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mmkay played for a bit and I thought I'd just put what I observed from my end which are abnormal and not stuff I encountered on the normal OCR servers regardless of their lag spikes

1: being double shot by a scout when he hadn't yet shown up on my screen then just as I'm dying seeing him pop out and do the actual 2 shots

2: people consistantly running through my fire without actually being set on fire

a few things I noticed which weren't so bad but kinda odd to me were people suddenly teleporting into my nades for no apparent reason... I'd see the grenade was going to miss then suddenly they'd twitch in front of it and die in a glorious spray of kaboom and guts.

And getting hit by a crit rocket at one point and seeing it go straight through me essentially there was no way it was going to miss then it did.

To be fair, I scheduled them in the same order FireSlash listed them earlier on.

Wait what? I wasn't complaining I was just stating I could attend all of them except one.

mmkay played for a bit and I thought I'd just put what I observed from my end which are abnormal and not stuff I encountered on the normal OCR servers regardless of their lag spikes

1: being double shot by a scout when he hadn't yet shown up on my screen then just as I'm dying seeing him pop out and do the actual 2 shots

2: people consistantly running through my fire without actually being set on fire

a few things I noticed which weren't so bad but kinda odd to me were people suddenly teleporting into my nades for no apparent reason... I'd see the grenade was going to miss then suddenly they'd twitch in front of it and die in a glorious spray of kaboom and guts.

And getting hit by a crit rocket at one point and seeing it go straight through me essentially there was no way it was going to miss then it did.

Wait what? I wasn't complaining I was just stating I could attend all of them except one.

I experienced something similar in that it took me two seconds after I reached the supply locker for it to actually heal me.

My ping was pretty decent: 40


Enemy fire axes are invisible. Lots of lag whenever a lot of people die about the same time. However, the plus side is that there are no actual lag spikes. Ping is about 40-70 for me, which is where it's normally at.

Also, since when did sixto play TF2?


I should note the primary goal of testing the BABIES server is to check pings and scalability. The server in question is the bottom of the line VPS which also runs tf2stats. hence the weirdness. The one we'd be buying has more resources, and a much lower saturation count

Tomorrow we'll be testing a Frag Fest server, which ISN'T ours (One of their demo servers) but that will be fully tested as if it were what we were getting.

We also have a few other options open depending on what we want to charge for reserved slots, and how many people would actually pay.


Only managed to get on for a couple of rounds of badwater tonight but the server seemed pretty good. I think my ping was about the same as it usually was when I was able to get on the old server regularly so it wasn't bad, and played well with around 20 people on it.

As for reserve slots, I'm not opposed to paying $2 a month or something. It's a reasonable amount I think, but I can't commit to getting one anytime soon. My ability to get on in the evenings when the server is actually full has been curtailed in recent months so I'm left with playing on other servers usually earlier in the day. Hopefully things would go back to normal in a few months, but I can't see myself paying for a reserved slot I might not even get to use for the next few months.


I was on "Other team is babies!" tonight and got a ping around 80. On the old one I think I got a bit better ping. I tried connecting to "The Vanilla Pod" and got a ping spike on connection up to 500ms which leveled out to around 80.

I also had problems with things janking around and people phase-shifting through bullets and rockets and pipes occasionally. Hopefully the server we get will be better.


Ping Test



Timeout (Pinged from Command Prompt)

I think charging for reserved slots is a good idea if this allows us to cover the upkeep costs. It's not really fair to burden Bahamut with the bill, grateful as we all are.

Ping Test



Timeout (Pinged from Command Prompt)

tf2stats doesn't respond to ICMP pings. either join the server or add it to your favorites in the steam server browser.


Other Team is Babies seemed pretty stable ping wise. I personally got around 30-40ms which is about what I used to get on BLU/RED.

I however, also noticed some teleportation issues. Sometime's I'd be chasing someone to backstab them, and suddenly they disappear and are behind me shooting me to death. As well, I experienced the other side where I'd sit in a corner, someone'd shoot me, I'd move, and the hit wouldn't register for a couple of seconds. Finally, I'd be walking and strafing, and I'd jump back a few steps randomly. All of these were intermittent, but it's worth noting.

