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Uberchaining is the dumbest idea ever and the only reason that you should see medics chained is if one of them is under fire while healing a different class. Otherwise it's just a waste of an uber to deploy it on a medic who's already GOT an uber out--unless it's a kritzkrieg/medigun combo and even then they should be deploying on the same target rather than one medic ubering another. It's utterly ridiculous.

(the only OTHER time Medic/Medic uber is acceptable is during a zombies game.)

A smart medic IS healing everybody, builds uber faster, but then goes with a specfic pairing to push. (i.e. frogg, most demomen, frogg, soldiers, frogg as a scout, other medics to uberchain, etc)

List of healing candidates is truth. That is all.

Just my two cents on trading in game.

If you can do it quickly then fine, go ahead. If you're going to sit there for a few minutes trading instead of helping your team though, then yeah, you should be kicked. If you need that long to trade then either do it during setup throughout the game or add the person (or persons) to your friends list and get it done outside of the game. But if you're just sitting there doing nothing in game for an extended period rather than helping your team then you're directly affecting the ability of other players to really enjoy the game, just as if you were going AFK for minutes at a time.

On another note, I changed some cvars that deal with AFK/dropped players.


Default value: 65

Our value: 300

Description: How long in seconds after a client stops responding to messages before said client is dropped. NOTE: The client continues sending packets even if the player is spectating/idling. In other words, this has NOTHING to do with idling players, but players whose network connection has dropped or game has crashed.

Change: Reset to 65.

Rationale: The client times 30 seconds after the server stops responding. Even 65 seconds seems extreme, as clients will have disconnected by then. 300 seconds (5 minutes) is ridiculously long.


Default value: 3

Our value: 5

Description: How long in minutes before the server considers a player to be idling. This is not affected by admin flags, as it is not controlled by Sourcemod.

Change: Reset to 3.

Rationale: To discourage idling.


Default value: 1 (Move players to Spectator)

Our value: 1

Other possible values: 0 (Do Nothing), 2 (Kick player)

Description: What to do when the above time is reached. Note: In mode 1, if they are already spectating, it will then kick them. This is not affected by admin flags, as it is not controlled by Sourcemod.

Change: No change.

Rationale: Because Brushfire would complain if I changed it.

Uberchaining is the dumbest idea ever and the only reason that you should see medics chained is if one of them is under fire while healing a different class. Otherwise it's just a waste of an uber to deploy it on a medic who's already GOT an uber out--unless it's a kritzkrieg/medigun combo and even then they should be deploying on the same target rather than one medic ubering another. It's utterly ridiculous.

(the only OTHER time Medic/Medic uber is acceptable is during a zombies game.)

That would be Medic chaining.

Uberchaining is when two medics both have normal Medi-gun and Ubersaws... one ubers the other, who attacks other players with the Ubersaw, and then they switch roles... basically trying to create a chain of Ubers that never ends.


Uberchaining is when two medics both have normal Medi-gun and Ubersaws... one ubers the other, who attacks other players with the Ubersaw, and then they switch roles... basically trying to create a chain of Ubers that never ends.

Which is actually ridiculously effective if the other team doesn't have pyros or sentries.


It's still annoying and I like to counter it with some stickies. You may be invulnerable but you can still take falling damage!

As a Bonked-up Scout found out once. What goes up must splatter on impact.

It's still annoying and I like to counter it with some stickies. You may be invulnerable but you can still take falling damage!

As a Bonked-up Scout found out once. What goes up must splatter on impact.

It probably wore off in midair then, since Uber/Bonk blocks all damage except certain environmental hazards, like the train. Knockback still works perfectly fine though.

Although considering Bonk blocks afterburn from a flamethrower but not from a Flare Gun, it may be yet another weird bug. Meh.

EDIT: After some deliberation, I decided to craft together my Old Guadalajara and Napper's Respite, since both are pretty dirt common. Got a duplicate Mining Light. I swear the crafting system hates me sometimes.


I'm fine with the whole not calling people "faggot" thing, that makes sense, but when someone says something is "gay, and not the good kind of gay with two dudes kissing each other." and still gets in trouble for hate speech, that seems pretty ridiculous to me. Even more so since it was Scaids that said it.

The trading thing seems unnecessary simply because there is already a rule about being afk too long. If someone wants to trade in game they should know exactly what they are going in to trade for.

Now can we please talk about something actually important? Like the fact that people are making 40,000 in TWO WEEKS from royalties for Polycount Items?



I for one welcome our new Valve overlords.

But srsly, I love that Valve is doing this. As far as I know, outside of stuff like paying a few thousand for maps, this is the first time anyone has gotten paid royalties for submitting stuff to a developer and said developer using it in game.

Most developers (I'm looking at you, Activision) treat their player fanbase like shit. We're just money givers, we have no good ideas or valid suggestions.

Valve has changed that dynamic, one small step at a time - from incorporating player-given ideas (the Equalizer) to community maps to now the Mann Co Store with all the Polycount items. Not only did they take those items and implement them officially (something no other developer, as far as I know, has done for a game), but they are giving money to the item creators. That's something that I'm damn sure no other developer has -ever- done.

The trend of players making games (or stuff for those games) has been a long, wonderful tradition for PC games. Modding tools have existed for a while, but no company has ever made the step of not only officially incorporating player-made content into the game through updates, but paying the content creators for what the company made off of it.

