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Lets give Demoman a suicide weapon that can insta-kill 6 of 9 classes at full health. The downside will be HE GETS HURT TOO! Which once you're in melee range that doesn't really matter!

I hope a Festive Crate drops for me before it's all over. So I can use the free key on it instead of a standard. I want a tree hat :D

People were telling me that my tree hat was acting weird on a different server I was on yesterday, so I stopped wearing it.

I got the Festive Tree hat for my first crate.

In fact, to date, of 4 festive crates I've opened, I've gotten 3 hats...

People were telling me that my tree hat was acting weird on a different server I was on yesterday, so I stopped wearing it.

I got the Festive Tree hat for my first crate.

In fact, to date, of 4 festive crates I've opened, I've gotten 3 hats...

I got a JAG with my free key. FFFUUUUUUUU-

People were telling me that my tree hat was acting weird on a different server I was on yesterday, so I stopped wearing it.

Yeah, mine was spazzing out and vibrating like crazy too. I'm guessing it's supposed to be jiggle-boned, but the bones broke.

And I'm sure my brother will get a kick out of the reaction to his hat. :P He was even trying to hold it over my head today, though I'm not exactly broken up about it.


For those of you who didn't see it on the Steam news, the Mann Co. Store is having a hat sale, this weekend only.

Of course, if you don't buy things from the Mann Co. Store, this news is totally useless to you.

Reminder: Hats purchased through the Mann Co. Store are not tradeable.


When we were cleaning up some extra files, we accidentally blew away one of the directories that had some of the HL2 Shared files in it that are required by TF2.

BLU and RED will be back up shortly, as we're copying the data from the event server.

Damn, I'll have a lot of catching up to do once I get back to a decent computer again. (Just two more weeks...)

Also, I officially want Le Party Phantom. That thing is classy.

It looks strange when combined with the Fez (because the Fez has sunglasses)... but otherwise, it is classy.

It looks strange when combined with the Fez (because the Fez has sunglasses)... but otherwise, it is classy.

I'm torn between wanting to wear it all the time and screw the clipping issues with the Fez, or reserve it for when I'm not a Saharan Spy. Decisions...


I got a Flipped Trillby from my festive crate! I feel it's worth noting that this is the only non-event hat I have, because the hat gods hate me. And it appears to be broken -- in-game, it's an eye-searing white instead of its normal color. I have no idea if I got a painted one somehow, or if it's just bugged.

It's still the best scout hat, though.

I'm torn between wanting to wear it all the time and screw the clipping issues with the Fez, or reserve it for when I'm not a Saharan Spy. Decisions...

I wear mine all the time.

I got a Flipped Trillby from my festive crate! I feel it's worth noting that this is the only non-event hat I have, because the hat gods hate me. And it appears to be broken -- in-game, it's an eye-searing white instead of its normal color. I have no idea if I got a painted one somehow, or if it's just bugged.

It's still the best scout hat, though.

Really? Mine looked more of a yellowy white the last time I checked.

Also... best Scout hat? Whatever you say...

Scout hats suck in general. The best, in my opinion, are Bombing Run (which still doesn't look great) and that beanie.

tosslecap and bakerboy ftw.

tosslecap and bakerboy ftw.

I never really liked Baker Boy.

Oh right, unboxed two more Festive crates today and got two more hats... Pyromancer's Mask (Pyro) and Larrakin Robin (Sniper).

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