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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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Just ignore the starters. I'll be birthing 3 starters for myself from the previous 4 generations on pokemon diamond, then transferring them across. The other 3 places will be black/white natives. It's way more fun to play pokemon with a completely unique starter at level 5.

Dunno if you can do it, they say old Pokémon can't be caught before beating the game, so I think that the new "time machine" will work after that too.

Dunno if you can do it, they say old Pokémon can't be caught before beating the game, so I think that the new "time machine" will work after that too.

That's no fun. I hope it isn't the case. All the starters in Gen 5 look quite lame.

But if they say old pokemon can't be caught before beating the game, hopefully that means they won't be reusing old pokemon as natives in gen 5 like they did in all the other games.


I will be ignoring this thread, /vp/, serebii and other online pokemon sources from now on until spring so I can play this game at least somewhat spoiler free. Holy shit this will be a long 7 months.

I will be ignoring this thread, /vp/, serebii and other online pokemon sources from now on until spring so I can play this game at least somewhat spoiler free. Holy shit this will be a long 7 months.

QFT. It's not going to be easy, especially if you also want to keep up to date with any events for existing games...

I like how Gearmon turns into 3Gearsmon and then 4Gearsmon.

That is lazy design even by Japan standards.

You said this and I looked, and I say it could be a lot worse.

For example, it could be exactly as you describe. Which it is not.


I've just tried the Black version! :-P

Not did much, named my trainer, taken my starter, battled with the rival (now seems to be two of them, one takes the unadvantaged Pokémon and the other the advantaged one), recieved my Pokédex, learned how to capture Pokémon, captured a Normal Pokémon, saved the game.

Also...my Pokémon doesn't get EXP, wich is an anti-piracy thing. That doesn't really matter, I wanted just a preview and anyway I'm sure that someone will fix it soon.


IMPORTERS: THIS GAME IS REGION LOCKED, IT WILL NOT PLAY ON AMERICAN DSi OR DSi XL. It will play on any DS fat or DS Lite, though. I didn't realize this before finding it out on another site because I'm playing it on a DS Lite.

Anyone mind if I don't use spoiler text for obvious non-spoiler things?

For those who are studying Japanese, at the start of the game you can select to have everything in kana or to use kanji No furigana is provided (and you can't touch for readings either as text is on the top screen). Everything is so much easier to read with kanji, though it's a bit cramped with 11 pixel fonts.

Shops are inside pokemon centers now.

The trainer battle music changes when you're low on HP. The annoying beeps are actually in rhythm to the music now. It's a lot like how the music changes in Skies of Arcadia during boss fights depending on how well you're doing.

The current villainous team (Team Plasma) is taking an interesting stance. They're saying that humans and Pokemon should live apart, and protest you "imprisoning" them in your pokeballs. Seems like Team Plasma is the PETA of the pokemon world.

You do a battle in the school in the first city ... but the classroom is perfectly fine afterwards >_< Seems as though the room-wrecking capabilities of pokemon only apply when they're in YOUR room.

=====New game mechanic=====

Tall, dark grass. In it, wild pokemon can appear in pairs. Double battles

=====First Gym=====

First gym has 3 leaders. Fire, grass, water. I picked grass as my starter, so they picked fire as the leader I had to challenge. Good thing one of the trainers in the area to the right of the city gave me a water monkey (Hiyappu)!



The trainer battle music changes when you're low on HP. The annoying beeps are actually in rhythm to the music now. It's a lot like how the music changes in Skies of Arcadia during boss fights depending on how well you're doing.

Yeah I noticed that, a really great thing; last time I played SS I was thinking that a different music instead of the beeps when your low on HP would be a nice idea, but this is awesome.

Also, when you save you see a loading bar, good.

So me and a large (small) group have convened and have come up with a tally of good (at least decent looking) pokemon vs the number of bad (at the least awful) looking pokemon.

122 Bad vs 34 Good.

Or for every 17 Good Pokemon, there are 61 Bad Pokemon.

Arguments below.

Definitely feeling this. The game has a lot of polish, but the designs of the 'mons are really disappointing.

EDIT: The evolution animation is really stupid. Your pokemon DISSOLVES and REASSEMBLES in the evolved form.

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