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Hah! I beat Kotaku to the punch on this one.


Inb4: Beat Kotaku to posting something truly epic

i'm sorry i'm extremely bored please forgive me


Okay, I'm here to discuss the new map rotation. I only have minor complaints, so yeah; that's good. If you agree with me say so. That way I know these changes would be appreciated and community approved.

First is Dustbowl, followed by Turbine, followed by Gold Rush. That's pretty sick to have Dustbowl and Gold Rush that close together. Why not put Badwater where Gold Rush is now and put Gold Rush where Badwater is? I don't have the complete map rotation to work with but since we're just moving the two maps around it should be all good.

Second, pl_waste. It's a custom so it has poor server appeal and it's a custom payload so that's double trouble. Unless there are people who really do like it, I haven't seen them yet, I think this might be a good one to remove at some point. I'd complain about frontier, but I'll let that one slide...this time!

Third, can we get fastlane back on the rotation? We rtv'd there today and it was really fun. We took yukon and cp_waste out of the previous rotation so I think it's fair we add one 5CP map back. We did remove both of those, right? I haven't seen them yet so...

No matter what you guys do with the rotation, I will always have something to complain about. 8-)

Yep, Soldiers win in straight up combat. Never feel bad about retreating. Just make sure you don't turn your back to them. If you fall back steal some health or ammo to add insult to injury. Sometimes the best way to beat the heavier classes is to out think them. Try and make them run out of loaded ammo. Pick off their health little by little. Force them to deal with you every few seconds. Annoyance is a strategy. As far as running out of scatter shots, I like to take three shots and take cover. Constant combat doesn't have this benefit in which case you can switch to your pistol. It reloads faster and has a higher dps. The downside is that is lacks the spike damage of the scatter.

Also try adjusting your hardware to work better. A lot of people say that you should turn off mouse acceleration to improve your aim.

that's not entirely true. trying to play scout seriously on the OCR map rotation is near impossible. dustbowl, goldrush, and to some extent badwater is atrocious to scout on. maps where scouts do well are 5CP often people will rtv out after a couple rounds or just go scout themselves. the lack of collaboration and teamwork makes scout seems overly powerful on a map like badlands where you will get flanked every which way. this usually leads to 50% of both teams picking scout / engi or just plain rtv'ing off of it. without proper collaboration, your team will just get picked apart by a competent scout, this is made up for to some extent by the number of players and lack of maneuvering space.

in a straight up fight given enough space (let's say the size of the middle cap on yukon, perhaps a little larger) scouts should be even if not favored against a rl solly. the best place to be is in his face so he self damages himself and saves you the second shot (or third due to buff or random damage). even if he suicides to kill you, a lost solly is more damaging than a lost scout to the team (in most situations). the most difficult thing about playing scout is learning proper movement.


Second, pl_waste. It's a custom so it has poor server appeal and it's a custom payload so that's double trouble. Unless there are people who really do like it, I haven't seen them yet, I think this might be a good one to remove at some point. I'd complain about frontier, but I'll let that one slide...this time!

Third, can we get fastlane back on the rotation? We rtv'd there today and it was really fun. We took yukon and cp_waste out of the previous rotation so I think it's fair we add one 5CP map back. We did remove both of those, right? I haven't seen them yet so...

I like waste, hoodoo, yukon, egypt, junction, and pipeline. Though it seems everyone has poor taste and likes things like turbine.

Though it seems everyone has poor taste and likes things like turbine.
I like waste, hoodoo, yukon, egypt, junction, and pipeline.

Glass houses and all that right. :P

Though I actually like Waste and Junction. I'm not sure how anyone can like Hoodoo though. It's decent if you get past the first map section, but that's kind of the problem.

I like waste, hoodoo, yukon, egypt, junction, and pipeline. Though it seems everyone has poor taste and likes things like turbine.

Don't care, no, don't care, small doses only, never had a serious match on it, and yes, in that order.

Hate Pipeline.

That is all.

why do you post your opinions of what maps are good/bad and should be on the server or not YOU DONT PLAY THERE


In keeping with my trend to try and be proactive in supporting balance I'm going to start making demos of me doing the things that people complain the most about. My hope here is that at the very least, even if your overall skill at the game doesn't improve, you will be able to deal with me and my playing habits.

I give you me playing engineer on Turbine:


Powerlord is my real enemy for most of the game, however near the middle I vote scramble because it was just completely one sided and literally all it did was switch me (needs class balance scramble).

You will see me die several times and have my stuff blown up, but what most people have trouble with is keeping me from rebuilding or assuming that I'm not going to. This is one of the simplest strategies to counter. You see Powerlord do it a few times and a demo almost kill all my stuff once. You don't need a medic, but it really helps. I'm not really playing my best here, but I prefer this because it demonstrates that I can in fact be killed when doing this.

If there is no objection I also have some map design changes that would make this map more of a fight and less "lockdown the center and pick away at the enemy."

Is that the match from the other day when I kept raging? I remember finally switching to the Ambassador and sniping you from across the map.

If I was on, then no.

I haven't been on the server in over a week, iirc.

Is that the match from the other day when I kept raging? I remember finally switching to the Ambassador and sniping you from across the map.

Yes it was, and you got that shot because I was typing - I felt so stupid. It was still damn good aim though.

If I was on, then no.

I haven't been on the server in over a week, iirc.

Yes it was, and you got that shot because I was typing - I felt so stupid. It was still damn good aim though.


I find this amusing.

Also, you guys should know by now not to stop and type unless you're certain I'm not there. <.<


I find this amusing.

Also, you guys should know by now not to stop and type unless you're certain I'm not there. <.<

HLStatsX for Powerlord

Last Connect:* Fri. Mar. 26th, 2010 @ 22:31:05

That was 11 days ago.

Ubel: You weren't confusing me with Lumpy were you? I have a wide variety of hats now, so you'd probably know if I was killing you, as I'd be wearing: Trophy Belt as Sniper or Magistrate's Mullet as Spy (those being my most played classes lately).

Ironically, I may have considered joining during this map, as I remember wanting to join, seeing it was Turbine, and deciding not to because I dislike Turbine.


I give you me playing engineer on Turbine:

When I notice Ubel or any other engy playing fungineer on a CTF map I equip the Direct Hit and have a good time.

He can't leave his gear for more than 1.5 seconds lest it be molested by super fast rockets.

This also reminds me of why I can't play engineer. There is way too much downtime.


Eh, give it a couple of months until the Engineer Update comes out, then we'll see.

EDIT: Now that I've actually downloaded and watched the video...

For starters, I sound really out of character when I rage out loud a bit past the halfway mark. And even with my volume cranked up, I can't hear myself decloaking on top of your head.


Considering that pretty much everyone hates how much the Engineer is tethered to his buildings, I predict unlocks geared towards fungineering in the update, not turtling. Didn't they already try that with the Repair Node and decided "lolno"?

Considering that pretty much everyone hates how much the Engineer is tethered to his buildings, I predict unlocks geared towards fungineering in the update, not turtling. Didn't they already try that with the Repair Node and decided "lolno"?

Yea. Also I don't usually hide by my stuff, Turbine is an exception.

Usually I never upgrade anything and go offensive engy. You will notice me doing this if you pay attention. I have another video I'll upload here soon from harvest event that highlights this.

Engineer Update will be a three month long Stalemate.

Cause everyone will be turt' lin'.

Cept Aeronaut, cause he will be busy fungineering.

The one good thing that will come from this is that most people will stop playing Scout, helping class balance. At least I hope.

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