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At least Fox News will be telling the truth when they bag it

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Mass Effect 2.

Clearly Bioware thought that if Fox News was gonna call it a sex simulator designed to corrupt the nation's youth instead of a really tasteful classic romance with a discretion shot (As in ME1) then they might as well live up to the hype.

To be honest, that's actually sort of disturbing. :P Not the lesbianism, the hideous uncanny valley reaction from the character models.



I really don't understand why people got so bent out of shape with Mass Effect. I've seen PG-13 movies with far, FAR, more sensual and erotic sex scenes.

They're rating the games mature. What more do these dip shits want?

I really don't understand why people got so bent out of shape with Mass Effect. I've seen PG-13 movies with far, FAR, more sensual and erotic sex scenes.

They're rating the games mature. What more do these dip shits want?

They don't want the sex in the games at all.

Video games are toys for children.

Children should not know about sex until they are 25 and married.



I say it's on the parents not to get those games for children if they don't want them playing mature titles. The parents are all push-overs. I've seen it in Wal-Mart myself.

I know, I know. It's all been said.

They don't want the sex in the games at all.

Video games are toys for children.

Children should not know about sex until they are 25 and married.

unless they're 14 and want an abortion


From a consequentialist standpoint, an M rating makes sense. The only parents who pay attention at all to game ratings are the ones who would freak out over a lesbian romance. It will deter precisely the same families from the games whom the game will upset.

Ultimately, maybe we should get pissed off over whether certain families have problems with... progressive lifestyles... but not the type of violence you would find in a T rated game. However, the rating would serve its purpose.


Any time I see this or similar topics come up, I'm reminded that groups and parents and news and everyone have been challenging video games for obscene content since the 80s and so far the result has been video games that are more violent and sexier than ever (sometimes at the same time).

One has to wonder what anyone really has to worry about at this day and age. The arguments are the same but IMO they seem to hold less water every coming year. I think people are slowly starting to get it, but who knows with these things...

Children should not know about sex until they are 25 and married.

Luxury. I'll be 50 before I know anything about sex.

Penis goes in vagina, make some hip motions, voila, sex!

Or: Mouth goes on genitals, make lip and tongue motions, voila: oral sex.

You know this may explain your failed relationships


Edit: I'm sorry but it needed to be poked at

Pun intended

Double Edited: I find it amazing that no one considered the possible other plotlines that provoke metaphysical and philosophical discussion arising in ME1

1. Genocide (Is it truly right to genocide a race, no matter how "evil" it might be?)

2. The interplay between honourable surrender (As Saren attempts)) and Fighting for your Rights? Too bad this got subverted in that Sovereign had no intention of giving anyone any rights after winning, but imagine if it did...?

3. The possibility that your Hero may have just committed Treason against the people he swore a duty and oath to (The Citadel Council) so he could advance his own special interests? (if you let the council die because you think humanity should take over.) Those who think "The citadel are dicks" should remember that each soldier of the United States swears an Oath to defend the country and is only allowed to disobey ILLEGAL orders, not just stupid orders.

4. The fact that if you use incendiary or polonium rounds, you're killing people in ways that are outlawed on Earth? (Incendiary and anti personnel rounds of the kind depicted in Mass Effect are, in fact, illegal to use under the Hague convention, and soldiers are taught this- For example, Don't Use the Barrett .50 cal. against people unless you have nothing else because it's a war crime)

1. Genocide (Is it truly right to genocide a race, no matter how "evil" it might be?)

Sod off I am a Spectre.

3. The possibility that your Hero may have just committed Treason against the people he swore a duty and oath to (The Citadel Council) so he could advance his own special interests? (if you let the council die because you think humanity should take over.) Those who think "The citadel are dicks" should remember that each soldier of the United States swears an Oath to defend the country and is only allowed to disobey ILLEGAL orders, not just stupid orders.

Sod off I am a Spectre.