Edit: Oh, and on Turbine, I noticed when I was engie, the ammo and health pickup sounds weren't playing, but that might have just been a local glitch. This was also when the voice chat was choppy due to tf2stats updating or something I think.


ah I'll just pop in here and drop my ping while playing it was a bearable 150 which is about the ping I had when I first started playing on OCR Pav's servers er regardless of their massive lag spikes had a 20 better ping than these but I think I'd rather have a stable server than 20 additional ping so if we go with this type of server I would gladly pay for my reserve slot.


Bahamut has been paying for this server for 3 years, almost exclusively out of his own pocket, despite hardly even playing. Take a look at his sales thread if you would, and see if you can help him out by practically stealing his shit. :tomatoface:

Anyway, this solidifies the fact that we need some community support. If you enjoy playing on the OCR server please give serious thought to donating when we implement the paid reserve slots. Any continued feedback on the idea right now is appreciated. (even if you just say yay or nay it's helpful in getting some realistic numbers) I'll be contributing even though I can't play on my current computer. It's really not a lot, and if enough people contribute it will go a long way. Thanks.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who has already provided feedback. :3

Bahamut has been paying for this server for 3 years, almost exclusively out of his own pocket, despite hardly even playing. Take a look at his sales thread if you would, and see if you can help him out by practically stealing his shit. :tomatoface:

Saw that thread, and that combined with me already waffling on my previous statement since making it has lead me to take it back. Count me as being down for a reserve slot once we have to pay for them, even if I don't use it right away.


So, played a little on that Fragfest/Gamenation/whatever server. Ping was hovering around 60 with one spot of everyone getting over 100 for some reason. Still, it was smooth sailing generally.


Status update.

New server has been picked out. It's in Dallas, Texas. We ended up choosing a dedicated server because it means we can deploy it however we want, including mod servers and other games.

Everyone seems to get decent pings there as well (The server we tested saturday was also in Dallas, so your ping should be similar)

It is however a bit more expensive than before. We've moved to subscription based reserved slots. You can choose how much you want to donate per month, and cancel any time.

http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/reserved_slots.php is the current signup page (I'll make it pretty later).

I'll update the first post as soon as I get the new servers fully deployed.

[23:48] <atmuh> can someone ban gaunt for only healing sythe messiah and thats it

[23:48] <FireSlash> atmuh,

[23:48] <FireSlash> No

[23:48] <atmuh> y

[23:49] <FireSlash> Same reason we don't ban engies who build on the last point

[23:49] <Bleck> if this were a person who is new at the game I could understand

[23:49] <atmuh> um

[23:50] <atmuh> how do those equate

[23:50] <Bleck> but I am pretty sure gaunt is not a noob

[23:50] <FireSlash> Both are bad players

[23:50] <FireSlash> We ban neither

[23:50] <Bleck> I mean doing dumb things is understandable if nobody has told you to stop

[23:51] <Bleck> but if someone repeatedly built on the last point despite being told multiple times not to

[23:51] <Bleck> then they're either trolling or they are some kind of brain broken

[23:51] <Bleck> and I don't think the rest of the server should have to deal in either case

[23:54] <FireSlash> anyway

since fireslash has deemed this not worth his time I think everyone else should discuss this


Not listening to someone doesn't automatically equal trolling - sure, that could be one possible reason, but some people also don't care and just want to play a game how they want to.

I have threatened some people like exclusive combat medics bans before for not playing properly though, for what it's worth. I think it is a situation that depends on what degree someone is not listening or even not trying to communicate about it.

So, I donated. I'm usually by the same nickname when I play, so you might could pull my steam_id from that, but otherwise I forget how to find it out.

I think it's the string of numbers on the end of your Steam profile URL. Maybe.

Also what's the suggested donation rate? It defaults to $4, but $2 and $6 are also options.

Also what's the suggested donation rate? It defaults to $4, but $2 and $6 are also options.

Up to you. I left the payment open so people could choose their own amount based on their financial situation, how much they play, and what they want to donate.

Status update.

New server has been picked out. It's in Dallas, Texas. We ended up choosing a dedicated server because it means we can deploy it however we want, including mod servers and other games.

Everyone seems to get decent pings there as well (The server we tested saturday was also in Dallas, so your ping should be similar)

It is however a bit more expensive than before. We've moved to subscription based reserved slots. You can choose how much you want to donate per month, and cancel any time.

http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/reserved_slots.php is the current signup page (I'll make it pretty later).

I'll update the first post as soon as I get the new servers fully deployed.

Yeah, I subscribed, but I didn't see anywhere to enter in my Steam ID.

Won't this make the process harder?

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