anne. Your rival’s Raticate sustained serious injuries from the battle… but, because crowding and confusion on the luxury liner, he was unable to make it to a Pokémon Center in time and the Raticate passed away. The real reason your rival is in Lavender Town to begin with is to lay his deceased friend to rest. Despite all of this, your rival never outwardly tells you that you’re responsible for the death of his Pokémon. He hides his grief and instead channels that energy into the motivation he needed to continue his quest to become Indigo League Champion. The death of his Raticate effectively destroys your rival’s impish, childhood innocence. Although he tells himself that he doesn’t hold you responsible, he subconsciously holds a great deal of resentment towards you which further fuels his ambitions. Tearfully swearing upon his Raticate’s grave to not fail in what he set out to do, he trains hard in hopes of becoming better than you… defeating you… and to eventually make it to the Pokémon League. Mere moments after he became Indigo League champion, he was defeated… by you. Although he fulfilled his promise to his fallen Pokémon, it was only for a painfully brief instant. In the end, your rival is scolded by his grandfather while you receive the professor’s praise. During the course of the game, you steal your rival’s innocence, crush his dreams, and ultimately snatch away the love of his own grandfather. Oh, and by the way, your rival doesn’t have any parents. He’s an orphan. Quote
Overflow Posted April 14, 2010 Posted April 14, 2010 So, I'm reading through Pokemon Special, and it's really cool. I remember reading some of it when I was younger at a Chapters, so I noticed that this online version is just a fan translation. Oh well. On one hand, I would recommend it to any fan of pokemon, but on the other, I'd warn them that they'll just get depressed that the games aren't as awesome as the manga. Seriously, if the Team Rocket was even half as menacing as they are in the comic, the games would be even more awesome. Quote
Dunther Posted April 14, 2010 Posted April 14, 2010 The Pokémon Center and Pokémart have been combined into a one-stop shop, so you can buy items and heal your party all under one roof, which is a welcome change. There is also a new form of monster evolution, called "Evolution 3", but details are sketchy and nobody's quite sure what it means yet. Source: Edit: And In addition to the usual sort of visual upgrades, Pokemon Black/White will feature a battle system that, if initial impressions are worth anything, will be quite a bit more dynamically depicted than before, with the battle camera switching viewpoints depending on the action and the fighters even casting realistic shadows on the ground. (The Pokemon are still 2D sprites, though, so don't expect some kind of massive Pokemon Colosseum-style graphic upgrade.) Source: Quote
Inimitable Posted April 14, 2010 Posted April 14, 2010 Found this on tumblr. Playing the game again with this perspective is interesting to say the least. Yeah but he's still a complete dick. Quote
AlmightyArceus Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 holy crap evolution 3?!!?! that means that it evolves 3 times, no doubt? what would that be like, a pokemon...lets say, luxray, the 3rd stage and 2nd time evolution of shinx, evolved AGAIN?! what would that be like? do you guys think that its going too far--you want to stay true to how its always been--or do u welcome the change? Quote
Gollgagh Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 Yeah but he's still a complete dick. Smell ya later! Quote
Dunther Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 holy crap evolution 3?!!?! that means that it evolves 3 times, no doubt? what would that be like, a pokemon...lets say, luxray, the 3rd stage and 2nd time evolution of shinx, evolved AGAIN?! what would that be like? do you guys think that its going too far--you want to stay true to how its always been--or do u welcome the change? I really don't know, I want to know more about it. 3 seems a perfect number for evolution, so an additional stage isn't much needed in my opinion. New types would be great instead... Quote
Mirby Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 They wouldn't be able to fit in new types with existing Pokemon, without adding tertiary types. For instance, the most probable new type would be Time, but the two Pokemon that are time already (Celebi and Dialga) already have two types. This is not like when they added Steel; Magnemite only had one type (I think) at that time, so adding Steel to it was easy. Personally, I like Stage 4 evolutions... Quote
Bleck Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 the most probable new type would be COSMIC or just Space Quote
eternal Zero Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 I like the idea of having another evolution. Gives a reason to go above level 60 other than that one odd move especially when battling can set your pokemon to level 100 anyway. I don't know about new type(s) but if anything I hope they go back and change some of the previous typings at the very least. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 In all I find I don't care much for what has been revealed so far, almost all of it is fluff, and I am more interested in crunch. (changes/additions to mechanics and gameplay). I'm intrigued by the "Evolution 3" thing although I can't speculate on what it is. I can't think of anything that makes sense though. I mean if they had a 4th evolution, why call it Evolution 3 rather than Evolution 4? There's also like 8 ways to evolve pokemon. Maybe they're considering giving all existing non-legendary pokemon 3 evos? (And so this game won't have many new ones just a bunch of new evos lol). That sounds rather unlikely too, but it seems each generation there are less purely new pokemon added and more new evolutions, so who knows. Quote
Mirby Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 SO THERE MIGHT BE CHARNINATE! YAY! Actually, I like this idea a lot. Think about it. Now we might really have a winged Gyarados that isn't all RAGE! That would be cool... Quote
Overflow Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 I can't even imagine what a Gyarados evolution would look like. Maybe they'll give all the starters 4th evolutions? I wonder what a Charizard could evolve into...? Quote
Bleck Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 I mean if they had a 4th evolution, why call it Evolution 3 rather than Evolution 4? because you don't count an initial form as an evolution, since they haven't evolved yet Totodile - Initial Croconaw - Evolution 1 Feraligatr - Evolution 2 this is all assuming that we're on the right track of course Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 Ahh like in Compsci, starting from 0 instead of 1. That is an extremely sensible and simple explanation to why it would be called "evolution 3" So now I agree that getting a 4th form might be what "evolution 3" is. Quote
Hum4n After All Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 I wonder what a Charizard could evolve into...? But uh… red orange. Quote
ocre Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 I'm pretty sure "3 evolutions" refers to 3 bulletpoint innovative 'features' they talk about in the original Japanese article. Not sure of the specifics. If it turns out to be another evolution step, I think it's a bad idea. More BRANCH evolutions (a la Politoed) plz! Quote
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