4. The fact that if you use incendiary or polonium rounds, you're killing people in ways that are outlawed on Earth? (Incendiary and anti personnel rounds of the kind depicted in Mass Effect are, in fact, illegal to use under the Hague convention, and soldiers are taught this- For example, Don't Use the Barrett .50 cal. against people unless you have nothing else because it's a war crime)


fitting of a gun named after me hell yeah

It's also a war crime to lay a minefield and then not mark it.

This is why United States minefields are strictly and clearly signed. It's meant to be a denial of area defence, and so if you're stupid enough to walk into one then you clearly have a reason to walk into there.

1. Genocide (Is it truly right to genocide a race, no matter how "evil" it might be?)

They bring this up in relation to the Rachni, as you'll recall. The Paragon choice is to give the queen a second chance.

I'm actually annoyed that they didn't give the option for male Shepard to have a male romance partner. Bioware often seems to go for the lesbian relationship for the sake of the peanut gallery and ignore the gay relationship that would make the situation more egalitarian. Zevran (Dragon Age) and Sky (Jade Empire) are the only ones I can think of, and they're outnumbered by Juhani (KotOR), Silk Fox (Jade Empire), Leliana (Dragon Age), Liara (sort of), and now Kelly Chambers.

They bring this up in relation to the Rachni, as you'll recall. The Paragon choice is to give the queen a second chance.

If anything the conversation with the Turian Citadel Councillor afterwards is a very funny thing. Irresponsible Captain Tylor awesome:

"How long do you think before they kill us all?"

"Awww... 3 generations, 4 tops?"

Also I am trying to think of a game studio that writes better stories but for the life of me, I don't think I can. Bioware is, as you know, an offshoot of Black Isle Studios, so the only contenders to Mass Effect I can think of are:

KotOR I and II

Planescape: Torment

Baldur's Gate II (And Throne of Bhaal- 1 was a little flat)

Fallout I, II and III

All Black Isle or Bioware, with the exception of another superlative company, Bethesda Softworks for Fallout 3.

May I add that Bethesda Softworks is great at writing backgrounds and settings (I can get lost in a modded Oblivion or Morrowind forever) but as for stories, it's not so good. Its characters are flat and boring. Bioware is about the only game company I can think of that makes me give a damn about any NPC.

And seriously- Half Life was good at storytelling, but comparing it to Bioware is an insult to Bioware. I can think of two parts of the entire Half Life franchise that made me feel for characters the way I do in Bioware games- Dr Kleiner telling people to fuck, and Alyx's dad (You all know where). That's in the middle of a LOT of content.



Well idk about all the dialog and writing, but Mass Effect is a first class game. And it's a little bit funny to me that the problem people have with is lesbianism, because as Wacky says there are so many other morally FUCKED UP issues. Genocide, being bad for the good purpose? WTF? And I'm all for kicking ass and taking names, but I've played through Mass Effect 2.5 times and I've seen less than you can see on Disney Channel. So what really is the problem? I mean, Do you ever see a pair of tits?, Is there any throbbing? OK. So what? The game makes reference to intimacy. It's psychology. The gameplay is a series of questions. What do you say when someone says this? And what you say matters! So who doesn't that apply too? It's life, and for Bioware to write that into a game is KUDOS for them. In conclusion, turning that game into a problem is fucking retarded, it's another game and very masterfully done if I might say so.

Well idk about all the dialog and writing, but Mass Effect is a first class game. And it's a little bit funny to me that the problem people have with is lesbianism, because as Wacky says there are so many other morally FUCKED UP issues. Genocide, being bad for the good purpose? WTF? And I'm all for kicking ass and taking names, but I've played through Mass Effect 2.5 times and I've seen less than you can see on Disney Channel. So what really is the problem? I mean, Do you ever see a pair of tits?, Is there any throbbing? OK. So what? The game makes reference to intimacy. It's psychology. The gameplay is a series of questions. What do you say when someone says this? And what you say matters! So who doesn't that apply too? It's life, and for Bioware to write that into a game is KUDOS for them. In conclusion, turning that game into a problem is fucking retarded, it's another game and very masterfully done if I might say so.

Well said.

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