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That's terrible.

The problem with people that play soldier is none of them know how to rjump. It's a very useful skill.

Hence why I usually don't play Soldier!

I can get rocket jumps sometimes, but I screw them up more often than get them.


It's really simple if you face backwards. Face away from the ledge you want to reach, begin moving backwards, then jump. Just as your jump is starting, you launch a rocket downwards at an angle. Sounds weird, but it's not all that hard once you've done it a couple times. Just remember: jump, then rocket.

That's terrible.

The problem with people that play soldier is none of them know how to rjump. It's a very useful skill.

yeah it is and i cant stand how bad i am it

It's really simple if you face backwards. Face away from the ledge you want to reach, begin moving backwards, then jump. Just as your jump is starting, you launch a rocket downwards at an angle. Sounds weird, but it's not all that hard once you've done it a couple times. Just remember: jump, then rocket.

try pagoda

Wait are we seriously talking about regular rocket jumps, or is this some advanced technique I don't know about?

try pagoda


I notice that you are swinging to the left when you are trying to rocket jump. Are you using left handed viewmodels? Since the projectile exits the character model on the side of the viewmodel it will affect you jumps. If you are using right handed viewmodels you may be able to get more lateral distance by swinging to the right.


ive noticed that most soldiers go to the right but i for some reason can NOT make a jump at all when i go to the right so i always go do the left

maybe i should switch to left handed viewmodels then?

thats definitely one of the reasons i couldnt beat #3 is because i cant jump off the right side to air strafe and be in position to do the extra wall jump


Ah, harvest killing spree last night with heavy was fun. Apparently got 17 kills of constantly incoming scouts, spies, sniper and even a pyro/medic combo in that little house before I died. Haven't done something like that in a while... in fact, I've been sucking recently, so it's nice that manage to jump back up a bit.

Also, although the current map rotation is really good... it's starting to get old. I think the inclusion of an arena map in the rotation (just one) might be nice, no preference.

Also, although the current map rotation is really good... it's starting to get old. I think the inclusion of an arena map in the rotation (just one) might be nice, no preference.

Arenas are only good with 8 or fewer people, and if there are that few people, it's usually not hard to RTV to one.

I tried, but I kept running out of rockets before I got to the top :sad:

oh you need to put a plugin like jump mode on

I just had an idea actually. Would it be possible to put certain maps on the RED server but have it so that for those specific maps there would be a password (which can be listed in the first post). The purpose of this would be that if people wanted play a jump map or perhaps a 2v2 game of ctf_bball2 they could easily do so, and being that the OCR server is fairly popular it might get a few more people on it then. That'd be since since it's not much fun playing a jump map alone but with 4 or 5 people it can be a lot of fun.

The maps that I'm talking about are:



various jump maps like rj_rckteer rj_rckteeradv and jump_pagoda

When the server isn't on these maps it'd be just the same as it is now, unpassworded with vanilla settings. If the server is there I figure you guys might as well use it.

Oh and SourceTV demos on both servers would be really nice, easy to set up, and not fill up the server itself as they be automatically deleted.

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