This is has been a smashing success for Valve and the content creators. I hope other developers take notice of this event and make it less of an anomaly. Developers may make the games, but I can guarantee you they don't know the game as well as the people who play it for hours on end.

I'm fine with the whole not calling people "faggot" thing, that makes sense, but when someone says something is "gay, and not the good kind of gay with two dudes kissing each other." and still gets in trouble for hate speech, that seems pretty ridiculous to me. Even more so since it was Scaids that said it.

I pretty much agree with Paranoid on this one. Context is very important, as is severity of language. Zero-tolerance rules don't work (I should know, my mom's a teacher and I get to hear her horror stories about them) and lead to ridiculous results like the above.

For my personal view, it's pretty easy to tell if someone's genuinely intending their speech to be derogatory or hateful, and I'll deal with that immediately. If it's just the apparently-maligned usage of "gay," that's more case-by-case. I won't tolerate excessive use, but the occasional drop or use of it in a clearly goofy way like Scaids above frankly isn't something I give a damn about. However, as an admin I'm supposed to represent the server, so if someone is on and has a problem with the language even when I myself don't, I'll give the person using the language a warning and ask them to stop.

Common sense, people! It's your friend and it helps keep drama like this from exploding. And before anyone gets in a tizzy and complains that my casual acceptance of the word's usage means that obviously I'm bigoted and a homophobe: I'm not self-hating, just thick-skinned. That's my two cents on it, now let's move on and get back to playing some frickin' TF2.

The trading thing seems unnecessary simply because there is already a rule about being afk too long. If someone wants to trade in game they should know exactly what they are going in to trade for.

This. We don't need redundant rules. If someone comes in and spends several minutes idle because of trading, I'll take action. Trading itself doesn't deserve to be an offense.

Now, for Polycount: I think it's fantastic. This is a great precedent for user-created content becoming more accessible to everyone, and gives users motivation to make stuff. Developers should take note, because if they give incentives like this, there's going to be tons of new, original, innovative content that they may never have thought of. Diversity is good, especially when it encourages game companies to not be evil.


Don't forget that all but one of their flagship products has its roots in either fanmade mods (TF2, Counter Strike if memory serves), student projects (Portal) or ideas bought from another company (L4D...maybe? [citation needed]). Only Half Life was made in-studio from scratch. So Valve has a long history of being very willing to implement the ideas of others and general acceptance towards the modding community. Hell, look at Garry's Mod.

For my personal view, it's pretty easy to tell if someone's genuinely intending their speech to be derogatory or hateful,

using a word that describes a certain group of people as a colloquial adjective with a negative connotation is derogatory, whether you intend it to be such or not

example: using the word 'nigger' as a verb to describe an act of theft is derogatory, whether or not it is specifically intended to be a slur against black people

if you do not want to be accused of using hate-speech, do not use hate-speech


At this point, I'm honestly wondering whether or not we're going to get the Halloween-themed Artpass Contest map in time for, well, Halloween.

For that matter, isn't it about time our paper bag masks started working again as well? :???:

At this point, I'm honestly wondering whether or not we're going to get the Halloween-themed Artpass Contest map in time for, well, Halloween.

For that matter, isn't it about time our paper bag masks started working again as well? :???:

Did Valve ever say which Halloween?

At this point, I'm honestly wondering whether or not we're going to get the Halloween-themed Artpass Contest map in time for, well, Halloween.

For that matter, isn't it about time our paper bag masks started working again as well? :???:

I was hoping Valve would start the Halloween event earlier this year, but apparently not. Valve started it on October 29th last year, the last Thursday before Halloween. I ran through November 10th last year.

In that case, my money's on a Thursday update this year. Haven't the major updates historically been on Thursdays for the most part?

As I recall, the recent ones have been: WAR Update, Engineer Update, Mann-conomy Update...

At this point, I'm honestly wondering whether or not we're going to get the Halloween-themed Artpass Contest map in time for, well, Halloween.

For that matter, isn't it about time our paper bag masks started working again as well? :???:

I just wish valve would make all of the stupid hats (Gibus, Parasite, Paper Bag) craftable.

Oh and Valve finally let me craft a hat that doesn't piss me off to high heaven.


New TF2 Blog entry: Couldn't ya see the bloody bombs?

Basically, it's another contest, but this time to fill in the bleeps in Meet the Demoman. They're giving out awards for best clean entry, best not clean entry, and most accurate.

Edit: I'm surprised they haven't made a recipe to combine Backbiter's Billycock, Scotman's Stovepipe, and Professional's Panama to make Towering Pillar of Hats.

I'll be mad if they do, since the Panama was the first hat I ever got (and promptly crafted away since I hardly ever play Sniper), I have my own Billycock, and my friend has a Stovepipe. (Although he loathes Demoman so I could probably relieve him of it for practically nothing.) But I'd still be missing that Panama.

I'll be mad if they do, since the Panama was the first hat I ever got (and promptly crafted away since I hardly ever play Sniper), I have my own Billycock, and my friend has a Stovepipe. (Although he loathes Demoman so I could probably relieve him of it for practically nothing.) But I'd still be missing that Panama.

All three of those are fairly low popularity hats... generally considered the worst of their class hats (well... Trophy Belt is actually the least popular Sniper hat, but Panama is a close second), although that would change if they could be crafted into a Towering Pillar...

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