Sir Prize Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 I saw a minisentry take 2 charged shots and several regular shots before blowing up. Quite amusing. With these laser guns and all the Demoknights, only ubers (and then only ubers of people with proper weapons) are really going to be able to take down Sentries. It'll be interesting.
Powerlord Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 NOTICE TF2 NEW RED's address is changing tomorrow. It will now be at TF2 NEW BLU will be coming online as soon as I sort some things out (see next paragraph). It will be at I'm going to install a new startup/shutdown script for these servers that will apply updates, then restart the server once updates are applied. This won't fix the crash issue (all servers have crashed at least once in the last 24 hours), but it will help in cases where I'm not around to update the servers.
Powerlord Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 TF2 NEW BLU is now operational. is scheduled to be updated to point to shortly. It is also running the new auto-update script that will restart the servers as soon as a server update completes installation. TF2 NEW RED will be rebooted tomorrow morning and relocated to its new IP. I will be converting it to use the new auto-update script at that time, too. is scheduled to be updated to point to shortly. Now, since there are currently server crashing issues since yesterday's update, all 4 servers will remain operational. This way, if one server crashes, we have other servers available.
Powerlord Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 Valve may issue a late-night server patch yet tonight. We'll see if they do or not. NEW BLU should restart automatically, but the rest will need to be manually updated by me. So much for going to bed...
Powerlord Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 Valve said the update won't be tonight... and that I should go get some sleep. Anyway, RED IP updates tomorrow morning as planned. OLD RED and OLD BLU have had their identities reassigned to the new servers. Meaning that they're no longer listed in the QuickPlay system. RED emptied out completely just after I did this, so I assume it was getting quite a bit of traffic from QuickPlay tonight.
Powerlord Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 RED has completed its move to its new IP: / (Note: Just fixed a minor SNAFU that had it reporting as BLU) BLU is also listening on its new address: / As previously mentioned, OLD RED and OLD BLU are still running due to crashing issues, which are supposed to be fixed later today.
Cinderwild Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 The only proper application of Summer Shades.
Sir Prize Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 only proper application of Summer Shades. I dunno. I felt he'd like the hat.
42 Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 only proper application of Summer Shades. dunno. I felt he'd like the hat. I like the way you two think but I've always thought that there was something that went better with the pyromancer's mask, imho.
Sir Prize Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 i like the way you two think but i've always thought that there was something that went better with the pyromancer's mask, imho. Oh god. Pyro is Yoshi. It all makes sense now. ... Also, I am ashamed I didn't think of Spaceballs: The Flame Thrower. I love that movie. EDIT: Thirdly, an update just came out to optimize the polygons of the new weapons, it seems. So we'll see how this auto-updater program of PL's works in real-time! And it apparently added more cons to the cannon including a minor damage reduction and the inability to be crit boosted.
Powerlord Posted July 22, 2011 Posted July 22, 2011 Oh god. Pyro is Yoshi. It all makes sense now.... Also, I am ashamed I didn't think of Spaceballs: The Flame Thrower. I love that movie. EDIT: Thirdly, an update just came out to optimize the polygons of the new weapons, it seems. So we'll see how this auto-updater program of PL's works in real-time! And it apparently added more cons to the cannon including a minor damage reduction and the inability to be crit boosted. The autoupdater bugged out. I went to check its progress earlier today, only to find out it was reinstalling TF2. Turns out there's a bug in it that quotes an argument that, when quoted, makes it treat quotation marks as part of a directory. It's fixed now, and correctly updated NEW BLU and NEW RED afterwards. In the meantime, I manually updated OLD BLU and OLD RED (which don't have the autoupdater), so they were back up first. At the moment, all 4 servers are operational... and all 4 are being tracked on HLStatsX CE. However, I made one more tweak that causes it to wait 10 seconds between server updates to fix issues with replays not starting correctly. Oh right, here are the update notes: A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include: Shared Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Updated the localization files Team Fortress 2 - Fixed a Linux dedicated server crash caused by the Replay director ---- Crash would happen whether the server was capturing Replays or not - Fixed the Map Stamps Collection bundle missing in the store - Fixed dedicated server ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE console spam - Improved the impact sounds for the Cow Mangler 5000's projectiles - Optimized many particle effects related to the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison - Reduced the ConVar fov_desired to have a lower bound like the Replay editor - Updated the Cow Mangler 5000 to display the drawbacks in its attribute list - Updated the gamehaptics file: ---- Added recoil/draw/crit/reload forces for the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison ---- Added charge shot force for the Cow Mangler 5000 ---- Refined the Demoman's Stickybomb Launcher/Pipe Bomb Launcher reload forces - Updated the localization files
Powerlord Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Whoopee... now, instead of random crashes, we now have random points where the server just completely stops responding. I just restarted OLD RED to fix this issue there.
Powerlord Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Another TF2 update. As expected, the Cow Mangler got nerfed. Options updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. The specific changes include:Shared Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Fixed a bug in SourceTV that would sometimes corrupt demo data. Team Fortress 2 - Cow Mangler changes: - Fixed the charged shot sometimes doing more damage than intended. - Fixed a bug that caused the projectiles to stay in the world after a team change. - Slowed reload rate by 5%.
ParanoidDrone Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 EDIT: Thirdly, an update just came out to optimize the polygons of the new weapons, it seems. So we'll see how this auto-updater program of PL's works in real-time! And it apparently added more cons to the cannon including a minor damage reduction and the inability to be crit boosted. Those cons were already present, just unlisted. (The slower reload is new though.) Fun fact: The Mangler has lower base damage, but its damage rampup caps at 150% rather than whatever the norm for rocket launchers is. Unless they ninja-patched that while they were at it.
XeroZohar Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 But it's true. Engineer needs some love. Quoted for truth.
Sir Prize Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 But it's true. Engineer needs some love. I really wish I had more time to fiddle with 3DS Max at the moment, I have a couple ideas for Engineer that I want to put forward. The problem is dedicating that time to try and put together something that doesn't look half-assed.
Cinderwild Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 What are your ideas? You should at least get them out there in some form unless you really want to see it through yourself.
Necro Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 But it's true. Engineer needs some love. There we go.
Top Gun Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Oh God. One thing I mentioned in-game a few nights ago was an idea for an Engy "repair beam," something that could heal buildings at a Medigun-type distance without having to run over and whack 'em. It'd probably work as a pistol replacement, but I have no idea what it'd look like.
Sir Prize Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 What are your ideas? You should at least get them out there in some form unless you really want to see it through yourself. Well, one of them is a replacement wrench for use in the Medieval Maps... it would allow the Engineer to drop a little catapult that fires either bombs or napalm at a slow rate. Possibly about half to a quarter of the speed of a normal sentry. Keeps the engineer's building capability, but doesn't break things in his favor since it doesn't quite fire fast enough to decimate the other classes that can only use melee.
Powerlord Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 I've disabled replays on all 4 servers to see if that fixes the current server freezing / crashing issues. Can you tell I'm getting tired of the servers just crashing like that? Since it happens across all 4 servers, and some other server admins are reporting no crashes/freezes, it's either replays or something SourceMod related.
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