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Yeah, time to jump on the bandwagon, here. Check it out - it's another FFVIII Laguna remix! :nicework:

Man with the Golden Machine Gun

Yeah, tear me apart, but know this - I wrote this with no intention of submitting, so if it doesn't follow any OCR guidelines, meh...

Critiques welcome!

I thought it'd be light until a few seconds in. whoa.

Being a complete novice with PxTone, I can only really say I enjoyed this.

I'm not familiar with the source but for some reason I randomly listened to this.

I dig.

Man With the Machine Gun

Battle theme of one Laguna Loire, a sometimes alternate protagonist, of Final Fantasy VIII.

Yeah, time to jump on the bandwagon, here. Check it out - it's another FFVIII Laguna remix! :nicework:

Man with the Golden Machine Gun

Yeah, tear me apart, but know this - I wrote this with no intention of submitting, so if it doesn't follow any OCR guidelines, meh...

Critiques welcome!

Why did I have to be inspired to remix this track. Cuz I hate it when other people actually make me seem good. This is sooo bad.

JK, this is actually real awesome. Chiptunes seem out of place to me - I mean...FF8 + chiptunes?? Oy, I guess FF7 sephiroth's theme + chip worked somehow. Guess it's not my cup of tea, but the rest is fine to me.


Really liked the choice of leads/synths, and I liked how it got increasingly fast-paced. Chiptunes can be worked into anything with enough thought, says I.

All in all, I rather liked this, and exceeded my expecations.

As far as submitting goes, you'll probably be panned by some for staying too conservative, but at the same time, this is really well put together.

Good job; this is great!


I would agree that it could be considered a bit on the conservative side – though not too much, I think – but if you're not going to submit it then have at it. This does sound surprisingly good mixed with chiptunes, and I'm digging the machine-gun effects you included. I don't expect they'd mean much to someone who isn't familiar with the character, regardless of source's title, but that extra touch is awesome.


Originally posted by Emperor Charlemagne

Well, everyone's played Goldeneye, and thus, everyone knows what the Golden Gun is all about.

At least, I hope so.

I hope so, too... I mean, c'mon, it IS Goldeneye, one of the best 1st person shooters of all time.

So, it looks like I'm getting a lot of good feedback on this one, so I guess I should just submit it, lol. Nothing to lose, and something to gain, so why not? If it's rejected, I guess it's simply a gift to the WIP forums (which was my original intent, anyway).

If it's too conservative for OCR, screw em' - it'll simply be an offering to you guys, instead :lol:.

Of course, criticism is still welcome, if you guys have anything else to say (quality-wise, in particular, but I'll listen to anything else, if you have anything to say).


Gario, dude, i can't believe i missed this!! Chiptune badassery FTW!

I love the overall sound of this remix. Your chiptune work along with that drum beat is very nice. I can't find anything to really complain about, and i know your not planning on subbing this, but its still very note worthy.

I can't for the life of me write chiptunes. I suppose if i spent more time in FL i could. Although the DAW i use, Mixcraft, just came out with version 5 and it can now import and export MIDI files. So maybe now i'll have an easier time with it if i try again.

BTW, I checked out your Phoenix Wright remix over on remix:thasauce and its pretty awesome as well. You electronic remixers have a knack for that kind of remix. I've tried, but no luck, lol. :)

Goddamn, there are like 5 Laguna remixes on here now! All 5 of us need to combine forces to unleash the most kick-ass Laguna remix the world has ever seen! lol


Oh, and I have an update for you all that makes my last version look like crap (also updated on the first page). Then again, that's the difference between a rough arrangement vs an arrangement that's been properly mixed & balanced, so no surprise there :P. I'm going to upload it tomorrow, unless there's something REALLY wrong with it (in which case you can give me a holler ;-)).


Double post whoring.

Gotta say your update is hawt. I shoulda done something like this (except i can't do trick drumming or chiptunes - yet). No crits from me, i'll leave that to the anal ppl.

BTW, we should post all of our Laguna remixes in one page and have ppl vote on which one is the best lol. I don't expect mine to be up there, but I'd like to do this for lols.


Well, I submit it. If it goes through, great, if not you guys'll always have this version to listen to (I think it'll pass, though - got a hunch about this one).

Oh, if there's still something wrong with it and you held out on me, I can still fix it so let me know :)!!.



Soon as everything kicks in man. It seems to me that it all clips. I doubt its my set up atm becuase other professionally mastered things don't clip this badly. Like, sometimes with some harder metal I listen to it'll get a little clippy with one or two really loud sections of the piece, and I almost don't mind it becuase of the nature of the music.

For a time stamp, :32 is where it gets most noticeable.

:46 is where it seems to get unbearable. It seemed worse to me last night, oddly enough. But every time that crazy distorted lead comes in like arond 1:13 or so. it clips more. But in general the whole thing is a little hot.

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